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  1. R

    23 year old longer! I banged a milf...

    I call bullsh!t ! I thinks the story is fake. The only thing this kid said was true was that he watches alot of porno. But he is still going to get AIDS from his mouse.
  2. R

    What was your turning point? You "aha" moment in the game?

    When Anti-Dump told me to turn off my computer and use what I've learned. That was years ago.
  3. R

    Girl wanted to go out with me but now is confusing me

    Did she say yes? Don't know. That's not a yes. She left herself an out. If it's not definite, it no good.
  4. R

    Girl wanted to go out with me but now is confusing me

    You asked her out. And like Anti-Dump said "Anything but a 'yes' is a no". Figure it out.
  5. R

    HB9. Everyone says she likes me.

    I read all this stuff you posted and one question sticks out to me. What do YOU want?
  6. R

    Are high school girls too insecure?

    Dude. Lay off a bit man. Way to available.
  7. R

    A recent situation i need help with before its too late

    Yeah bro. the clock is at 0:00. Move on.
  8. R

    A recent situation i need help with before its too late

    Quit trying to be a mind reader. You got one play left and that is the Hail Mary. Ask her to the dance or date or whatever. But you can't be the meely mouthed wimp you have been. Go up to her with the attitude that "honey I'm taking you out and your going to like it. You would be a freakin...
  9. R

    Critique my workout!

    Do you have a regular bicycle? That is how I went down from 320+ and a wearing a size 46 to 260 and wearing a loose 38/tight 36 jeans. I would get my fat arse up a 5:30/6 in the morning and ride till I got a good sweat going. At first I was dog tired and about to pass out. But I kept plugging...
  10. R

    Tips on texting

    So if a chick texted you "what a small penis" would you chat with her for an hour?
  11. R

    Chick who loves to control

    People who love control are usually out of control.
  12. R

    a F'd situation, she's interested in my not close friend, to get back at me?

    One bit of advise. When it comes to getting girls, leave your male friends out of it. They never have your best interest in mind. Many times they may even submarine your efforts.
  13. R

    No Contact rly works...

    No contact worked because it caused Joshski to finally grow a pair and quit letting himself be obsessed with this chick. Now he realizes that she has no power over him. So well done.
  14. R

    Absolute Beginner

    Bicycle is going to help a bunch. Also search for body weight workouts. You need NO equipment to get a good workout. That's what I'm currently doing. - Try that out. There are modifications in there if you can't do the protocol completely.
  15. R

    Facial Cream

    Anti-uv I use the Eucerin like stated above. If it's real sunny or hot I will go with Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunblock - I use the SPF 85 and it's the neatest stuff. Not greasy at all! It's almost weird how dry to the touch this stuff is. Anti aging I have heard the Boots no7 protect...
  16. R

    Facial Cream

    Guys. Don't be afraid to use products for your face. I'm 36 and for the last year I have FINALLY started using skin care products. Let me tell you, Don't wait till your my age to start caring about your skin! I'm not the richest guy in the world, but a quick trip to Target can set you up...
  17. R

    From a brazilian newspaper: "Women search for a man wanting to be a dad"

    So that's why Brazilian chicks do stuff like 2 girls 1 cup.......
  18. R

    WTF! She hits on me, Number Close..Then THIS!

    Quoted for truth.
  19. R

    WTF! She hits on me, Number Close..Then THIS!

    Now's the time to find another target. Confidence is at a high, and this could be the start of a nice hot streak.
  20. R

    Girl I nexted is begging me for a date now. How to play this?

    Tell her you have plans with someone this weekend. She'll go nuts. Then you make her jump though the hoops. Hell I would even bring up that your first date wasn't all that great, then ask her what SHE is going to do to make it worth your time to see her again.