How should I go about this situation?


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Been dating my gf since late may

In early july, she was at a party without me, grinded with some guy while she was blackout drunk. She told me she did, and apologized over the phone while crying. I forgave her, and things were going perfect until a few weeks ago.

So about 3 weeks ago, my gf started to insult me a little bit over text (such as call me a ***** and tell me to stfu). Since it was over text, didn't really say anything (didn't really know sh1t tests were a thing at that point). On that tuesday, the 6th, I asked her to make plans. Then she responded with this:

Her: Okay let's
Me (an hour later): is everything ok..
her: yeah never better
me: look if theres something wrong, tell me
her: theres nothing wrong, that sounded really sarcastic but it wasnt
me: so then the plans?
her: i was getting to the before you bombarded me with questions
me: getting to that? lol i responded an hour after
her: yeah well
me: aight let me know when you get to it then

Then on thursday she texted me this:
Her: Sorry you're gonna have to wait a little by on hanging out until i get my life together
Her (30 min later): Yesterday I slept from 2 in the afternoon till 8 and haven't slept since
Me: do whatever you have to do

On Sunday she texted me again, and we made plans for a week later, on the 18th. We had a text conversation going until tuesday morning, when I texted her and she never replied back. (When we text, whoever falls asleep first usually texts back in the morning).

That Sunday came and we hung out. She gave me some **** tests where she'd insult me, and I responded to them well. Sometimes she'd get a little annoyed with me after them, but she'd always end up going back to being happy and flirty. I acted more alpha than usual, by making quicker decisions and making sure I was always leading when we were walking. She ended up blowing me at the end of the night (mine and her first). The bj toke a little more than 20 min, and I had to tell her to "watch the teeth" a couple times during it. I also had to tell her to keep going, as she stopped just when I was about to finish. So it didn't go great, and she might have been worried about having done a bad job or something. After the bj was done, I offered to return the favor, and she said she was good. We walked back to her place, and talked/flirted for about 30 min before my ride picked me up and I left.

I texted her on tuesday afternoon (the 20th), asking if she was going to come to my house or if i should go to her house again, and she never responded. Not sure if she's mad at me or if it was from her pmsing. (she's supposed to have her period today. we havent talked about it but Ive been paying attention because she always gets really bad pms and gets really b!tchy before her period). How should I play this out? I havent made any moves to contact her since I sent that text. What should I do if/when she responds? Thanks
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Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Dude, honestly she does not sound like a very pleasant person at all, and that's putting it nicely. Calling you a ***** and telling you to stfu is not a s*** test, that's blatant disrespect. It sounds like she does not respect you whatsoever and only wants to talk/hang out when she has nothing better to do.

And youre telling me that your girlfriend, someone youre in a committed relationship with, has gone cold for the better part of week?? Dude get out right now. Go spin plates. I understand you have probably spent some time acquiring feelings for this girl but she is simply not relationship material. Next her immediately.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Part of me wants to defend her, and tell you that I didn't mention all the times that our relationship was perfect and she was being a great gf, but part of me knows that you're right.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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justin11 said:
Part of me wants to defend her, and tell you that I didn't mention all the times that our relationship was perfect and she was being a great gf, but part of me knows that you're right.
We become masters of rationalization when we have feelings for a girl, but coming from an unbiased outside perspective Im telling you that her bad behavior cannot be offset with a handful of awesome times together. This is one of those things that when you get into a relationship with a girl who truly respects you, is highly interested in you, and has a real desire to please you, youll look back and think "wow, cant believe how much bullcrap I put up with from that witch."

Disclaimer: for a woman to truly respect you in the future, you have to first become a man who is respectable. The first step to becoming that man is dropping women who treat you like garbage.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Its same cycle until we smarten up bro. I remember convincing myself about girls who flaked or cheated on me and actuqlly believed my own bs. Such is life, but I agree with checkmate


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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No problem, you're obviously young. You're acting like a beta, as most young guys do.

In early july, she was at a party without me, grinded with some guy while she was blackout drunk. She told me she did, and apologized over the phone while crying. I forgave her, and things were going perfect until a few weeks ago.
You should have gone no-contact until her mind was completely f*cked and then only after she was really nice let her back into your life.

On that tuesday, the 6th, I asked her to make plans.
You "asked" her to make plans? Tell her what you want to do.

Me (an hour later): is everything ok..
her: yeah never better
me: look if theres something wrong, tell me
Really weak bro.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
You said it was the first time she gave a *******, and it was your first as well? I can't judge how old you are because you also said she got blackout drunk at a party (although I know some people who drink really early in life).

For me I wouldn't have reacted well to her confessing about grinding with some guy at a party. A buddy of mine and I had a discussion about it and he summed it up pretty nicely for those guys who let their women do those things.

