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  1. J

    Indian Girls.....

    oka I don't know much about there dating culture besides what I have learned from the girl I was trying to get with. Are there any big issues I should no about before I try to date?
  2. J

    what you do when they say......

    Yea I met a girl a while back on a train to school, she was from Virginia as am I and we both go to school in WV, well I started talking to here and I did not think anything of it but the train was delayed by like five hours so A train ride that took five hours ended up taking about nine, so I...
  3. J

    Why do my guy freind's hate on me so much.

    Yea so Im a freshmen in college and I have a group of guy freinds that I hang with , well there constantly rateing on me , which Im used to ,to a point . There always saying coments geared towerds me being weack, why? I dont know , maybe becouse im not a hot head and im normaly pretty chill ...
  4. J

    Why is it easyer to get girls when you dont care?

    Yea Ive been out of the game for a few month or two becouse I was played by a girl that was not even worth it. So I have had more luck just sitting back and telling girls I know that play games that I dont have that sh** and im not about to be to played by a stuped bi*** and then they call me...
  5. J

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    yea I have two.... Damn I can think of a few in my mid tee years , one was with the first girl I slept with telling me to come over and "help her study" , well I went over to her house to help her study history with my books in hand , we went down stares and she started to molest me , I was...
  6. J

    Is honesty the best policy for a DJ?

    But should we lie to girls about others girls that were not dating , If your seeing two to three girls at the same time but dont have GF statues with any of them but talk to all three regurly , should they know about each other or is it non of there buisnees ? Or is it a good thing to be seen...
  7. J

    First one night stand at college.

    Yea IM finally getting the hang of my college social life, I know tons of people, have a lot of hook ups with parties and I have made a name for my self. Well the other night it went to a hole new level, I went to my friends frat party and I ran into a girl that I met the weekend before and...
  8. J

    Should I have closed the deal?

    I hear you.... Man I completly understand what your going threw , im in college and ive pulled off the same type of dates and felt the same thing I think your feeling , the way I see it is when I have made a move or kissed a girl I just went for it becouse I felt it , I know she whould not...
  9. J

    Why Protect Your Heart?

    Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced..."- Soren Kierkegaard Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs...
  10. J

    Got a HORRIFIC case of oneitis and seriously don't know how to get over it! (Long)

    Dude get out of your shell! Im not the best or brightest guy ever eather but I have reinvented my self in college, hell Ive made some majior F***ups also but I learned from all of them , I think you need to meet some more girls , unless you go to a really really bad school im sure thare are...
  11. J

    Emotional balls

    What can I say , Im a work in progress, Im only 18 , it's better that im learning now then when im 30 .
  12. J

    Emotional balls

    Yea well I have been dating this girl for about three months at my college out of state , well first time I met here I thought she was anoying and kind of *****y , well I started to talk to her more and I became more attracted to her , well I later found out she had a boy freind that did not go...
  13. J

    Anyone have any Idea how to impress my southern bell

    IM a freshmen college student out of state and I had a little bit of a problem finding quality girls at my school, well when I finally did I found out that the girl I was into had a boy friend, well I new that it wouldn't last because he didn't go to school with us, so I stuck with it and I...