How do men that blossom later in life stop thinking about the lost years?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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JdelaSilviera said:
Ahaha, I love your posts really because we think likewise. How old are you? I will have to change my mentality because for now I see 25+ yo women as utterly useless (not to be cruel, they have their standards and I have mine). I rarely see a really hot girl 25+ its super rare, those who are 28 and hot will keep their shape what? 2 more years perhaps?. I also find them depressing, they are a baggage of unhealthy relationships and desperate to get married.

So in a sense, I think that guys who are late bloomers are more healthy mentally, if they don't give too much importance to their state, because they don't have damage and drama behind, a little bit like kids...
I am 26, a lot of women in their late twenty's are bangin hot but unfortunately the majority of them expect guys to have their **** together or they are looking to get married and settle down, meanwhile early twenties girls are still into having fun


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
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The first thing to remember is that it has nothing to do with you. Guys who flourish in their teens and early 20s do so because they are blessed with good looks, athleticism and the confidence and social connections that grow from that. And young sexy college girls are shallow and are always going to go for those guys.

Of course you can become super rich and go out with young sexy girls but it is basically prostitution and it will never truly be enjoyable.

The "blossoming" is actually a combination of becoming more mature as you find your place in the world and the fact that for a lot of men they do get better looking with age. Girls in their mid to late 20s and 30s sometimes grow up as well and realize that they have to compromise a bit on looks to find a guy who is interesting company and can meet their emotional needs.

I guess there is a bit of consolation in the fact that young girls are incredibly annoying and the only pleasure hot guys get from them is the sex.

So all that you have really missed out on is a lot of hot sex. Which of course is a big deal to a guy. But at the end of the day it is only sensations and ego fodder.

Plus I think a guy can only really call himself "blossomed" if he becomes less shallow and learns to appreciate personality as well as looks as then he has a realistic chance of finding happiness with a girl who is cute and sexy (without necessarily being beautiful or hot) and fun to spend time with.

But it is only male nature to feel a twinge of unhappiness when you see a hot college chick with a banging body knowing that the girls you are dating after all those years of hard work on self improvement cannot provoke even 1% of the degree of lust those college girls can.

But in the grand scheme of things you can be relatively content in life if you have a regular flow of attractive and interesting girls coming into your life and you have good friends, a good job, and interests


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I think the best thing a guy can do is to take you 1-2 grand and just blow it on smoking hot college aged escorts. That's what you really want. you weren't going to marry the hot college age girls back then. So just pay to screw one -5 of them lol.
May 26, 2013
Reaction score
The looks has GOT to **** a man up mentally. It is like when we grow into our looks and actually become attractive, take someone like Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill, or David Gandy for example, 2 guys who are easily better looking than MOST college studs but blossomed late, we don't get the same validation for it. Now I don't care how you put it, but being told you are hot, handsome, and attractive will shoot a man's self-esteem through the roofs. Unfortunately a man that grows into his looks late will never get the same validation as a teenager in high school or a stud in college because girls are so ****ing indirect after that age.

At this point I think Looks = Social Connections. I know guys who have a sharp resemblance to actor Johnny Depp and one of my friends looks like Cristiano Ronaldo, neither are studs in college. They are going to college in a part of the country which is so backwards that if you aren't a WASP or Northern European looking male, you won't experience success with the opposite sex. I hate to bring the race in but lets be honest, in America, race plays a pretty big ****ing part in your looks. There are so many White dudes I know who have plain looking faces but lift weights and are automatically considered Brad Pitts of their time.

For me, the biggest factor is indeed what I feel on the inside. The hot sex, the thrill, the validation, and the sense of fulfillment I get. My fear as a guy in his early 20s is that I will never have that. Now I have had a girlfriend before and have come a long way but I feel like the teenage years I missed out on along with the earlier part of college keep ****ing with me mentally.

