Being the guy who a girl cheats with ....


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Saturday morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw scratches all down my back and I realized I don’t know who the f.... I am any more . Friday night started out pretty good, was out with a few of my friends and then I get a phone call from my friend who I have known for a long time...any way this girl is a knock out and happens to work at hooters, she was having a bad night and told me she wanted to have a few drinks with me at the bar I was at ….I thought there was some sexual tension between us before she came out , we hang out a lot but she wears a ring on her finger and it’s pretty large and a while back she told everyone she was engaged. She eventually showed up around 12 and started buying me drinks and she started to get loaded and made sure I was completely wasted ….we stayed until last call and she tells me she is too drunk to drive home ( this is where I should have called a cab or called her roommate and gone home drunk with some pride in myself ) but I we walked back to my apartment and took some more shots and made out in my kitchen and then went straight to my room and had wild sex….I woke up the next morning and drove her back to her car and met her later at work to talk about the whole ordeal …she told me that “ We are crazy” blah blah and tried to brush it off as a drunken fun night and then tells me she does not think it’s a great idea to tell her fiancé or boyfriend (not really sure which) . So I told her to give me a call when she has her sh.. together more or less .
I don’t know how this happens to me some times , it’s not a great feeling and adding to that I met the guy and I liked him …..I used to have a moral code for myself , but this hole satiation makes me feel like a giant sleeze ball no matter how hot this girl is and everyone I have talked to tells me that it’s a good story and that it sucks in a way but it’s not my fault .


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
justjosh47 said:
she was having a bad night and told me she wanted to have a few drinks with me at the bar I was at ….,... She eventually showed up around 12 and started buying me drinks and she started to get loaded and made sure I was completely wasted ….we stayed until last call and she tells me she is too drunk to drive home ( this is where I should have called a cab or called her roommate and gone home drunk with some pride in myself ) but I we walked back to my apartment and took some more shots and made out in my kitchen and then went straight to my room and had wild sex.
She arranged this, first through calling you and then liquoring you up. You didnt seduce her, she seduced you. You just went along with it. If it wasnt you it would probably have been another guy, perhaps later on after she tied the knot. Its crazy how guys always have to take responsibility for everything. Women, on the other hand, well I havent seen them taking much responsibility, for them it "just happens". Its her relationship, its her responsibility, not yours. Obviously she didnt value it very highly. Blaming yourself is like saying the hammer and nails built the house wrong. WTF?


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Technical1 said:
She arranged this, first through calling you and then liquoring you up. You didnt seduce her, she seduced you. You just went along with it. If it wasnt you it would probably have been another guy, perhaps later on after she tied the knot. Its crazy how guys always have to take responsibility for everything. Women, on the other hand, well I havent seen them taking much responsibility, for them it "just happens". Its her relationship, its her responsibility, not yours. Obviously she didnt value it very highly. Blaming yourself is like saying the hammer and nails built the house wrong. WTF?
exactly my thoughts.

I also had the opportunity to hook up with a girl who LIVES with her boyfriend sat. night, a lot of alcohol was involved in this deal too, but i didn't do it out of respect for him. If i did do it, then i guess i d have felt like **** too cuz he s a cool guy who i get along with easily


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Drak and technical are right with what they say that everything is not always the man's responsibility and this woman is responsible for the eventual ruining of her own relationship and not you.

However regardless if these type of scenarios make you feel bad and rotten inside then they are not something you should engage in anymore.

Being a DJ is about what you truly want, what would make you feel good and not just nailing a hot piece of ass because she makes herself available and everyone would expect you to and look down on you for if you didn't.

It is about what you truly want and if it is not a shallow immoral existance such as this (because of it bothering your conscience) then you simply need to aim higher and go for what you want and the next time one of these types of calls happens where some chick fully intends to use you as her human dildo with no intention of making you her boyfriend or whatever you want of her then you decline the offer as a mature man who knows what he wants for his life would do.

Do and feel good for you not for others or their expectations.

Serve your conscience and feel good about yourself if that is what you need to do.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Would it have bothered you if she wasn't with the BF? Did it bug you that even after tapping that ass she still went back to him? Are you all bent because you want to hit it again?