"Nah, I don't want guys rubbing their ****s against my girl." When you put it in that perspective, some may call it harsh, but that is what grinding is all about. It's a stepping stone to hooking up, etc. I know some guys are okay with their girls doing this when their out with friends (my current girl's ex supposedly was okay with it because she'd always dance with guys at parties). I told her if I ever see it or hear about it I'm leaving her and she accepted it and respects it (as far as I know lol).

Getting blackout drunk is never an acceptable excuse for bad behavior. "Well I was blackout drunk and not in control of myself and it happened..." That's total bull****, sure when you get that drunk, it is hard to control yourself, but one thing she is in control of is making sure she doesn't get that drunk. If she knows she gets flirty and all that when she gets drunk, then she shouldn't let herself get to that level because there's a chance she'll do something that will hurt you. She disregarded this, danced on some other guy's ****, I'm guessing she did more with him if she was that drunk, and then cried on the phone, not even in person, and you forgave her.

Stop being beta, leave her.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
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Appreciate all the input from is there no chance of the relationship being fixed anymore? Her attraction to me really built up during the school year whered she see me every day (part of same friend group). So I feel like once school starts we'd get better (would ignore her and be very cold at first). I normally am a guy for her to respect, I'm physically strong for my age and act alpha most of the time, but I think once after the whole party thing happened I lost my way with her.

how would I end it then? She never replied back, so should I text/call her to end it, wait for her to contact me then end it, or end it when school starts (2 weeks) when we can see each other in person? In the past couple weeks ive got myself to care less about her, so breaking wouldnt really upset me that much, which makes me kind of want to do it in person so I can break up with her and smile as I walk away.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? Age here plays an important role in understanding her actions as well as your relationship.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
we're both 16, turning 17 in January...going into junior year of high school


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well then, if she doesn't drink a lot she might not know her limit and mostly likely can't handle a lot of alcohol either.

In terms of ending things, I don't think you necessarily owe her a face to face, she's being *****y towards you throwing **** in your face, you could just go NC and completely ignore her and if she confronts you about it just tell her you didn't want to put up with her antics anymore. Then walk away.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
She's 16. She has the maturity and attention span of a kitten. Don't worry so much about the "why" question regarding what she does or says. She does not understand it herself. Thus, asking her to explain herself is always going to be pointless.

Just stop talking to her if you want to break up. There is no formal ceremony required. Wanting to put enough effort into talking to her again in order to break up shows that you care too much. If you were screwing another girl right now, you wouldn't want to talk to this one, which is what she will fear when you go no contact. And that is the most powerful hook you will have with her.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Yea, it really doesn't make sense. I thought when she blew me it meant that she still has a lot of interest. She was chasing me for a couple months before I finally asked her out, so I knew she had a lot of interest at first.

If she doesn't text/call me until school starts (two weeks from today), how should I act around her at school? We're part of the same friend group and will be around each other a decent amount.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
You texted her last, so do not text her anymore unless she texts you. I almost never text a girl more than one time without a response from her in between. Like another poster said there's no ceremony required for a breakup, just don't text/call her. If she calls you and acts like nothing happened and wants to hang out, honestly I'd tell her you're busy and can't. She'll likely get all up in arms about this, to which you just tell her something like "Look I haven't heard from you in days. Last time I tried to make plans you just didn't respond. It's no big deal but I just made other plans so maybe later in the week or something". She'll be pissed. Let her be. She'll change her tune.

justin11 said:
If she doesn't text/call me until school starts (two weeks from today), how should I act around her at school? We're part of the same friend group and will be around each other a decent amount.
Act like nothing ever happened. Be polite to her but don't chat her up at all. Give her short answers if she tries to engage you in conversation. If she wants to talk about you two or what you two went through just tell her it's no big deal and change the subject. If she ignores you completely, do it right back.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Recently read something about love and lust, and came to a realization about my relationship. Before the relationship began and in the very early stages, it was all mental/emotional. We just talked, and had a good time together. But as time went on, we started spending a lot of our time together making out. With that and her blowing me before, I'm starting to realize that the only reason I've tolerated some of her **** was because of lust. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy her as a person and talking to her most of the time. I think that's my main problem in this situation - I have too much lust for her. She's my first gf, first kiss, and like i said before, first bj. I think I just found out what the big problem is here, and once I find out how to get rid of the lust I'll be able to cut it off with her and move on. Anyone know how I could get rid of the lust? Thanks


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
and maybe thats why our relationship is suffering - she's starting to feel that I have more lust than love/emotional attachment to her...WOW I JUST BLEW MY OWN MIND WITH ALL OF THIS


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I think you're way over thinking the whole situation.

But if you want to get over your lust for her that's easy; start going out with other hot girls.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Only thing is we're in a relationship on facebook, and I wouldn't feel right just changing that to single without talking to her.

and so then there's no way for me to potentially recover/fix this relationship in the long-term? it just sucks because I go to a private high school, where the potential girls are very very limited. There's only been 3 or 4 relationships in our first two years of high school.
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