Looking for some DJ advice about my ex


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
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Hello there everyone. I’ve lurked around here for a while and decided to finally post up a thread seeking some help. I’ll warn you guys ahead of time this may be a little long, and it’s about my ex. We’ve been broken up and since then I’ve been having great success with women using the techniques on this forum. This place is awesome. I’m just having a little trouble applying them here and figured I’d put this up and see what you guys think.

My ex and I had been together for a little over 5 years. We’re in our mid twenties. We talked about moving in together and getting married and we were pretty serious. Around the beginning of this year I made a mistake (it wasn’t cheating, but it’s a long story) and we broke up. It wasn’t a bad breakup where there was yelling and hate or anything like that. She made the decision and said she just wanted to be apart.

This lasted about a month, then we started chatting again around early March. We decided to take things slow and work on us. Well that lasted until June and she said she needed some space and thought it’d be best if we didn’t talk for a while. She said since we’ve been in each other’s lives so long she didn’t really know what it was like without me and she needed to be apart from me “for a serious amount of time” to see how she felt. At this point I was fed up and just told her that’s fine if she wants space she can have it.

A “serious amount of time” apart turned into about two weeks, and she contacted me again. I was short and nonchalant with her. She asked to meet up for drinks and catch up, I said sure that’s fine. So we went out to get some drinks, had a good time and everything seemed great. Then about a week later (texting off and on in between) I said we should go to a movie, to which she excitedly agreed. We went out and she was all over me. Cuddling in the theater, holding hands on the ride home, etc. Then we got back to my place and start watching another movie, which led to sex. She ended up spending the night, we had amazing sex a couple more times, and she was telling me how she missed me and just being very affectionate. So we started talking and hanging out and consistently sleeping with each other again. We didn’t label anything or specifically say we were “working on us” or anything like that. Just going with the flow. Since we weren’t exclusive or labeling anything, I also went out with other women. I obviously didn’t tell my ex about this.

This went on until about 2 weeks ago. She said she wanted space again and admitted it was in part due to her wanting to see where things go with a male friend of hers who had been out of the country for most of the year, and was going to be coming back soon. They’d started talking again apparently. She said she felt like she should give it a chance with this guy and she knows that if she’s still talking to me and seeing me there’s no way someone else will have a fair shot. Again I was very “whatever” about the situation and told her to do what she felt like she needed to do. She said this time she meant it when she said we won’t be talking for a while and she needed some serious space and didn’t want any contact. I said that’s fine and it’ll probably be good for us regardless of how it turns out.

Ever since then I’ve been dating other women and just going out and focusing on me. Then today she called. She said she’d been thinking about me and decided to call and see how I was doing. I kept the convo light and positive, while she spent most of it talking about how stressful things were going to get with work and now college and her internship starting. I kept things short but polite, and told her I had to get going because I was about to go to the gym (which I was). We hung up and now I’m a little confused. I don’t really know how to handle this. Regardless of how flaky she’s been this year, I still love her very much and would like to ultimately get back together. But only on my terms. I’m tired of her being such a flake. So what should I do here?

SIDE NOTE: This guy she told me she wanted to “give a chance” is very unattractive. I’m a male model, and I’m not trying to talk myself up here but I just am having a hard time wrapping my head around why she would even give this other guy a shot. She’s beautiful. An 8/10. He’s slightly overweight (not fat but in that soft, out of shape way) and keeps a scruffy short beard, etc. I keep myself in great shape and just generally try to take care of my appearance. She admits to this day that she’s never been more attracted to a guy than she is to me. Our physical relationship is electric, so I have that going strongly in my favor. It’s just always been one of those situations where even if she says she hates me, the minute we’re in each other’s physical presence we end up starting things up again/sleeping together. Thought it was worth mentioning and factoring into the equation.

Anyway thanks so much for reading guys. Sorry it was so long. I've never had a problem picking up women, but my ex has always been "that girl" that gives me problems.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
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Thanks for the replies so far guys. It's also worth mentioning that I'm currently juggling to three other girls, so it won't be too difficult for me to keep myself distracted and not give in to my ex. In fact before she called me today I was fully expecting to go a few months without being in contact with her, and I was fine with it.

The stuff I've been reading on this site have really helped me completely change my attitude and it's been working great.

If the ex contacts me again with an invitation to hang out I guess I should continue going with the flow and agree to it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
If this is what you want...IE getting back with her for good (and I am not advising this as as a good or bad choice-just what you want) then I would keep doing exactly what you are doing, with one caveat.

