a F'd situation, she's interested in my not close friend, to get back at me?


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
This girl I have had to NC who I really like and care about but have been having trouble getting close to is interested in my friend who i'm not that close to. I asked him advice before about dealing with girls from his country cos they're from the same country but I think he might be pulling wool over my eyes about his interactions with her.

When I asked him advice again a couple weeks ago, he failed to mention that he went partying with her 1 night a few weeks ago and made it seem as if he was talking to her a bit for 5mins and danced with her. At the time we were still going out, but when things went bad she got her friend to ask a mutual friend to get his number. He says she's beautiful which makes me suspicious about his intentions. He doesn't want to fall in love with a girl from his country while he's abroad because he'll go back home and she'll still be here and also for me he won't go out with her, but that doesn't mean sh1t, cos if he wants to bang her and shes up for it.. why would he deny himself that?

I think i've been gullible in this situation and believing too much BS, he knew 2 weeks ago that she was interested in him, so why didn't he tell me?

This week while I was NC'ing her and it seemed to be working, she got tragic news that her mother is really ill and had to go to hospital, they were in a cafe together while she was bookiing her ticket online to go home and she invited him to sit down and join her. she left her number for him. She knows I know him, so is that any reason why she's trying to get with him?

Also yesterday before she left and was at the airport she texted him 'hey good looking, im at the airport leaving now, why didn't u text me? :)'

It was translated from their language and I don't know if he replied to her I didn't ask him, but it seems the interaction from Wednesday involved him telling her he'd text her.

This happened on Wednesday and I don't know why he didn't tell me any of this until today when he saw me. Is it cos he just sees her as a new potential bang and isn't going to jeopardise that by telling me?

He's a bit of a player, he's a challenge he has lots of social proof, loads of girls are interested in him he's playful. Everything I should have done. So I can understand why she's interested in him. He didn't show her much interest.

Is she just trying to get back at me or is she genuinely interested in him?

The thing is timeline wise she seemed interested him 2 weeks before I made her jealous and her mom being ill puts me in an iffy situation where I feel bad cos I do care for her but she told me to leave her alone.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Is she trying to get back at me or is actually interested in my friend by what it sounds like?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Weren't getting the "right" answers in your first thread,so you think starting a new thread will change the answers?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
My advice to you is to move on, find someone else and not to spend time analysing whether she really likes the guy or just trying to make you jealous.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
One bit of advise. When it comes to getting girls, leave your male friends out of it. They never have your best interest in mind. Many times they may even submarine your efforts.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
pikachu_69 said:
This girl I have had to NC who I really like and care about but have been having trouble getting close to is interested in my friend who i'm not that close to. I asked him advice before about dealing with girls from his country cos they're from the same country but I think he might be pulling wool over my eyes about his interactions with her.
Haven't read all your posts regarding this one girl, but by the titles of your posts, seems she has very little, to no interest in you, as more than just friends.

pikachu_69 said:
When I asked him advice again a couple weeks ago, he failed to mention that he went partying with her 1 night a few weeks ago and made it seem as if he was talking to her a bit for 5mins and danced with her. At the time we were still going out, but when things went bad she got her friend to ask a mutual friend to get his number.
He didn't mention it to you for one of two reasons, or both. He knows you got some deep one-itis over this one, and mentioning it to you would crush your fragile ego. Don't be surprised if she asked him not to say anything about it. Second, he knows you have absolutely no chance with her, so he might be interested in her. He might be interested in her even if he does or doesn't know how much you like her. Irrelevant.

pikachu_69 said:
He says she's beautiful which makes me suspicious about his intentions. He doesn't want to fall in love with a girl from his country while he's abroad because he'll go back home and she'll still be here and also for me he won't go out with her, but that doesn't mean sh1t, cos if he wants to bang her and shes up for it.. why would he deny himself that?
As stated above, he was staying away from her, and telling you he wasn't interested, because you are into her, so he wanted to stay out of the way. Nothing wrong with mentioning she is beautiful, wether he likes her or not. If you can't deal with one guy saying she's beautiful, how would you handle dozens of guys, each day, gawking and hitting on her?

pikachu_69 said:
I think i've been gullible in this situation and believing too much BS, he knew 2 weeks ago that she was interested in him, so why didn't he tell me?
Because you can't candle it. Your ego can't handle it. He was in a no win situation. He also figured you'd gotten the hint and stop pursuing somebody who is not reciprocating the same type of interest.

