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  1. S

    Is it me or my friends?

    Quick background: I’ve always preferred being alone for the most part. I’m an introvert at heart and quickly feel displeased with most people. Particularly if I can sense they’re fake zombies walking around just following trends, being close minded, not interested in anything beyond what’s...
  2. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    I agree. Definitely seemed like she dug up any negativity about me and those two things were only things she could find. Makes me feel good though, shows her true shallow ways. I'm sure she'll find someone with money and can "socialize" but won't be compatible any other way. Amazes me what...
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    Update: A friend saw my ex on a dating site and said her profile mentions wanting a guy who makes at least 50k a year and can hang with her friends (referencing how I was friendly to them but wasn't all that interested due to me being more of an introvert) Funny thing is her friends constantly...
  4. S

    Weird ass coincidence or? To everyone who's dated an AW

    If you look up Gemini female personalities they all say they're pretty much the hardest of the signs to keep long term. They're an air sign which means they're always wandering and very indecisive.
  5. S

    Weird ass coincidence or? To everyone who's dated an AW

    I can't imagine these types will ever be in a healthy relationship? Or at least a long term one
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    Weird ass coincidence or? To everyone who's dated an AW

    Just read up on ESFP personality types. I think this was what my ex was. The thing that really stood out was this: "People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the...
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    Weird ass coincidence or? To everyone who's dated an AW

    To the guys that have dated and had problems with attention wh0res and/or women that seemed to have BPD, do you know what their sign was? My ex was a Gemini and I've noticed 90% of the women on dating sites are geminis and their traits are VERY similar to what I experienced and they seem to...
  8. S

    "Butter face" woman keeps pursuing

    Her face has masculine attributes and noticeable acne scars. I'm sure she's attractive to other guys I'm just not feeling it. Of course though she seems to have a good personality.
  9. S

    "Butter face" woman keeps pursuing

    So if anyone has read my other recent posts, I was recently dumped. Been trying to spin plates but I'm not in the mood to be honest. Still confused about the ex situation but I'm pushing through it. Anyway this one girl keeps pushing to hang out and texts often (which I have to say is...
  10. S

    Boundary crew needed...

    It can be argued forever that if a boundary is going to work there needs to be enough attraction and respect. But if a woman doesn't know what you will or won't accept she's not going to respect you the way you'd like. That's that. Set a boundary or don't but defining them out seems like a...
  11. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    I still agree with setting boundaries even though mine made my ex get pissed and defensive stating I simply don't like her personality. Which to me sounds like she knew she was wrong but did not want to own up to it. Also been talking to a new girl and she mentioned a crazy ex who'd constantly...
  12. S

    Boundary crew needed...

    Perfect /thread
  13. S

    Can someone explain difference for me

    Happy turkey day everyone. I'm looking to learn exactly how to communicate emotionally and not logically with woman like everyone always seems to suggest. It confuses me in different contexts as to how exactly you do this. Can someone provide examples on the matter or a guideline that...
  14. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    I get what you're saying man, but I only brought up that "boundary" after I noticed the bad behavior. Before that it was still a "boundary" to me just not verbalized, so essentially it was your method. I decided to verbalize it so she now knows, which for me was a way to say look maybe you...
  15. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    Honestly setting that boundary made me feel more like a "man" than if I hadn't and simply walked away. I see both arguments but I have to go with the idea of a boundary. Granted it may give a woman a way out (oh I know what to do now to push his buttons and make him split/get angry etc) but the...
  16. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    Agree, although in retrospect on the first few dates she did mention her "bubbly" personality and how some guys don't like it. At the time I didn't think much of it as I didn't know it would turn into something exclusive down the road. Maybe she had low interest, maybe she was fed up with guys...
  17. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    So these women are convinced they'll just find someone who'll put up with their "personality"? Btw first girl I ever dated like this so it's all new to me.
  18. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    Hmm interesting. What's confusing now is when I made a thread about this the consensus was I shouldn't have talked it out/set a boundary because that would lower her attraction, but rather I should have displayed in my actions (flirt with other girls in front of her) hoping she'd see and then...
  19. S

    How to go about setting boundaries?

    In spite of recent circumstances concerning a boundary, I'd like to chime in. I made a thread about this but the quick gist is this, my ex was flirting with co-workers in my presence during a party. The following day I brought it up and simply stated I'd like that in my presence she not do...
  20. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    Is it worth getting back with this one if she even does try coming back? I mean outside this little issue everything else was better than most relationships I've had. I know most will say never take back an ex but this one is confusing for sure.