Why is it that....


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
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.... when you aren't 'gaming' a girl, I mean when you genuinely don't care one way or another about what happens, you can break all of the 'rules' of game and still have them lusting after you like crazy.

If there's a girl I want to like me I will implement at least the basic tenets of game, but there are some girls who are so clearly into me that I will, just for fun, break all the rules and say the most random, ridiculous stuff imaginable. Admittedly, sometimes when I'm telling them how much I like them or how pretty they are, I'll sometimes start laughing. It just becomes about me entertaining myself, more than any attempt to get anywhere with them.

I'm not even trying to be deliberately cruel, it's just funny as hell sometimes as well as alarming to act like a complete jerk and see them get more and more into you. It's disappointing actually and just makes me more cynical.

I think I was telling some very liberal girl the other day (who is into me) how I supported apartheid (I don't support it at all, I just wanted to see how far I could push it). Clearly what I was saying was abhorrent to her, and rightfully so, but it wasn't enough to make her attraction turn to disgust. This s*** is unbelievable to me.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
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I have dated a few girls that I wasn't really very interested in, and they ended up really liking me, I mostly adopt the same attitude if I'm really interested in one. When you put her on a pedestal because she is hot and you act different, she will often lose interest. I'm not mean or cruel to the ones I don't really like, I just say what I want without worrying about it. So far so good with this strategy.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Well once I texted my ex when she was at work "Babe, I pooped in the sink." She calls me saying "what?"

I then made up a story about how it was an emergency poop, and the kitchen sink is half way to the bathroom, so I just went in the sink.

She then asks "Well why don't you clean it up?" I said "Because, its gross, can't you do it when you get home?" She said "fine."

She came home, goes straight to the sink, and I'm like :crackup: :moon: .

"you seriously believed me?" her "yeah." me "you were going to clean my sh!t out of the sink?" her "yeah." me "wow." :crazy:

A woman that has high interest in you, will move mountains, and clean up your poop.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
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noobolgy said:
Well once I texted my ex when she was at work "Babe, I pooped in the sink." She calls me saying "what?"

I then made up a story about how it was an emergency poop, and the kitchen sink is half way to the bathroom, so I just went in the sink.

She then asks "Well why don't you clean it up?" I said "Because, its gross, can't you do it when you get home?" She said "fine."

She came home, goes straight to the sink, and I'm like :crackup: :moon: .

"you seriously believed me?" her "yeah." me "you were going to clean my sh!t out of the sink?" her "yeah." me "wow." :crazy:

A woman that has high interest in you, will move mountains, and clean up your poop.
I don't even know what to say to this. Mind blowing.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Stringer_Bell said:
.... when you aren't 'gaming' a girl, I mean when you genuinely don't care one way or another about what happens, you can break all of the 'rules' of game and still have them lusting after you like crazy.
Because not giving a f*** is like catnip to vagin@s, and girls stick to self belief like sh*t sticks to a picnic blanket. It should be the first thing a father teaches his son, yet here I am in my late 30s only just getting it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Because attraction trumps all. You can give her mom a Cleveland Steamer on Xmas day, and she'll think it's cute and sassy if she digs you.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
There's a lot of truth in this. It defies all logic, but women seem to go for guys who aren't interested in them, or are maybe a LITTLE interested but not enough to lose sleep over it.

Trying to maintain an air of cool detachment around a woman you really like is not easy, it's completely unnatural, but in most cases it's probably your best strategy. Take it from someone who's driven away plenty of women by being too interested, and attracted plenty of others by hardly being interested at all.