pikachu_69 said:
This week while I was NC'ing her and it seemed to be working, she got tragic news that her mother is really ill and had to go to hospital, they were in a cafe together while she was bookiing her ticket online to go home and she invited him to sit down and join her. she left her number for him. She knows I know him, so is that any reason why she's trying to get with him?
No, I don't think she is doing anything because of you. Are you that naive, jaded and out of touch to think she actually is living, and reacting to everything you do, feel, say?

pikachu_69 said:
Also yesterday before she left and was at the airport she texted him 'hey good looking, im at the airport leaving now, why didn't u text me? :)'
How do you know this? Are you stalking people?
She likes him. She spelled it. What more proof do you need?

pikachu_69 said:
It was translated from their language and I don't know if he replied to her I didn't ask him, but it seems the interaction from Wednesday involved him telling her he'd text her.
Drop it. Time to move on. You can't react, and depend on what others do for your happiness, no matter how hot any broad is.

pikachu_69 said:
This happened on Wednesday and I don't know why he didn't tell me any of this until today when he saw me. Is it cos he just sees her as a new potential bang and isn't going to jeopardise that by telling me?
You are going in circles here with your insecurity. He didn't tell you because YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH!. He doesn't have to worry about jeopardizing anything because of you. If he wants to move forward towards getting her, he will do it wether you like it or not.

pikachu_69 said:
He's a bit of a player, he's a challenge he has lots of social proof, loads of girls are interested in him he's playful. Everything I should have done. So I can understand why she's interested in him. He didn't show her much interest.
Bingo! Even you know what the score is, but still keep deceiving yourself.

pikachu_69 said:
Is she just trying to get back at me or is she genuinely interested in him?
She is not trying to get back at you, as she is and wasn't interested in you. She's more interested in him than in you at this point.

pikachu_69 said:
The thing is timeline wise she seemed interested him 2 weeks before I made her jealous and her mom being ill puts me in an iffy situation where I feel bad cos I do care for her but she told me to leave her alone.
Again, she wasn't interested in you enough. She is interested in you even less now. She told you to leave her alone, yet you keep beating that dead horse.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Gangster Of Love said:
Haven't read all your posts regarding this one girl, but by the titles of your posts, seems she has very little, to no interest in you, as more than just friends.

He didn't mention it to you for one of two reasons, or both. He knows you got some deep one-itis over this one, and mentioning it to you would crush your fragile ego. Don't be surprised if she asked him not to say anything about it. Second, he knows you have absolutely no chance with her, so he might be interested in her. He might be interested in her even if he does or doesn't know how much you like her. Irrelevant.

As stated above, he was staying away from her, and telling you he wasn't interested, because you are into her, so he wanted to stay out of the way. Nothing wrong with mentioning she is beautiful, wether he likes her or not. If you can't deal with one guy saying she's beautiful, how would you handle dozens of guys, each day, gawking and hitting on her?

Because you can't candle it. Your ego can't handle it. He was in a no win situation. He also figured you'd gotten the hint and stop pursuing somebody who is not reciprocating the same type of interest.

No, I don't think she is doing anything because of you. Are you that naive, jaded and out of touch to think she actually is living, and reacting to everything you do, feel, say?

How do you know this? Are you stalking people?
She likes him. She spelled it. What more proof do you need?

Drop it. Time to move on. You can't react, and depend on what others do for your happiness, no matter how hot any broad is.

You are going in circles here with your insecurity. He didn't tell you because YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH!. He doesn't have to worry about jeopardizing anything because of you. If he wants to move forward towards getting her, he will do it wether you like it or not.

Bingo! Even you know what the score is, but still keep deceiving yourself.

She is not trying to get back at you, as she is and wasn't interested in you. She's more interested in him than in you at this point.

Again, she wasn't interested in you enough. She is interested in you even less now. She told you to leave her alone, yet you keep beating that dead horse.
We have some history though, we made out dated about 2-3 months on and off. She's really difficult to get close to but I felt I got closer to her than her friends have. Frustratingly when things went pearshaped and I got angry at her for flaking on me on the monday, that Friday she got her friend to contact his female friend to get phone number. I think that's pretty low from her only a few days after we kind of ended things.

She was interested in one point but my AFC insecurity getting angry at her 2 days in a row just made her lose interest hence my NC method. Is it impossible to raise her interest?

She's in a delicate situation and vulnerable cos her mom is really ill in hospital, I really care for her and want to be there for her during this tough time but it seems she much rather have him console her than me.

Why is she looking to him, a complete stranger she doesn't even know telling him her family probs just cos she likes him?