It's the small stuff too which is what is so ****ed up about it. I go out and see these high school kids and college kids out with their friends, enjoying themselves, and just living life. Kids who made friends through dorms and social circles enjoying their time together and loving it. The feeling a guy must get at that age to date a hot girl.

Just that feeling of hopelessness I get that I know even though I am in my early 20s, the rest of my life will be spent slaving away at a career, having no time for relationships, and worst of all the choice of women.

Can any place in America even offer the same quality of hot girls as a college town? Like really!

From what I hear, women after college are all looking to "settle down" and the flings go away. That is not what I want. It is the feeling that no matter how much success I achieve in life, I will never get that same fulfillment from it that I would have gotten early in college.
May 26, 2013
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I get the feeling that the US is set up to make the life of women as easy and enjoyable as possible while making men suffer. When women are at their peaks (18 through most of their 20s), the idea of sleeping around, experimenting, and trying their luck with the opposite sex is promoted and even encouraged. Not to mention women have their pick of the litter, they are in college where dating options are endless and any girl above a 5 can get a guy way above her league.

When men start to hit their peak (late 20s and in their 30s mostly), there is a lot of pressure on them to settle down, be a dad, and a provider. The men that decide to deviate from that role are attacked by media and society. I never got how guys in their 30s can be "players" and yet still manage to deal with so much hate from women who are bitter that they won't settle down and other men angry they aren't living that life. Not to mention past college hot girls are 10 times harder to find and sleep with.

Some days I do get the feeling that American society has been structured to punish the guy who is a late bloomer and wasn't blessed with connections that the guy who blossomed earlier was.

They want guys like that to settle down, bend over backwards, and be providers to women who already had their fun.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
No doubt that society would PREFER that the late bloomer just "suck it up" and marry the first girl he finally gets with. Actually I was tempted to do that, but while she was a decent girl, she was a 5, and I didn't want to end up cheating on her so I broke up with her. I dated some more attractive women shortly after (high 7s), but I blew it with them due to inexperience. You need time to make mistakes with women (game-wise) and learn from them, but it's tough to do that when you start late because the window of time available is much less.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
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Mike32ct said:
No doubt that society would PREFER that the late bloomer just "suck it up" and marry the first girl he finally gets with. Actually I was tempted to do that, but while she was a decent girl, she was a 5, and I didn't want to end up cheating on her so I broke up with her. I dated some more attractive women shortly after (high 7s), but I blew it with them due to inexperience. You need time to make mistakes with women (game-wise), but it's tough to do that when you start late because the window of time available is much less.
This. And what ambitious player said. The system is rigged, there is no doubt about it. But once you are aware of it you can navigate your way out of it. It makes me angry though, when I see it for what it is. But better to be angry at seeing the trap, than to have fallen into it.

You guys in your early twenties, seriously just don't have any regrets and make the most of it. You are honestly so young, you haven't missed anything. The world is yours. Revel in your youth, your best years are ahead, honestly. It's a bit harder for us guys in our mid thirties to feel that way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Stringer_Bell said:
This. And what ambitious player said. The system is rigged, there is no doubt about it. But once you are aware of it you can navigate your way out of it. It makes me angry though, when I see it for what it is. But better to be angry at seeing the trap, than to have fallen into it.

You guys in your early twenties, seriously just don't have any regrets and make the most of it. You are honestly so young, you haven't missed anything. The world is yours. Revel in your youth, your best years are ahead, honestly. It's a bit harder for us guys in our mid thirties to feel that way.
see this is the point that i've been trying to make in the MM forum and got ripped to shreads by some trolls beucase it flys over their head

you are correct. the game is rigged. it was not always rigged but the way the game is setup now it's rigged.

there is no end game for 95% of the men out there where nothing is hard.

something is going to be hard. Yeah you say "live it up have no regrets" but if he lives it up too hard, he's going to regret that he lived it up too hard and when he's 35 he's going to be kicking himself when the dude that did not live it up is driving a new bmw 6 series and this dude is still living in a ****ty apartment.

