New to this (long but interesting)


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Ok so before I start I actually had to type this all over cuz I touched an add:mad: :mad:

Ok so before is start I should mention I never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl before but for some reason everyone thinks I'm some lady killer because of the way I "carry" myself. So this girl I like is one year younger than me and has always liked me up until she got a boyfriend (they broke up). So now she's fair game:rock:. But lately ever since I told her I liked her (I didn't know she had a boyfriend at the time) she ignored me for 2 months. ***** I have feelings :mad:
Anyways lately she's been more..... Aggressive I guess towards me. She's always wanting to play fight and what not and talks about how she would want a guy to treat her . So Jackie (is what we're calling her for now) has the perfect face 10/10 popped a Molly I'm sweating face. But she's insecure about her body cuz all of our friends (we're in the same clique) has big booties.... Well nicely shaped booties and tits at that. So she always ask me "I may not have a big ass but I can move it right" or something along the lines. She's always mentioning how cute she is to me.
But wait sounds like she likes me . She always gives me the cold shoulder when I stand next to her or sit next to her. She makes up some terrible excuse and tries to move away. I said try cuz It never works. When ever we pray (ya she goes to my church) she keeps her hand straight and doesn't try to hold mine, or she holds it lightly.
Sad right? But there's more! This bum ass mother f***er we'll call him Murdock is my best friend and a "lady killer" but he has a girlfriend. Been together for 5 or 6 years. But when ever she's not around his **** turns on auto pilot and finds the nearst vagina to replace her and treat the girl as if she was his girl.
When ever Murdock is around Jackie her vagina begins to flood the Sahara desert and they play fight and she leans on his chest. This:box: :box: :trouble: :trouble: bastard hugs her from behind and leans on her and what not. And when ever this happens...she likes to look at me. I use to give a reaction but now I don't.
:kick: But wait there's more **** to burry me in:kick: . This girl we'll call her Suzy. Suzy has always liked me and still does. Suzy is a drop dead gorgeous big booty Judy 20/10 would bang but she's a hoes and no self respecting guy would date her. Jackie thinks I have a thing for big booty Suzy. So now every time she sees me with Suzy she's quick to talk to me. Or any girl I'm around that she doesn't know like that. I don't like Suzy she's not my type. I've liked jackie for like a year now. The more we talk and hang out the closer we get but when murdock gets there its like I'm pushed to the sides. Not all the time but most times. Did I mention no one knows I like Jackie. Well obviously she knows. I don't know what to do when Murdock comes around. Lately she's been trying to include me into the play fights but Idk how to speak to her if I should be more flirty/aggressive or be patient and wait because she like to have power over guys. Friends "who never really had a shot" tell me how nice and crap she was to them just for the laughs. I just don't wana be played a fool. Shes told her friend before i was being a p*ssy but my friend said she's just lining you up to drop you. And if it helps she's a virgin. Idk maybe they act stupid before they get the D. Just a thought


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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1. How old are you and the girls?

2. She sounds like an attention wh0re. She has some weird aggenda and likes attention or likes Murdock a lot. Or maybe she's trying to make you jealous? Meh, I doubt it though. Anyways, I'd say she's just a b1tch attention wh0re. Please get over this girl.

If you can't get over her, then do this. Be very straight forward with her and try to hang out with her and/or just try to kiss her. Once you get her reaction, you'll know %100 if she likes you or not. But, the way I see it, if she really did like you she'd go after you, so keep that in mind.


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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The way she is she doesn't show affection unless I work for it. We're 15-17 me murdock 16 Suzy her 15 murdocks girl 17 and everyone else same range. Don't get me wrong I'm talking to other girls. I just want to be with this one. She's interesting freaky and playful. I probably should've mentioned this but she told me some bs story of how my friend said they would look cute together and she said that she sees him as a playful older brother soooo she's just confusing in all but working for it is kinda fun tho I never know what's gona happen next


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Cretz said:
but working for it is kinda fun tho I never know what's gona happen next
Open your eyes. She obviously has you hooked hard, and trapped. Like wtf... that statement sounds like a straight up b1tch statement. If I had heard someone say that randomly, I would have assumed a girl said that.