He hasn't done anything to gain her trust. Also I made the mistake of when we last met she was annoyed that I 'seemed' to be talking about her and her private life to all my female friends and I gave the wrong answer of saying i did because it was my private life too as oppose to reassuring her that her secrets are safe with me.

Now she doesn't trust me, and probably has had trust issues in the past. I dont really know what I can do to rebuild her trust if she told me to leave her alone. I made her jealous, but then tragedy struck the next day because I saw her looking really upset but I just thought my NC was working too well but I didn't talk to her now I feel bad because she was really upset that day.

P.S. I know what the text said because my friend showed me it and translated for me (they speak the same language) he seems like a good loyal guy cos he knows I really care for her and to him she's just another girl and he told me yesterday even drunk he can control himself and he won't go for it. Though if he does I can't blame him but I can't be friends with him anymore but he seems like a loyal stand up guy, I would do the same for him but not everyone has the same ethics I do.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Read my lips:MOVE ON

You're so called history with her is just that. History. Take the fvcking hint already. You have no right to be angry with your friend if he goes for her. You had your chance, and she denied you. You cannot make any kind of claim on this chick whatsoever. She is perfectly fair game. Now, if you had a chance, and he moved in, you'd have a right, but its not his problem you're too AFC to let it go and move on, after she has obviously left you in the FZ.

These posts of your are starting to piss me off. Its an embarrassment to the male gender. I'll pretend for a little while longer that you arent really Drift King/Pete101, but until you read and apply some of the principles here, you are going to be served a big ol' bowl of STFU.

You have all the information you need right here, but you're obviously not driven enough to read the DJB, and other valuable posts, or make the slightest effort to become a sexworthy man. You should just go over to loveshack.com and have the feminists there tell you to write her some poetry and send her some flowers and shyt. Or maybe you should search out some wiccan sites and put a love spell on her, after you go take her to the newest twilight movie.

You arent listening to anything anyone here says, so why do you even post? What do you want from us? If you want, you can wire me 50 bucks, and I'll send you a magic pill.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Read my lips:MOVE ON

You're so called history with her is just that. History. Take the fvcking hint already. You have no right to be angry with your friend if he goes for her. You had your chance, and she denied you. You cannot make any kind of claim on this chick whatsoever. She is perfectly fair game. Now, if you had a chance, and he moved in, you'd have a right, but its not his problem you're too AFC to let it go and move on, after she has obviously left you in the FZ.

These posts of your are starting to piss me off. Its an embarrassment to the male gender. I'll pretend for a little while longer that you arent really Drift King/Pete101, but until you read and apply some of the principles here, you are going to be served a big ol' bowl of STFU.

You have all the information you need right here, but you're obviously not driven enough to read the DJB, and other valuable posts, or make the slightest effort to become a sexworthy man. You should just go over to loveshack.com and have the feminists there tell you to write her some poetry and send her some flowers and shyt. Or maybe you should search out some wiccan sites and put a love spell on her, after you go take her to the newest twilight movie.

You arent listening to anything anyone here says, so why do you even post? What do you want from us? If you want, you can wire me 50 bucks, and I'll send you a magic pill.
I've read parts of the DJ Bible but I can't find the most important part everyone has been telling me about, the bit about 'inner game' where is it under what section of the bible???


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
The whole thing is about inner game.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
horaholic said:
Read my lips:MOVE ON

You're so called history with her is just that. History. Take the fvcking hint already. You have no right to be angry with your friend if he goes for her. You had your chance, and she denied you. You cannot make any kind of claim on this chick whatsoever. She is perfectly fair game. Now, if you had a chance, and he moved in, you'd have a right, but its not his problem you're too AFC to let it go and move on, after she has obviously left you in the FZ.

These posts of your are starting to piss me off. Its an embarrassment to the male gender. I'll pretend for a little while longer that you arent really Drift King/Pete101, but until you read and apply some of the principles here, you are going to be served a big ol' bowl of STFU.

You have all the information you need right here, but you're obviously not driven enough to read the DJB, and other valuable posts, or make the slightest effort to become a sexworthy man. You should just go over to loveshack.com and have the feminists there tell you to write her some poetry and send her some flowers and shyt. Or maybe you should search out some wiccan sites and put a love spell on her, after you go take her to the newest twilight movie.

You arent listening to anything anyone here says, so why do you even post? What do you want from us? If you want, you can wire me 50 bucks, and I'll send you a magic pill.
For real man! I don't know why, but I felt compelled to read through your posts, Every single one you have written about this same F-ing girl is retarted, it's disgusting, get the hell over her! Do something other than asking for people's advice here that you aren't going to listen to anyway.