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  1. I

    Ive been friend zoned, but why try to take advantage?

    I have been obviously friend zoned by this chick, all attempts of escalating and trying to take it to the next level have failed. Ive accepted it and will keep her just as a friend, but why does she feel the need to try to take advantage now? She knows I like her from my attempts of trying...
  2. I

    Broke up with girl friend, 2 years relation. Almost dead with pain :"(

    Wow your such a liar, I thought I was a big afc, but you make me feel like a MAN! But I know how you feel I actually did the whole crying and begging thing about 5 years ago, I still feel the pain when I think about it (although I can't stand the b1tch now). But seriously it was the worst...
  3. I

    She flaked and the 2hrs later texted excuse?

    sheesh... so many comments that are conflicting with each other. Although I think Harry is the one that got it right, I would think she would have at least let me know why she couldn't get to the phone when I called, but than again she probably wouldn't have ever texted me back to begin with had...
  4. I

    She flaked and the 2hrs later texted excuse?

    Well really there was no excuse, just that she text she had a really long day which I took as an excuse although I didn't bring up that she flaked, but she knew she did and I just took it as an excuse her knowing that she had flaked.
  5. I

    She flaked and the 2hrs later texted excuse?

    So I set this date for today 3 days prior, she had agreed than. I don't contact her at all for the days in between until the day of the date and I call her an hour and a half before we're suppose to get up and she doesn't answer. I'm thinking ok she lost interest or wasn't that interested, so...
  6. I

    No apartment to fvck in! What to do?

    I know how you feel, it's so much easier getting a girl in bed when you have your own place. When I think about it, 90% of the time I got laid was in my own place. The other 10% was at her place but that is out the option for you. Do you have a friends spot you can take her too? When I had my...
  7. I

    When for the number close, failed, was I s*** tested?

    Was talking to this hb8, trying to build rapport asking her questions. She seem to like it was smiling and didn't try to cut the conversation short and it seem to be going ok so I than went in for the number close and she said she was married. I start looking for a ring and I didn't see one and...
  8. I

    So upset, I let the b***h make me go afc

    She's at it again!... She text me yesterday telling my to have a good labor day, I'm thinking she wants me to feed her ego so I wait 24 hours to text back and simply say 'I am' and she replies with that's good to hear. I waited about an hour and texted her back to say hi next time and not act...
  9. I

    She loves to party

    Kind of reminds me of one of my LTR which did not end well... Chances are the friend she goes out with is a s1ut. And if the guy with the right game comes and talks to her in the bar/club she will most likely talk to him, do you really think she's shooting down every guy that approaches her...
  10. I

    So upset, I let the b***h make me go afc

    Not 100% sure, but all signs led me to believe that yes it was a dudes house she wanted me to drop her off at. It was already 10pm, she had to work at 6pm, her job is right next to where she lives and she had already talked to me about how she always had to pay for a cab to go see some guy and...
  11. I

    So upset, I let the b***h make me go afc

    So after the second date and not getting anywhere with this chick not even a kiss it was most likely she was not that into me so I went NC on her, few days later she text me wanting to hang out, I beat around the bush a little and finally agreed and than she said she needed to get ready and I...
  12. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    Anybody with their crystal ball that has the answer?
  13. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    This chick has me a bit confused, after that night I dropped her off I got home and deleted her number out my phone. Seeing how I was acting like I had a lot of social anxiety and even had a hard time to talk to her about things I really don't see anything I've could have done right or said...
  14. I

    Picking up military chicks? Any tips?

    I'm not military myself, but do work a job where I get to see a lot of young military woman. 99% of the time they are not from the city they are stationed at and was just wondering if there is a different way of gaming them to gain an advantage.
  15. I

    Am i to old to change?

    I would probably start out by trying to get a job and also picking up a hobby. But first and foremost go fill out some applications and after you got the job thing good for you pick up a hobby something you like to do. I personally am a big fan of boxing and go train at a boxing gym 3 days out...
  16. I

    Badmouthing Betas

    Did you just come up with these from the top of the dome, those are some really good witty comebacks, that's a problem I noticed myself having actually having a good comeback to what they have to say, any special exercises you have to develop this skill?
  17. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    Fellas thanks for all the help, but I finally got a clear answer from this hood rat. To my surprise she text me up to go meet her at the mall, of course her friend was there too. It's all cool at first and she showing me a ton a kino, but finally realize that that's just the type of person...
  18. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    Well when I did ask her if she would have time later she replied with I don't know friend, calling me a friend at the end of it, that was kind of harsh I thought, maybe it was just her way of trying to get back some of that power she had given up. She did say she was out with friends again...
  19. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    Yea I think I messed this one up, I didn't kiss her on the first night, probably should have when I think back in it but she was still showing IL the next day she seen me, but now it all went downhill all of a sudden. I'm not going to try and salvage this with a phone call I think that would...
  20. I

    First meet up and she talks a lot!

    Ok, something weird just happen everything was going fine up until today, I texted her to be ready when I got off of work and I'll go pick her up when I get off. She text back she's going to be at the mall with her friend, I'd tell her ladies night was yesterday and tonight is mine, she text...