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  1. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    So I guess this really bothered her because she brought it up again. It appears she's only seeing it as me not liking who she is, so she ended things saying she wants someone who'll accept her personality just the way it is. I have to say I'm confused here, I thought in a relationship you...
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    Nice. Unfortunately in that particular instance for me all the females there were with their bfs or husbands. Only two single dudes were present. But good thing to keep in mind.
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    So you're saying whenever a girl does something you don't approve of the only thing to do is walk away and hope she figures out why you did?
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    That's what I did that night into the morning until she asked if everything was ok because I seemed distant. If I didn't explain how would she have known what bad behavior it was?
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    Good response but I honestly don't think it was insecurity and/or beta. If I hadn't said anything and just allowed it to happen that's "alpha"? So if I see her sucking another guys d*ck the alpha thing to do would be to clap and congratulate her? I mean I get what you're saying but I simply...
  6. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    I understand how talking about it would come off as insecure, but I was calm and only mentioned how I basically thought it was rude behavior. To me it was like a warning that I won't tolerate that without overtly saying so. Now if it happens again she won't be left confused as to why I decided...
  7. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    When she introduced me to him as her bf, I shook his hand hard while making eye contact. It wasn't until she was a bit tipsy that he started the flirting. During that I had her next to me while my hand was on her ass and her waist pulling her against me. Then I left the room when her behavior...
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    No I just feel it's an unspoken thing out of respect to not flirt when the significant other is around. Am I wrong for thinking that?
  9. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    I didn't get butt hurt I just didn't like she was flirting in front of me. Are you saying it was best I didn't tell her what she was doing wasn't something I'd put up with? I think I have a right to mention when certain behaviors don't agree with what I expect. So if it were you in this...
  10. S

    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    How did I fail a sh*t test? You're saying I should have just let her get away with that behavior?
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    How'd I handle this situation with gf

    we had a little party two weekends ago and most of her co-workers showed up. One guy in particular was being a little too flirty and she was acknowledging it but not so much engaging. I thought this was unwarranted behavior as I was present. I avoided her pretty much entire night and she...
  12. S

    Experiment - women are superficial

    I made a blank okc account with no pictures and sent out a copy and pasted message. To my surprise I was getting way more responses than when I had pictures a filled out profile. It piqued their curiousity and they saw me as mysterious. Then I decided to google image a guy of my race with...
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    Relationship question

    What if you both live an hour away from each other? Which is the case. That's why we only see each other twice a week
  14. S

    Relationship question

    Yes I'd do this when dating randoms, but also in a relationship?
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    Relationship question

    Yeah currently it's about 3-20 times a day. Sometimes I won't hear anything from her till she's out of work then get a text saying she misses me or just asking how I'm doing
  16. S

    Relationship question

    Ok guys, it's been a while since I've been exclusive to one girl. My question is, what's considered a normal amount of communication throughout the day with them via texts mostly. Currently we only see each other 2-3 times a day so the rest of the week is just is keeping in touch through...
  17. S

    Do woman change with new man?

    This is why when first meeting a new woman, I very very vaguely talk about myself and interests and direct it at them. I let them say what they're into etc and then give my opinion, if they bend to appear more similar in interests I see it as a red flag. If they are adamant about their...
  18. S

    Called misogynistic when I offer advice

    So lately whenever any theory about women's behavior or even just asking advice about dating etc, I've been called misogynistic due to what I've learned off here as well as various articles that state the truth about how things really are. At first I was taken back, like whoa I don't hate...
  19. S

    Being a handy man not as attractive anymore?

    I'm glad everyone is discussing this and contributing. I'd like to add, yes be very cautious about telling a girl you're handy as some will most likely just use you to get jobs done cheaply or for free. Also, noticed my friends who aren't handy and try to be "manly" by just eating a steak...
  20. S

    Being a handy man not as attractive anymore?

    True but it's rare that they're impressed or find it hot. They do exist but I don't think as much as they used to. My gf comes from a family of men who were all handy and had careers in things such as fixing machinery etc so to her she finds it extremely sexy that I have that ability. But...