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  1. J

    Different kind of advise “ Creepy old guy and my girlfriend ,”

    I wanted to know what you guys were thinking , it does not mean I have to agree . Giving up on a girl is not always the answear .
  2. J

    Different kind of advise “ Creepy old guy and my girlfriend ,”

    I'm not nexting her ..we have been dating for two years , not an attention s...... . She has put in the work in our relationship . I just need to make my stand , break a hip or say my peace to the old man. Yeah I also need to straighten her out too . If she was f..... him I would cut my own...
  3. J

    Different kind of advise “ Creepy old guy and my girlfriend ,”

    So it’s been a long time since I have written anything , basically life has been good for me in the past two to three years . I found myself and I seemed to find my groove with girls . I ended up working in Shanghai last year and traveling all over the world during that year . So how my former...
  4. J

    Over my head and need some advice..

    So I win the award of week today , I had been slept with this girl who has a boyfriend(twice) and me and her had been friends for a long time , I stopped sleeping with her recently and we started hanging out again....nothing has happened and I refused to stay over at her place last...
  5. J

    Being the guy who a girl cheats with ....

    I give up... She picked me up last night after class and took me out to a movie and then dinner , then after were haning out for a bit i left and went to see some other friends , I drank a bit ..and fastforwerd to later that night and im at my apartment..she calls me and asks if my roomate is...
  6. J

    Being the guy who a girl cheats with ....

    Yeah I have no intention of trying to have a relationship with this girl...just kind of feel like she used me as an excuse to screw up her relationship with her man , things were going back and I guees I looked like a good way to get out ..have not talked to her since I visited her at work and I...
  7. J

    Being the guy who a girl cheats with ....

    Saturday morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw scratches all down my back and I realized I don’t know who the f.... I am any more . Friday night started out pretty good, was out with a few of my friends and then I get a phone call from my friend who I have known for a long...
  8. J

    Valentine’s/ Girl is leaving.

    Yeah I am , so....I'm thinking a neckless or somthing , she's going be in Hungry and Poland for year and I'm flying over in July I think might go big on this one .
  9. J

    New Freshman in college...need help

    Man up... I completly changed my self when I went to school , that's the good thing about your situation , you can be who ever the hell you want to be could even make up a nick name that no one calls you ( ive seen it done). My advice and what worked for me is to open up to as many...
  10. J

    Valentine’s/ Girl is leaving.

    So I have been going out with this girl for about 5-6 months now , pretty seriouse but she is leaving to study in Eastern Europe for a year and I graduate college this may , Valentines day is coming up and it's going to be the last time I see her until maybe this summer when over there . Any...
  11. J

    Neil Strauss: The Game

    It's just a book....not too bad to read after you just get dumped's a little up lifting and it shows what some of the "seducation community" stuff can become if it takes up your hole life ...although I hated the end of the book.
  12. J

    Lunch with an ex?

    Okay ignoring the macho BS just for a second and try to think out of the box.....I can get women but maintaining a relationships a different area ....If I f### a girl I was seeing for two years after we just broke it off and having her s know I’m seeing this new girl...that would give her a...
  13. J

    Lunch with an ex?

    Well I would not sleep with my ex any time soon becouse if I did It would only give her power .....I want her but I think I just want her in my life in some aspect , two years is a long time having the same chick in your bed and it's only been a few weeks ....I'm slowly laying off but thanks...
  14. J

    Lunch with an ex?

    No she does not...and i have since we started dating but i was thinking about this weekend , the thing is Ithink she would say she would say it was cool...but I guees I know she would be hurt a bit...and yes still want to F$## my bad move all around ?
  15. J

    Lunch with an ex?

    Should I feel bad about having lunch with my ex-girlfriend while I’m in a relationship with a new girl knowing the new girl knows about my history with my ex? If it's just lunch then is it still considered a bad move since I have been told a lunch date means friendship? I dated the ex for...
  16. J

    Kind of a lame topic, but does one ever truly get over a one-itis?

    Okay I found the Citizen Kane quote and it reads- A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting...
  17. J

    Rewarding bad behavior?

    So I have been seeing this girl for a while , last year she was in England for a semester so we never got to date as much as I would have liked but I kept writing her , sending her letters and doing what ever it would take for her remember I giv e a sh... about her . Well for the first few...
  18. J

    Getting hitched and getting ditched

    The past few months have been depressing as hell and they shouldn’t be. It seems like my opportunities to maintain any type of relationship with quality girls is becoming rewound because there all getting married! I am twenty one years old and a senior at a college in WV. I suppose it’s bound...
  19. J

    Flowers...Valentines Day and England

    Okay so the girl I was seeing last semester is in London right now studying abroad, would it be a good move to send her flowers for Valentines Day? I was thinking something else besides roses. Any ideas?
  20. J

    Any Creative ideas?

    Okay I have been seeing this girl off and on since last year, she is going to study in England next semester and I want to get her a Christmas gift before she leaves.I am crazy about this chick, she is not high maintenance. So I am thinking jewelry and out of the question and never was a fan...I...