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  1. J

    Im sick of the games .. Im done

    Oka so let me first off apologize for this d half drunken rant but.... It's time to set **** straight, Last year was one of the best years of my life when it came to women ... I was surrounded by women 24/7, my confidence was huge, I had a lot of friends but I was turning into a prick ... there...
  2. J

    Should I join a Fraternity/Frat life [Official thread]

    Im in a frat and to be honest it was really fun when I first joined and then it got real old fast . I get bored of shallow pepole and for the most part alot of the Greek sterioe types ring true ...well at least at my school , so just some advice don't join if your not 100% sure that's what you...
  3. J

    Just one of those do I come out of this slump?

    no I cheated on my past girl with her... not much better but I broke it off shortly after it happend.
  4. J

    Just one of those do I come out of this slump?

    It's been along time since I have been on this website...maybe that's my problem....any way I started dating this girl last summer and we had a fling crashed and burned (my first mistake) and then I got back together with her when I was home over winter break from college ....I took her...
  5. J

    Check this b.s out that a girl I knows guy wrote.

    This girl I knows guy wrote this on his Myspace page ...complete afc material , he does not even know me and he lives half way across the ****ry and was trying to tell my girlfriend that was a drugy because I smoke an accessional cigar. Keep in mind this guy is twentythree and pretty much has...
  6. J

    fieldreport , college party, when to call?

    I try and go to the partys whare I know the host ..thats your best bet ...I like smaller partys whare there are only a few pepole maybe 15-20 tops, stick around a little longer next time , introduce your self to the guys as well ...get known its all about conections in college. -Josh
  7. J

    fieldreport , college party, when to call?

    I'm trying to make up for last year where I just wasted my chances of meeting any cute girls because I would not just give up this one girl I was seeing , any way this year I promised my self I would "go hard" . I have gone out almost every night of my first week of college this semester...
  8. J

    5'5 with brown eye's and an empty house.

    It's been a while since I have had a girl honestly show interest in me but it's happened again, a few months ago during Christmas break I came home and went to a party with a friend of mine well the girl that is throwing the party just happened to be a friend of mine at that times girl friend of...
  9. J

    Should I cross that line?...moving in on my boys crush..

    The line im talking about.. Well I guees he really is not my boy... now that I think about iy but we are cool I guees , so yea...I dont owe him sh*** becouse there not dating.
  10. J

    Should I cross that line?...moving in on my boys crush..

    Oka so I feel like IM wasting my time as far as college goes, first year in college even though I had my sh**** moments I had a different date each week and would talk to up to six different girls a day, I didn't hang out with the same kids each night and I had a lot of friends. Fastfowrword to...
  11. J


    yea I had it last year.... Im a souphmore in College , I cought it when I was a freshmen, I was to bured out , lack of sleep and over drinking can be hell on your body , even though I was in the best shape I have even been in my life , I cought it ,I was swiming , lifting and running at least 6...
  12. J

    Is it worth it to have female "friends"?

    I have them... Think about it, I don't know about you guys but there have been rare cases when a girl is really into me but IM not feeling it, she could be hot as hell but attraction is more then that, but she can still be cool as hell. I have a few vary close female friends, most of which...
  13. J

    Trynna get the condom and car barrier

    Maybe she wants a little more class... It sounds cool and all to bang in a van but maybe she is not that type of chick , also make sure you know her sexual history before you sleep with her , I would say as long as your getting laid then what are you b****** about?
  14. J

    college parties

    A few words of advice... Well, at least your making an attempt to go and meet girls, I understand you disappointment but it's a trial by fire. Personally I don't think Party's are the best place to meet chicks, yea I have met a few and made out with a few but there not the type of girl I would...
  15. J

    Post your favorite sosuave quote

    The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you dont do the right thing nothig happens. But when you do right good things happen. The choices you make will shape your life forever. Movie quote-The Bronx Tale life spent making mistakes...
  16. J

    Aww man ...should I buck up and apoligize?

    well it was taken totally wrong , so it was something like damn how can you eat all that? Fvck ...... yea not smooth at all , so should I apologize tonight over the phone or should I just brush it off? She was not in tears or anything , but I seed I was sorry for being a jack ass and she just...
  17. J

    No joke iv been invited to a Sleep over!

    Yea IM a little sketched out by the hole thing, but ill give you guy's a little back ground. IM a sophomore at Marshall U in WV, IM from VA and I mostly hang out with kids who live in WV, most of the guys I chill with all the time went to school together in highschool, well last year they...
  18. J

    Just moved into a University.

    Dude I go to Marshall U, right next to Kentucky and Ohio in west, VA, I came here and I was the same way, but Huntington is a small city, so I had a few options. But if no one else drives then your in better shape then if they all did and you did not. If it's the kind of typical small school...
  19. J

    College Guy Needs Help... (Long)

    Dude I have somthing that might help you , the next time you run into this girl make sure your not drunk , things are a lot less confussing trust me . If you see this girl agian casualy go up to her and just have a normal conversation with out any of the bs "do you like me or not talk" and then...
  20. J

    Indian Girls.....

    Well she moved to the U.S two years ago to go to school at a small school in WV of all places but lives near me in VA and speackes perfect english but still has a diffrent kind of acsent , wich I find vary sexy . so I guees she would be an imagrent even though she seems more modernazed then a...