Better at making women fall in love than picking them up


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
Just as title says, I need help with pick up. The whole acting aloof and playing the game at the beginning is my weakness, but once I get past that (sometimes by luck) I'm good at sweet talking and keeping a woman around to the point they always fall head over heels for me.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Spin plates.

In the beginning of the game, no woman deserves your undivided attention. :up:
That's the problem I'm not good at picking them up to be able to spin plates. I'm better at after the fact. Usually if introduced from a friend or something.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
OP: I did the same thing , in fact most high quality women I ve been with , I made the interest in them first without pickup them , you can call it slow seduction.
but what is your question exactly ?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
SeeThruIt said:
That's the problem I'm not good at picking them up to be able to spin plates. I'm better at after the fact. Usually if introduced from a friend or something.
I guess you need to start from scratch then and learn how to approach. I would suggest casually chatting with every attractive woman you see. Just say stupid sh!t like:

"Cold out today right?"

"That's a nice coat you have on"

"Where is a good burger place around here?"

Just casual stuff. Do this every day. Then start closing.

Spinning plates to me isn't just dating or f*cking multiple women. It also means keeping your options open instead of just putting all your energy into one woman and ignoring others.

Even if you have a few plates you should be gaming new women. Never stop. :up:


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
I guess you need to start from scratch then and learn how to approach. I would suggest casually chatting with every attractive woman you see. Just say stupid sh!t like:

"Cold out today right?"

"That's a nice coat you have on"

"Where is a good burger place around here?"

Just casual stuff. Do this every day. Then start closing.

Spinning plates to me isn't just dating or f*cking multiple women. It also means keeping your options open instead of just putting all your energy into one woman and ignoring others.

Even if you have a few plates you should be gaming new women. Never stop. :up:
Great advice. Been doing that since this post, not just with women but men too. Getting used to starting casual convos with strangest.

But how exactly do I go from casual small talk to more? Just ask for their number?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
SeeThruIt said:
Great advice. Been doing that since this post, not just with women but men too. Getting used to starting casual convos with strangest.

But how exactly do I go from casual small talk to more? Just ask for their number?
Only close women who WANT to talk to you. If you get a lot of resistance just walk away. Attracted women will help you out. :up:

Use this sample conversation as a template:

YOU: That's a nice coat you have on.

HER: Thanks!

YOU: Where did you get it? I might buy one for my sister/friend/cousin.

HER: Blah blah blah

YOU: So where are you from?

HER: Blah, blah, blah

YOU: I heard most women from that place are really into porn. Is that true? (Get really close to her face and whisper this like its a secret. Touch her arm or back while you do it :yes: )

HER: No! Who said that? (or maybe she will say how did you know??!!)

YOU: Nevermind. Lets grab a drink together sometime soon. What's your phone number?

:up: :up: