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  1. S

    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    I just got a text from her this morning "come by for 7:30 tonight. You're such a pain :)"
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Good input I'm more aware now that girls are trying to control the situation. Here's another text example: Me: if you haven't seen (name of movie) I'm buring it to DVD today. I'll come by for 7:30 and we can watch it Her: I can't today :-( Maybe tomorrow Me: Maybe? Tomorrow? F*ck that. I'll let...
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Ok, I'm getting that I need to be more assertive and not ask for permission. Here's another example from a woman I was only sleeping with that I haven't seen in a few months because I wouldn't give in to a relationship so she called it quits. Me: Are you home tonight? Her: Yes, relaxing...
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Update: She contacted me this morning saying a later show would be best. So we agreed on a 9:35 showing. She said I could go by her place around 8. Now only thing I'm dreading is the rampage of arrogant teenagers who'll most likely be there as it's playing at a local mall. I've encountered...
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    Women feel at ease with me and say I'm approachable, but

    I'm never approached by any women. This is the third time I've had a woman who I'm hanging out with tell me that I give off a comfortable/approachable vibe. I prayed a little and she said it's in my eyes. Thing is, I'm never approached ever. So I don't get it It would be cool though lol
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    How do you not give a f*ck what others think

    This is interesting. Maybe I am unconsciously seeking validation. How do you recommend I get past this?
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    How do you not give a f*ck what others think

    I think it's rooted into my personality from being brought up around judgemental friends and family who loved to gossip.
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    How do you not give a f*ck what others think

    Ok guys, I'm greatful for the help in my other thread I figured I'd ask about another weakness of mine. I seem to care too much what other people think of me or how I'm coming across even if I'm not particularly addressing them. For example I find myself stifled when tryin to talk to...
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Ha it's true. That little tidbit helped my mentality a lot. It's funny how seeking advice from the right people helps. My friends have been going at it all wrong and their suggestions were to be funny/send cutesie pics. Makes me wonder how they even landed girlfriends/wives.
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Good tip. I'm now realizing I can just drag/delay a response with interjecting that I'm going to do something if she wants to join.
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Ok I just tried this. Amazed Me: I'm going to see that American Hustle movie for the 7 o'clock show. Tag along Her: I want to see that too! But wait, can you wait till Friday?? Me: Hmm. I'll wait if you buy my ticket Her: Haha deal! My question now is, do I contact her Thursday night to...
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    Nice. Never thought to invite them along to something I'm planning on doing already. Seems like it takes a lot of the pressure off.
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    So I should just assume she's free on the day and time I suggest? I shouldn't ask what her schedule for the week is first?
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    So what should I do, just text "let's get together on this day and this time" or try calling?
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    Need help, I'm needy through texts but not in person

    So I've been practicing meeting new women and it's been going ok so far. I'm now realizing some of my weaknesses and where I need to focus on. My biggest problem is I come off needy and desperate when I'm reaching out trying to set something up. Sometimes I get caught up in the texting bs...
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    Does NOT pursuing women ever work?

    Here's one of his videos, he had a lot more but has seemed to take them down, this video is one from many of the series he called "How to avoid being a creepy pursuer of women" but he deleted most of them.
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    Does NOT pursuing women ever work?

    Anyone get into Brent Smith's stuff? Seen a few YouTube videos and he talks extensively about never pursuing. Says to give your number and have women do all the chasing and to never ever reach out first. He claims it's the best way to never feel rejected and stand out from the crowd, but...
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    Better at making women fall in love than picking them up

    Great advice. Been doing that since this post, not just with women but men too. Getting used to starting casual convos with strangest. But how exactly do I go from casual small talk to more? Just ask for their number?
  19. S

    Better at making women fall in love than picking them up

    That's the problem I'm not good at picking them up to be able to spin plates. I'm better at after the fact. Usually if introduced from a friend or something.