This is what you're doing right here. Oneo f my programmers that works for me, he's kinda nerdish. H'es a "late bloomer" he's 31. He can program his ass off but he's kinda adwkard. Because he's been in school and well coding **** lol. He looks around at these guys that have girlfriends and stuff and he sees them and he's always down on himself becuase he wishes that he was them and I tell him no, what you wish is that you had your life with their ability to game women / social skills, and that's not fair because life doesn't work like that. you can't cherry pick what you want out of life. Guy makes good money, just about has his student loans paid off, he's gonna be fine. HE has a legit skillset that he's damn good at.

My point is, my friend should not have to chose. why should he have to chose between being good at a craft and having a social life. when did becoming a responsible adult make you automatically socially awkward.

my point is, there is no end game where you are 35, financially successful and wildly socially successful.

and not even talking about women for a second. you scoff at money but there is more to having money than "being a beta provider". Being able to have a nest egg, being able to have an emergency savings fund, being able to save for my son's college, being able to not live paycheck to paycheck, having a job for most people that has paid vacation, being able to travel this is **** that you don't care about at 25 that when youa re 35-, you really really care about.

but the game is rigged. there is no way to get both. if i buckle down and become the guy that can afford a comfortable life style, that guy is not attractive to "hot women" in 2014. IF i become the guy that hot women crave, i'm mortgaging my future.

Then by the time I'm actually able to get money, then work on my apparance, i'm 35 and it's too late to enjoy it.

lol it's like those basketball games at the state air you can never win. it's rigged.

there's no way to get both. I don't believe a guy should be penalized for wanting to have a nice life but guys are. Everyday. stupid fvcking broads are picking stupid fvcking dudes with no future over guys who are trying to get their **** together and be responsible adults because they are trying to find themselves.

My personal belief is that no woman, not even my wife, is more important to me that my own well being. I"m going to take care of backbreaker come hell or high water, and if that means being socially adwakrd or no poon so be it. But i refuse to be bar hoping club going 4 nights a week guy just because "That's what girls like".

I posed this question in the MM forum. it wasn't always like this. I mean, why should I have to chose?


I love me some wire lol. Ironically enough, stringer bell is exactly what women would deem the perfect man. smart but "alpha". But how many f'n business men do you know go around packing 45's lol and running drug empires lol? not many. BUt this is what women in their 20's and **** spend their time trying to find. f'n unicorns and white whales.

god i'm glad i'm married.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I grew up with a kid who is now literally a rocket scientist. When I stole the teacher's calculus tests in high school, he was the guy I had do them for me so I could copy his answers. He does top secret scientist sh!t for the air force and nasa right now, and is about to retire at age 40 with a big paid-off house. And I'm pretty sure he is a virgin. He's probably a millionaire on paper by now, but he still can't get laid. If women only cared about money, one of them would have found him by now. But obviously there is more to it than financial security. He is a late bloomer in regard to money, and should be blossoming in life right now, but it's all still lost years.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
see this is the point that i've been trying to make in the MM forum and got ripped to shreads by some trolls beucase it flys over their head

you are correct. the game is rigged. it was not always rigged but the way the game is setup now it's rigged.

there is no end game for 95% of the men out there where nothing is hard.

something is going to be hard. Yeah you say "live it up have no regrets" but if he lives it up too hard, he's going to regret that he lived it up too hard and when he's 35 he's going to be kicking himself when the dude that did not live it up is driving a new bmw 6 series and this dude is still living in a ****ty apartment.

This is what you're doing right here. Oneo f my programmers that works for me, he's kinda nerdish. H'es a "late bloomer" he's 31. He can program his ass off but he's kinda adwkard. Because he's been in school and well coding **** lol. He looks around at these guys that have girlfriends and stuff and he sees them and he's always down on himself becuase he wishes that he was them and I tell him no, what you wish is that you had your life with their ability to game women / social skills, and that's not fair because life doesn't work like that. you can't cherry pick what you want out of life. Guy makes good money, just about has his student loans paid off, he's gonna be fine. HE has a legit skillset that he's damn good at.