So yes, she is an attention wh0re, and she will never hook up with you because she realizes that she has you caught in this trap where you constantly feed her attention. Because she caught you in this trap, your value to her is indefinietly lowered so far that she will never hook up with you.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
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Cretz said:
She's interesting freaky and playful.
Dude she's not that interesting. She's an attention ***** who, if your statements are accurate, is pretty damn predictable. You push, she pulls. You pull, she's interested in you again all of a sudden. She sounds pretty easy to play to me.

Also, she's a virgin. I promise you she's not "freaky". She'll play it up like she's this wild chick while you two are dry humping on the couch for 4 hours, but the minute the clothes start coming off she'll be nervous as ****. Watch how it happens (if you ever get to that point).

And last but not least, "playful" is a nice way of saying she's a **** tease. She's messing with you man. Bad. She play fights with you and talks about her ass and all...but what happens when you start coming at her a little? Cold shoulder. And she flirts it up with Murdock anytime she can so you can see it. But when she sees you with other girls she's all into you again. Screw that. When she's around Murdock ignore her. When you're with another girl and she's all over you all of a sudden? Tough, you're busy, she can wait.

This girl is worth literally no effort. And when you stop trying, watch how she starts chasing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
Cretz said:
So she always ask me "I may not have a big ass but I can move it right" or something along the lines. She's always mentioning how cute she is to me.
But wait sounds like she likes me . She always gives me the cold shoulder when I stand next to her or sit next to her. She makes up some terrible excuse and tries to move away. I said try cuz It never works.

Elaborate on "Cold Shoulder."

If it never works, then it's a sh*t test that you keep passing.

Cretz said:
When ever we pray (ya she goes to my church) she keeps her hand straight and doesn't try to hold mine, or she holds it lightly.
It's not like she's your girlfriend or your kid, she doesn't need to hold anything.

Cretz said:
Sad right? But there's more! This bum ass mother f***er we'll call him Murdock is my best friend and a "lady killer" but he has a girlfriend. Been together for 5 or 6 years. But when ever she's not around his **** turns on auto pilot and finds the nearst vagina to replace her and treat the girl as if she was his girl.
When ever Murdock is around Jackie her vagina begins to flood the Sahara desert and they play fight and she leans on his chest. This:box: :box: :trouble: :trouble: bastard hugs her from behind and leans on her and what not. And when ever this happens...she likes to look at me. I use to give a reaction but now I don't.
Yes, because he's man enough to break through the comfort zone and go after what he wants. You on the other hand...

She looks at you because she is expecting YOU to be as confident/fake confident as he is.

Cretz said:
I don't know what to do when Murdock comes around. Lately she's been trying to include me into the play fights but [/COLOR]
Yes, because she wants YOU.

Cretz said:
Idk how to speak to her if I should be more flirty/aggressive or be patient and wait because she like to have power over guys. Friends "who never really had a shot" tell me how nice and crap she was to them just for the laughs. I just don't wana be played a fool. Shes told her friend before i was being a p*ssy but my friend said she's just lining you up to drop you. And if it helps she's a virgin. Idk maybe they act stupid before they get the D. Just a thought
It's pretty simple what "Jackie" wants, and it's you but you're not man enough to make a move. So what if she drops you? Find another girl. She's right about you being a p*ssy.

And about that Suzy thing, if she's so hot and "easy" then bang her. Other than that, she really holds no regards to any of this.

So basically, be a man and go after her. She's basically trying to make you jealous and sh*t testing you and is really just waiting for you. Hopefully it's not too late. Set up a date, isolate, escalate and voila.


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Ouch my masculinity. But I needed to hear those things. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I'm gona makenthenfirst move next time.