So keep talking to her when she contacts you, but don't initiate any contact whatsoever. Be polite, happy, fun. Life couldn't be better as far as you are concerned and as far as she knows. Whether she ever wants to get back with you or not, as far as she knows you are doing great and its a 'whatever' situation for you. Don't go out of your way to do anything for her. Let her do everything. I would also let it be known, in a subtle way, that you are dating. If she asks what you are doing tonight or have been up to, say you are going out with a "friend". If she asks who, just say someone you enjoy spending time with. Let her think on that one.

Now, some guys here will tell you to ditch her all together, and that may be a good move, but that isn't what you are asking and I understand what it is like to not want to let go. The main thing I get out of this is she is very emboldened right now with her feelings about the relationship. She is so bold as to tell you directly she doesn't want to see you anymore and wants to see where it goes with another guy. Only a girl who feels as if she has total power in the relationship would do that. She thinks she can do whatever she wants to and you will be there waiting when she comes back. What you need to do is to convince her that this is not the case. That you were, are, and always will be a great catch and that you have a number of girls out there who realize this and who would love to be with you. I believe once you get her to realize this, these little cat and mouse games she keeps playing will disappear faster than her panties on a drunken Saturday night.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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BeDour said:
Thanks for the replies so far guys. It's also worth mentioning that I'm currently juggling to three other girls, so it won't be too difficult for me to keep myself distracted and not give in to my ex. In fact before she called me today I was fully expecting to go a few months without being in contact with her, and I was fine with it.

The stuff I've been reading on this site have really helped me completely change my attitude and it's been working great.

If the ex contacts me again with an invitation to hang out I guess I should continue going with the flow and agree to it?
No I wouldn't agree to it. You need to start proving to her that you are not going to be so available, that you are out there dating other people and if she snoozes, she looses.

Next time she asks you? I would tell her you are busy that particular night. Perhaps let it slide that you are going out with a girl that you have been seeing for a "few weeks" and perhaps you can hang out her her "in a few days". The point being, you have to stop being such a push over with this girl.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I wouldn't be able to handle all the push-pull bullsht.
One minute she's keen and then she wants to fvck another guy?
She's making you a slave to her whims and you're allowing it.
You should only entertain her if she makes an extraordinary effort. Why bother with a woman who's treating you like an option?


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for all the replies everyone.

Definitely not going to be initiating any contact with her. If she wants to come to me then that's fine, but the only way I'll be allowing this to pick up again is if she's shows some effort like you guys said.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
As a reference - my ex called me up out of the blue last year and told me she was thinking of seeing someone. I told her I dont give a fvck and hung up. Havent spoken to her since then either.

She want a reaction, for you to "show you care".

Dont. Youre doing fine as you are. You dont need to waste your time giving a shiit what an ex is up to.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Looks like you've been listening to some of the good advice here, so well done.

The only thing I would add is regarding this little gem that your ex said.
BeDour said:
She said since we’ve been in each other’s lives so long she didn’t really know what it was like without me and she needed to be apart from me “for a serious amount of time” to see how she felt.
A lot of guys will hear this kind of rubbish and are just so caught up in the moment that they'll just say 'ok'. Don't just let this kind of thing stand on it's own merits. Normally trying to get all logical with a girl when she's on a roll is a waste of time, but sometimes you have to pull them up and say "So WHY do you want to find out how you feel without me? What's that going to achieve?"

Good luck.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
As a reference - my ex called me up out of the blue last year and told me she was thinking of seeing someone. I told her I dont give a fvck and hung up. Havent spoken to her since then either.

She want a reaction, for you to "show you care".

Dont. Youre doing fine as you are. You dont need to waste your time giving a shiit what an ex is up to.
Love your response to your ex calling you haha. I definitely agree that she's looking to get some kind of rise out of me or get me to start chasing her again. I'll admit that in the past when we've had our issues, she usually achieved this pretty easily. I've never had a problem being alpha and not giving a fvck with other girls, but with her I've always been beta I hate it. No more of that bs though.

Cremasta said:
Looks like you've been listening to some of the good advice here, so well done.

The only thing I would add is regarding this little gem that your ex said.A lot of guys will hear this kind of rubbish and are just so caught up in the moment that they'll just say 'ok'. Don't just let this kind of thing stand on it's own merits. Normally trying to get all logical with a girl when she's on a roll is a waste of time, but sometimes you have to pull them up and say "So WHY do you want to find out how you feel without me? What's that going to achieve?"

Good luck.
Have tried this with her and she gives the woman's typical vague and noncommittal response: "I honestly don't even know that's why I want to see". To which I just get obviously irritated and end the conversation.