My point is, my friend should not have to chose. why should he have to chose between being good at a craft and having a social life. when did becoming a responsible adult make you automatically socially awkward.

my point is, there is no end game where you are 35, financially successful and wildly socially successful.

and not even talking about women for a second. you scoff at money but there is more to having money than "being a beta provider". Being able to have a nest egg, being able to have an emergency savings fund, being able to save for my son's college, being able to not live paycheck to paycheck, having a job for most people that has paid vacation, being able to travel this is **** that you don't care about at 25 that when youa re 35-, you really really care about.

but the game is rigged. there is no way to get both. if i buckle down and become the guy that can afford a comfortable life style, that guy is not attractive to "hot women" in 2014. IF i become the guy that hot women crave, i'm mortgaging my future.

Then by the time I'm actually able to get money, then work on my apparance, i'm 35 and it's too late to enjoy it.

lol it's like those basketball games at the state air you can never win. it's rigged.

there's no way to get both. I don't believe a guy should be penalized for wanting to have a nice life but guys are. Everyday. stupid fvcking broads are picking stupid fvcking dudes with no future over guys who are trying to get their **** together and be responsible adults because they are trying to find themselves.

My personal belief is that no woman, not even my wife, is more important to me that my own well being. I"m going to take care of backbreaker come hell or high water, and if that means being socially adwakrd or no poon so be it. But i refuse to be bar hoping club going 4 nights a week guy just because "That's what girls like".

I posed this question in the MM forum. it wasn't always like this. I mean, why should I have to chose?

I love me some wire lol. Ironically enough, stringer bell is exactly what women would deem the perfect man. smart but "alpha". But how many f'n business men do you know go around packing 45's lol and running drug empires lol? not many. BUt this is what women in their 20's and **** spend their time trying to find. f'n unicorns and white whales.

god i'm glad i'm married.
ha ha yeah. Stringer had it all. well i'm not about to start slinging dope (yet) so.....

i don't know man, i hear you about being married. sometimes this here game is just a f**king pain. i've considered retiring from it for that reason. but man, i get bored easily
May 26, 2013
Reaction score
What I have found to be true with guys who are good with women and get the hottest girls regardless of their wealth and interests is the fact that they have ease of access into their social worlds. The best example I can come up with is a frat boy at a big university:

- outgoing
- around a lot of girls
- ease of access to those girls (sorority girls do not date guys that are GDIs most of the time)
- grew up being comfortable around girls

Now this **** runs after college too. One of his brothers is familiar with a place, he goes to that place with the connection.

I think the biggest hurdle for a late bloomer becomes breaking into those circles. Money is not the issue, it is how you use it that is. If you are living in a city with terrible gender ratios and lack of hot women (eg: San Francisco) then you will always be fighting for the 6s and 7s who have really high standards.

The problem is that a lot of these elite white collar jobs are in places like Boston or San Fran where the money is there but the hot women are all in Miami or Austin.

To be successful in the USA, I highly believe you need an "in". Be friends with a guy that gets laid a lot, hang out with guys that have a lot of hot women in their lives, make friends with people that work at places where hot women go, and try to be a part of that crowd. Problem is that it is very difficult to do. In college for example, a lot of frats wouldn't be comfortable with an Asian guy (someone like the guys from Simple Pickup, not FOBs) gaming sorority girls in front of them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Ambitious Player said:
The looks has GOT to **** a man up mentally. It is like when we grow into our looks and actually become attractive, take someone like Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill, or David Gandy for example, 2 guys who are easily better looking than MOST college studs but blossomed late, we don't get the same validation for it. Now I don't care how you put it, but being told you are hot, handsome, and attractive will shoot a man's self-esteem through the roofs. Unfortunately a man that grows into his looks late will never get the same validation as a teenager in high school or a stud in college because girls are so ****ing indirect after that age.

