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  1. S

    Being a handy man not as attractive anymore?

    I do I do lol. I've always like fixing/tinkering with things. And always been a loner about it, somehow ended up with friends who have no interest in it. Which is why I started this thread. They've dated some pretty decent looking women but have been helpless in times they could have stepped up...
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    Being a handy man not as attractive anymore?

    I'm in same position and my current gf loves how handy I am. However, when I was single and dating none seemed to care as they were too concerned with image and status. I see this with all of my friends. None are handy and rely on others for that skill. But their gfs don't seem to mind that...
  3. S

    Being a handy man not as attractive anymore?

    Has anyone else noticed that more women just don't care if a man is "handy" or "good with his hands" anymore? I find they're more into the guys who can dress better than them and make funny posts on social media. I remember growing up seeing the guy who was versatile with tools and could...
  4. S

    Gf got a major hair change, now I'm not as attracted

    Agreed. Long hair that's up looks 100x better than short hair. Guys it's getting worse, she's been getting a lot of compliments on it and mostly that I've noticed have been from older women! Approaching her and asking about it laced with a compliment. She's never been complimented on her...
  5. S

    Gf got a major hair change, now I'm not as attracted

    She's actually not chunky, she's pretty fit with a nice body. She says she's always had long hair and wanted to try it. Well it definitely doesn't do it for me and it sucks, makes her look too intimidating.
  6. S

    Gf got a major hair change, now I'm not as attracted

    Yeah I told her it wasn't hideous but I definitely preferred how it was before. Problem is, now she's getting a ton of compliments from people even strangers about her hair so I know she's going to be reluctant to grow it out anytime soon.
  7. S

    Gf got a major hair change, now I'm not as attracted

    So my current gf recently changed her hair drastically, cut it super short and changed the color. She doesn't look so "wholesome" (my personal preference) anymore but more on the intimidating side. I've noticed that it made me not as attracted and my desire to sleep with her has faded a good...
  8. S

    Help - I lose sexual interest when emotions are involved

    Yeah I've done that where I mentally tell myself to fvck her like a slut and it works but I just find it interesting that once I've gotten to know a woman more and my initial view of her as a sexual object starts to turn into she's a human being I lose that sexual motivation to fvck her silly...
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    Help - I lose sexual interest when emotions are involved

    I just feel once emotions are involved I can't treat them like "sluts" in the bedroom. Maybe too much porn lol
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    Help - I lose sexual interest when emotions are involved

    No I lose attraction. It's odd it's like when they start being more than just "sex objects" I lose sexual attraction
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    Help - I lose sexual interest when emotions are involved

    Is this normal? I noticed I lose sexual attraction for a woman when I start caring about her or we start to connect more. It's always happened as far back as I can remember and it makes me want to be unfaithful with a stranger or someone I'm not that invested in. Am I doomed to be single?
  12. S

    Girl I'm dating is WAY too friendly with strangers

    Should I have not brought it up to her? She's different in the normal sense of "daddy issues" she actually has a good relationship with her father but hates her mom/had a tough upbringing from her. Wonder if that has any say into the way she is
  13. S

    Girl I'm dating is WAY too friendly with strangers

    Exactly I simply withdraw, I don't even engage in the interaction I just walk away or let something else catch my attention usually so far from what I've been exposed to.
  14. S

    Girl I'm dating is WAY too friendly with strangers

    Great response, thanks. Quick things, she's in her early 30s, she's told me more than I've witnessed about how she strikes up conversations with anyone including guys. She's mentioned putting the brakes on guys who try to advance from her friendliness. She claims she can handle herself in...
  15. S

    Girl I'm dating is WAY too friendly with strangers

    She's very outgoing and strikes up conversations with anyone, which ultimately means guys as well. I noticed that most of these guys are taking it the wrong way as if she's initiating flirting or showing interest. She wants to go out to a local bar this upcoming weekend and I have a feeling...
  16. S

    Little confusion after reading Book of Pook

    Great replies but still, here's how I see the dynamic and the shift: You come across/have the vibe as the prize. Approach woman, exchange numbers. She's thinking (if you have the right vibe) wow he's a catch. You then contact her, she sees unconsciously as now SHE'S the prize because you're...
  17. S

    Little confusion after reading Book of Pook

    Yes the way I viewed it as chasing is texting/initiating a date. I feel just texting a woman is going to make her feel as she's the important one/the "prize" So how can you view yourself as the catch if actions like that would show otherwise since she's most likely used to being asked out, texted?
  18. S

    Little confusion after reading Book of Pook

    Ok so one section that really stood out and changed my perspective was the one about viewing yourself as "the great catch/prince" that women compete for. It hit home with how it changes your qualities/actions. But here's the confusion, isn't it a little contradictory that you view yourself...
  19. S

    Girl Asked for Text Reminder

    Glad it turned out well, my two cents: 1. It was either a sh!t test OR she has dealt with a lot of guys blowing her off in the past, I dated a girl who experienced this and she needed constant affirmation and I knew it wasn't a power move. She was insecure about it. 2. If a girl says that to...
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    Seems like so much to remember! Any tips/simple mantras?

    So I read the DJ Bible finally and it was great. Lots of useful advice, but it did make me feel a bit overwhelmed and as if I had to memorize all the information in order to be completely successful in this area. Do you guys have any tips on how to retain the information in a short and sweet...