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  1. B

    Salvagable or next her?

    You may have played up the "funny guy" bit a little too much. But I don't think this is completely shot to hell. Honestly you're going to have to feel the situation out when you see her next. See how she's acting towards you. And don't get too drunk this time so you can be a little sharper.
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    Not sure how to handle this girl

    A week or so ago I made a thread about my ex LTR contacting me. She hasn't contacted me again yet, but she will eventually, as she always does. In the mean time however, I'm not gonna be some mope and sit around doing nothing. So I've been continuing to hang out with other girls. Well...
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    Your GF at a club

    Uh this is like barely even a relationship. If you'd been with this girl for a few years of a good relationship, I'd say you two should be secure enough that if she wants to go to the club and ends up dancing with some guy then who cares. I know some couples that occasionally go out separately...
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    should i be worried?

    Unless you met a girl when she was like 15 and dated her for years since that point; you really have no way of knowing an accurate count of how many guys she's been with. Any girl you meet in her 20s and older is going to lie about how many guys she's been with.
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    How should I go about this situation?

    I think you're way over thinking the whole situation. But if you want to get over your lust for her that's easy; start going out with other hot girls.
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    How should I go about this situation?

    You texted her last, so do not text her anymore unless she texts you. I almost never text a girl more than one time without a response from her in between. Like another poster said there's no ceremony required for a breakup, just don't text/call her. If she calls you and acts like nothing...
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    Need Some Guidance (pt. 2 Electric Boogalo)

    I'm going to assume you're of highschool age considering the section. Don't listen to your friends. They're asking you **** like that because they just want information. They're living vicariously through you, and they want to hear about your interactions as a means to learn for themselves...
  8. B

    New to this (long but interesting)

    Dude she's not that interesting. She's an attention ***** who, if your statements are accurate, is pretty damn predictable. You push, she pulls. You pull, she's interested in you again all of a sudden. She sounds pretty easy to play to me. Also, she's a virgin. I promise you she's not...
  9. B

    Here goes...

    So do it. But it shouldn't be her agreeing. That implies you're asking. It should be her suggesting, and you letting it happen if you want it. After what she did, there should be literally no situation in the near future where she holds the control at all. So don't fall into old patterns of beta...
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    Don't Troll

    Stay funny, keep the good clothes, and continue giving good advice...but not JUST that. You have to add some game. Flirt, be interesting, be confident, don't be beta. The last thing you want to be in a girls mind is the cute, funny, well dressed guy she can always call on for advice about her...
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    Here goes...

    Pfft what? Seriously? I don't know man this one is really your call. I read the whole thing. She may have ****ed up with the whole hanging out with that guy at the beach, but she went out of her way to show you that she doesn't want to talk to him. She deleted everything and never talks to him...
  12. B

    Strange Behaviour regarding phone

    She sounds like a real shouldn't even waste your time trying. When she comes to you for sex then by all means, enjoy it. But don't go out of your way and try to get her to hang out. Let her initiate.
  13. B

    women who show intrest but dont really mean it

    ^Original post, the way it's supposed to look...for anyone who's interested in reading. you're welcome.
  14. B

    Strange Behaviour regarding phone

    Well tell her you can't because you're staying in to chill and watch Batman. I don't know anyone who likes to "stay in and watch tv" on the weekends unless they work like 60 hours during the week and are just exhausted. You can either just use her for sex during the week and be happy she...
  15. B

    Looking for some DJ advice about my ex

    Love your response to your ex calling you haha. I definitely agree that she's looking to get some kind of rise out of me or get me to start chasing her again. I'll admit that in the past when we've had our issues, she usually achieved this pretty easily. I've never had a problem being alpha and...
  16. B

    Looking for some DJ advice about my ex

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Definitely not going to be initiating any contact with her. If she wants to come to me then that's fine, but the only way I'll be allowing this to pick up again is if she's shows some effort like you guys said.
  17. B

    Looking for some DJ advice about my ex

    Thanks for the replies so far guys. It's also worth mentioning that I'm currently juggling to three other girls, so it won't be too difficult for me to keep myself distracted and not give in to my ex. In fact before she called me today I was fully expecting to go a few months without being in...
  18. B

    Looking for some DJ advice about my ex

    Hello there everyone. I’ve lurked around here for a while and decided to finally post up a thread seeking some help. I’ll warn you guys ahead of time this may be a little long, and it’s about my ex. We’ve been broken up and since then I’ve been having great success with women using the...