At this point I think Looks = Social Connections. I know guys who have a sharp resemblance to actor Johnny Depp and one of my friends looks like Cristiano Ronaldo, neither are studs in college. They are going to college in a part of the country which is so backwards that if you aren't a WASP or Northern European looking male, you won't experience success with the opposite sex. I hate to bring the race in but lets be honest, in America, race plays a pretty big ****ing part in your looks. There are so many White dudes I know who have plain looking faces but lift weights and are automatically considered Brad Pitts of their time.

For me, the biggest factor is indeed what I feel on the inside. The hot sex, the thrill, the validation, and the sense of fulfillment I get. My fear as a guy in his early 20s is that I will never have that. Now I have had a girlfriend before and have come a long way but I feel like the teenage years I missed out on along with the earlier part of college keep ****ing with me mentally.

It's the small stuff too which is what is so ****ed up about it. I go out and see these high school kids and college kids out with their friends, enjoying themselves, and just living life. Kids who made friends through dorms and social circles enjoying their time together and loving it. The feeling a guy must get at that age to date a hot girl.

Just that feeling of hopelessness I get that I know even though I am in my early 20s, the rest of my life will be spent slaving away at a career, having no time for relationships, and worst of all the choice of women.

Can any place in America even offer the same quality of hot girls as a college town? Like really!

From what I hear, women after college are all looking to "settle down" and the flings go away. That is not what I want. It is the feeling that no matter how much success I achieve in life, I will never get that same fulfillment from it that I would have gotten early in college.
I feel you although I'm still single unfortunately, always have been, but what makes me feel better is knowing that I easily could have had a girlfriend a long time ago if I lowered my standards, it's just a matter of getting an attractive one


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Ambitious Player said:
What I have found to be true with guys who are good with women and get the hottest girls regardless of their wealth and interests is the fact that they have ease of access into their social worlds. The best example I can come up with is a frat boy at a big university:

- outgoing
- around a lot of girls
- ease of access to those girls (sorority girls do not date guys that are GDIs most of the time)
- grew up being comfortable around girls

Now this **** runs after college too. One of his brothers is familiar with a place, he goes to that place with the connection.

I think the biggest hurdle for a late bloomer becomes breaking into those circles. Money is not the issue, it is how you use it that is. If you are living in a city with terrible gender ratios and lack of hot women (eg: San Francisco) then you will always be fighting for the 6s and 7s who have really high standards.

The problem is that a lot of these elite white collar jobs are in places like Boston or San Fran where the money is there but the hot women are all in Miami or Austin.

To be successful in the USA, I highly believe you need an "in". Be friends with a guy that gets laid a lot, hang out with guys that have a lot of hot women in their lives, make friends with people that work at places where hot women go, and try to be a part of that crowd. Problem is that it is very difficult to do. In college for example, a lot of frats wouldn't be comfortable with an Asian guy (someone like the guys from Simple Pickup, not FOBs) gaming sorority girls in front of them.
This is 100% true. It's not about looks, it's about being in with the incrowd. The guys that got action at school or college weren't necessarily the best looking but they were in some team (at my school, rugby) which was perceived as cool. Girls are dumb as f**k, they just want to be accepted and hang with the popular set. It's the same reason they will drop their panties for whichever talentless, flavour of the month actor or rapper is on their screens or stereo at any particular time. Substance means nothing to them, they just like what everybody else likes. This is one thing I hate about PUA. Leaving aside the stuff about improving for yourself, blah, blah, it's about moulding your character to one which is attractive to women, but they are the absolute WORST judge of character.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Mr Wright said:
When you're young though, you don't really have the money to fully enjoy your youth. Unless you have a well paid job, in that case you don't really have the time to go out 3-4 nights a week as students do. Then once you get older, you may have more time on your hands and money but you just don't have the energy.

It's the old adage pick 2 of the 3:

- Energy(as in youthfulness)
- Money
- Time

Someone's going to be regretting something in the end, the guy who parties through is 20's will regret not having a stable job in his 30's. The grass is always greener, I wouldn't worry too much. I'm just going to kick the sh!t out of whatever I do.
Very true, very good post, I can't believe you're only 21. Speaking as a 53 year old guy, this business about energy and time is so true. As an older adult with responsibilities, it seems like when I don't have the energy, there's always something important I need to do, like fix the plumbing or something. I can't just hang around out drinking alcohol all the time waiting for some hot chick to blow through like the youngsters do.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
see this is the point that i've been trying to make in the MM forum and got ripped to shreads by some trolls beucase it flys over their head

you are correct. the game is rigged. it was not always rigged but the way the game is setup now it's rigged.

there is no end game for 95% of the men out there where nothing is hard.

something is going to be hard. Yeah you say "live it up have no regrets" but if he lives it up too hard, he's going to regret that he lived it up too hard and when he's 35 he's going to be kicking himself when the dude that did not live it up is driving a new bmw 6 series and this dude is still living in a ****ty apartment.

This is what you're doing right here. Oneo f my programmers that works for me, he's kinda nerdish. H'es a "late bloomer" he's 31. He can program his ass off but he's kinda adwkard. Because he's been in school and well coding **** lol. He looks around at these guys that have girlfriends and stuff and he sees them and he's always down on himself becuase he wishes that he was them and I tell him no, what you wish is that you had your life with their ability to game women / social skills, and that's not fair because life doesn't work like that. you can't cherry pick what you want out of life. Guy makes good money, just about has his student loans paid off, he's gonna be fine. HE has a legit skillset that he's damn good at.

My point is, my friend should not have to chose. why should he have to chose between being good at a craft and having a social life. when did becoming a responsible adult make you automatically socially awkward.

my point is, there is no end game where you are 35, financially successful and wildly socially successful.

and not even talking about women for a second. you scoff at money but there is more to having money than "being a beta provider". Being able to have a nest egg, being able to have an emergency savings fund, being able to save for my son's college, being able to not live paycheck to paycheck, having a job for most people that has paid vacation, being able to travel this is **** that you don't care about at 25 that when youa re 35-, you really really care about.

but the game is rigged. there is no way to get both. if i buckle down and become the guy that can afford a comfortable life style, that guy is not attractive to "hot women" in 2014. IF i become the guy that hot women crave, i'm mortgaging my future.

Then by the time I'm actually able to get money, then work on my apparance, i'm 35 and it's too late to enjoy it.

lol it's like those basketball games at the state air you can never win. it's rigged.

there's no way to get both. I don't believe a guy should be penalized for wanting to have a nice life but guys are. Everyday. stupid fvcking broads are picking stupid fvcking dudes with no future over guys who are trying to get their **** together and be responsible adults because they are trying to find themselves.

My personal belief is that no woman, not even my wife, is more important to me that my own well being. I"m going to take care of backbreaker come hell or high water, and if that means being socially adwakrd or no poon so be it. But i refuse to be bar hoping club going 4 nights a week guy just because "That's what girls like".

I posed this question in the MM forum. it wasn't always like this. I mean, why should I have to chose?

I love me some wire lol. Ironically enough, stringer bell is exactly what women would deem the perfect man. smart but "alpha". But how many f'n business men do you know go around packing 45's lol and running drug empires lol? not many. BUt this is what women in their 20's and **** spend their time trying to find. f'n unicorns and white whales.

god i'm glad i'm married.
Is that 31 year old guy a virgin?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Ambitious Player said:
What I have found to be true with guys who are good with women and get the hottest girls regardless of their wealth and interests is the fact that they have ease of access into their social worlds. The best example I can come up with is a frat boy at a big university:

- outgoing
- around a lot of girls
- ease of access to those girls (sorority girls do not date guys that are GDIs most of the time)
- grew up being comfortable around girls

Now this **** runs after college too. One of his brothers is familiar with a place, he goes to that place with the connection.

I think the biggest hurdle for a late bloomer becomes breaking into those circles. Money is not the issue, it is how you use it that is. If you are living in a city with terrible gender ratios and lack of hot women (eg: San Francisco) then you will always be fighting for the 6s and 7s who have really high standards.

The problem is that a lot of these elite white collar jobs are in places like Boston or San Fran where the money is there but the hot women are all in Miami or Austin.

To be successful in the USA, I highly believe you need an "in". Be friends with a guy that gets laid a lot, hang out with guys that have a lot of hot women in their lives, make friends with people that work at places where hot women go, and try to be a part of that crowd. Problem is that it is very difficult to do. In college for example, a lot of frats wouldn't be comfortable with an Asian guy (someone like the guys from Simple Pickup, not FOBs) gaming sorority girls in front of them.
yup I believe that is social proof


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Ambitious Player said:
having your bros pat you on the back and tell you that you are the ****
You are doing this for the wrong reasons. There is no one in the world that cares about you. Everyone cares only about themselves.

Sometimes there will be no one who knows other than you and the woman, because you will be making friends with her boyfriend in order to remove suspicion and protect her reputation. This is a great outcome. In doing so, you are subcommunicating to all other women that you will have sex with them without jeopardising their existing relationships and orbiter benefits.

You will probably never get the recognition you seek from your bros. You will instead have to seek consolation in the repressed anger and barely concealed envy of the beta males around you. In fact it is because you are not a frat guy or a bro that the guys around you will be so angry. You are upsetting the "natural" order of things and it makes them mad!

There is no greater feeling than to outgame an "alpha male" frat guy despite the fact that he had every single advantage and you had none.

backbreaker said:
my point is, there is no end game where you are 35, financially successful and wildly socially successful
By 30, I had enough money that I could travel in exotic countries with beautiful women for 10 years off my savings, and I had enough social intelligence that I could have sex with some of these women. My secret is drive, ambition, intelligence, and an extremely high resiliance to repeated and humiliating failure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Turuwal said:
You are doing this for the wrong reasons. There is no one in the world that cares about you. Everyone cares only about themselves.

Sometimes there will be no one who knows other than you and the woman, because you will be making friends with her boyfriend in order to remove suspicion and protect her reputation. This is a great outcome. In doing so, you are subcommunicating to all other women that you will have sex with them without jeopardising their existing relationships and orbiter benefits.

You will probably never get the recognition you seek from your bros. You will instead have to seek consolation in the repressed anger and barely concealed envy of the beta males around you. In fact it is because you are not a frat guy or a bro that the guys around you will be so angry. You are upsetting the "natural" order of things and it makes them mad!

There is no greater feeling than to outgame an "alpha male" frat guy despite the fact that he had every single advantage and you had none.

By 30, I had enough money that I could travel in exotic countries with beautiful women for 10 years off my savings, and I had enough social intelligence that I could have sex with some of these women. My secret is drive, ambition, intelligence, and an extremely high resiliance to repeated and humiliating failure.
I was a millionare almost 3 months before my 22nd birthday. Everything that I did got fast tracked. I got over the hump 10 years early. i got tired of spinning plates by the time i was 24 and i got married when i wsa 28.

but you and I aren't normal.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I was a millionare almost 3 months before my 22nd birthday. Everything that I did got fast tracked. I got over the hump 10 years early. i got tired of spinning plates by the time i was 24 and i got married when i wsa 28.

but you and I aren't normal.
Damned straight!

But seriously though, there are a few very simple things that men can do to improve their lot.
- stop wasting money on useless crap
- stop wasting time on TV and video games
- stop wasting energy on low interest level girls
- stop making excuses

I have no sympathy at all for anyone who complains about lack of success while still doing any of the above.