I've been the guy who tapped the same girl. You just did what any other guy would've done. She doesn't want the BF for whatever reason and you filled her need to prove it to herself. The only real loser is the BF (and I've been that guy too) who's probably not as in the dark as you think, and if she's as hot as you say, will probably still "forgive" her indiscretions in spite of it. AFCs have a desperation like that.

My guess is your disappointment isn't with yourself as much as it is you wanting to "keep" her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I used to have a moral code for myself , but this hole satiation makes me feel like a giant sleeze ball

lol, you said "hole situation."

The chick would have done whatever guy was there. She's just a slvt. That is the 'hole situation.'


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I've been in that situation, felt those same thoughts. it kinda runs counter to all the "secret society", natural order to cheating posturing that goes around these boards

It's one reason why I don't hook up with taken chicks any more. If he's cool, I end up feeling bad for the other guy because I know I could've busted my nut elsewhere


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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My opinion is, if you help the chick to cheat, if it happens to you down the road, you have no right to complain.

Even though I get tempted as fvck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I was in colege the other day, and overheard this guy telling the girl that his fiancee cheatted on him. This is how he reacted, he heard them grinding eachother he grabbed a lamp, rammed into the room, and ****ing beat the **** out of him almost killing him. The dude is scarred for life, and his face is all ****ed up. He did prison, and while in prison his fiancee killed herself. There tons of crazy people out there be careful what you get yourself into...

The worst part the girl was laughing at this ****ing story, I looked at the guy with disgust, and I think he saw the face I gave him. I wasn't impressed, and he told that story with pride. What a sad world we live in.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
I used to be a firm believer in what comes to you, cannot hurt you.

After gaining some wisdom, I've learned that banging girls who have boyfriends gives no positive benefit. I'm not going to give the "we are part of a brotherhood" speech because thats been said one too many times.

The bottom line is what did you get out of this? Sex? If one is that desperate for sex, maybe he should reevaluate his life. I love laying the pipe as much as any other guy, but I attempt to hold myself to standards.

With that said, a lot of us have been here. I've woken up next to a woman who had a husband and felt great that very moment, only to feel like **** when I realize that there was nothing positive to come from this. Until you are the guy who's been cheated on, you have no way of knowing how this affects someone. It's not the end of the world, but pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
justjosh47 said:
... but this hole satiation makes me feel like a giant sleeze ball no matter how hot this girl is .
She was probably a don juan's girl!! :rolleyes:

Tell me, what are you suppose to do with a hor? Play Poker? or Poke-her?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Stéphane said:
I was in colege the other day, and overheard this guy telling the girl that his fiancee cheatted on him. This is how he reacted, he heard them grinding eachother he grabbed a lamp, rammed into the room, and ****ing beat the **** out of him almost killing him. The dude is scarred for life, and his face is all ****ed up. He did prison, and while in prison his fiancee killed herself. There tons of crazy people out there be careful what you get yourself into...

The worst part the girl was laughing at this ****ing story, I looked at the guy with disgust, and I think he saw the face I gave him. I wasn't impressed, and he told that story with pride. What a sad world we live in.
yeah it's funny, one thing I've noticed, the guys whose girls cheat on them and don't break it off immediately also tend to be the guys with low self-esteem who will go apesht on you. even if they weigh 100 lbs and can't fight, they will still come at you and reframe whatever's wrong with their relationship as your fault, regardless of who was using who

anyway, bottom line, if you got game, there's really no need to act like a sociopath. naturally stuff happens and girls in LTR's may fall in your lap but know what you're getting yourself into. if you can't keep it discrete, possible drama


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Yeah I have no intention of trying to have a relationship with this girl...just kind of feel like she used me as an excuse to screw up her relationship with her man , things were going back and I guees I looked like a good way to get out ..have not talked to her since I visited her at work and I am sure her friends are telling her to avoid me ...just sucks matter how I look at it . next time ill just take my drunken pride and my blue balls and go home .


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
KontrollerX said:
Being a DJ is about what you truly want, what would make you feel good and not just nailing a hot piece of ass because she makes herself available and everyone would expect you to and look down on you for if you didn't.

It is about what you truly want and if it is not a shallow immoral existance such as this (because of it bothering your conscience) then you simply need to aim higher and go for what you want and the next time one of these types of calls happens where some chick fully intends to use you as her human dildo with no intention of making you her boyfriend or whatever you want of her then you decline the offer as a mature man who knows what he wants for his life would do.

Do and feel good for you not for others or their expectations.

Serve your conscience and feel good about yourself if that is what you need to do.
This is the truth. He is giving you positive advice but IMO he isn't telling you how to live your life, you don't need to live by society's standards (or morals) but YOU need to follow your compass and do what you feel is right.

Your upset because you let the girl control the situation. I always take the stance that if I don't want to get involved in these types of situations then avoid putting yourself in danger.

That being said, I love danger and I love these situations. I've been the other guy many times and I've never felt the way you did. Why because I made the choice and I made it happen and it was a conscious decision.

justjosh47 said:
Yeah I have no intention of trying to have a relationship with this girl...just kind of feel like she used me as an excuse to screw up her relationship with her man , next time ill just take my drunken pride and my blue balls and go home .
Don't worry man, this won't screw up her relationship. She has no intention of telling her man, she said it herself. It isn't your place to break this guy's heart either.

The fact is this guy is likely a chump and does whatever she wants, kisses her toes, he's happier than a pig in sh1t that he's landed a major HB who works at Hooters and will do ANYTHING to keep her.

But the moral of the story is you have to take care of yourself and your emotions. If you don't want to wake up feeling guilty, then either change your mindset or more importantly don't put yourself in these situations because I'm willing to be dollars to donuts that if your drunk with her and she wants to suck you kawk, your not going home with blue balls.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
MacAvoy said:
She has no intention of telling her man
What I have found is that women will cheat with you for two reasons:

1. The sex isn't satisfying at home, and you represent the safest, closed mouth, likely better in bed guy she has available.

2. She doesn't give a sh!t about you at all, and you are the best sucker she could find to fvck, for the purpose of using you as ammunition against her BF in a jealousy ploy. Or because the BF is a total AFC and she hates him for it.

"Yaeh I fvcked so and so the other night, and he was way better than you, you little d!ck sissy fvck. What are you gonna do about it you little fagg0t? Get down there and eat my pvssy."

"Yes honey. I'm sorry."

I think you were the number 1 guy. And I think you wouldn't feel so bad if you guys weren't drunk. I'd have done her sober, finished her off with a g-spot ejaculatory orgasm, and then booked her for another appointment and sent her home drenched in her own vaginal fluid.


Apr 19, 2005
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KontrollerX said:
Drak and technical are right with what they say that everything is not always the man's responsibility and this woman is responsible for the eventual ruining of her own relationship and not you.

However regardless if these type of scenarios make you feel bad and rotten inside then they are not something you should engage in anymore.

Being a DJ is about what you truly want, what would make you feel good and not just nailing a hot piece of ass because she makes herself available and everyone would expect you to and look down on you for if you didn't.

It is about what you truly want and if it is not a shallow immoral existance such as this (because of it bothering your conscience) then you simply need to aim higher and go for what you want and the next time one of these types of calls happens where some chick fully intends to use you as her human dildo with no intention of making you her boyfriend or whatever you want of her then you decline the offer as a mature man who knows what he wants for his life would do.

Do and feel good for you not for others or their expectations.

Serve your conscience and feel good about yourself if that is what you need to do.
Disagreed, 110%. What he did captured the very essence of what being a DJ is all about. Bravo, and the next thing to do, would be to blackmail her ass for sex, or you'll tell EVERYBODY!!! (LOL)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Technical1 said:
She arranged this, first through calling you and then liquoring you up. You didnt seduce her, she seduced you. You just went along with it. If it wasnt you it would probably have been another guy, perhaps later on after she tied the knot. Its crazy how guys always have to take responsibility for everything. Women, on the other hand, well I havent seen them taking much responsibility, for them it "just happens". Its her relationship, its her responsibility, not yours. Obviously she didnt value it very highly. Blaming yourself is like saying the hammer and nails built the house wrong. WTF?
So true... women get what they want when they want from who they want... WHY???? cause there are too many men ...


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
JackPrescott said:
Disagreed, 110%. What he did captured the very essence of what being a DJ is all about. Bravo, and the next thing to do, would be to blackmail her ass for sex, or you'll tell EVERYBODY!!! (LOL)
A DJ doesn't need to blackmail for sex. A DJ has sex thrown at him because he's desirable.

You really think this broad cares if he tells anybody let alone her b/f?