Absolute Beginner


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Ok im nearly 19 and I'm starting from scratch

If I wear clothes I don't look overweight, but I've started to notice how unhealthy I'm getting as my belly is starting to stick out and my metabolism is clearly diminishing

I only earn £20 a week, £15 of which goes towards food and college transport so I have no way to join a gym

So what's the best way to start in terms of exercising for no money

I was just gonna dive in and go mental but my friend said doing too much exercise for the first time isn't good. So I need a useful routine and diet that can break me into a good fitness regime


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Cut out all processed foods like soda/chocolate bars.

Get a cheap/free second hand bike from somewhere.

Cycle to college, thats your cardio sorted.

Use the money you've saved from not buying processed food/cycling to college, to pay for a gym membership.

Check out "the vault" at the top of the page for your strenght programme.



Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bicycle is going to help a bunch.

Also search for body weight workouts. You need NO equipment to get a good workout. That's what I'm currently doing.

http://www.trainforstrength.com/workouts.shtml - Try that out. There are modifications in there if you can't do the protocol completely.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
19 and your metabolism dimishing? maybe a little but its not that bad.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
So ****in' pissed just typed out a whole thing for you but I clicked submit and it never went through here I'll run through it again ...

http://www.rosstraining.com has great bodyweight workouts...train like a fighter they aesthetically have some of the best bodies. unless your goal is gain as much muscle as possible after losing that bit of fat (in that case join a gym, follow a bodybuilder split)

Anyways down to the fat loss...can't stress how important protein is. At the minimum you should shoot for at least 1 gram X bw in protein.( i go up as far as 1.5 to 2 x bw when trying to gain serious muscle mass) You should be eating lots of good fats to.. while keeping carbs on the lower to moderate side (purely individual and you gauge this)

Also there's no cookie cutter diet. I'm merely just recommending what are some of the best food choices. Take into consideration some of us have food allergies...so if you feel like sh*t after eating something immediately take it or get some free blood work done (allergy tests). It's a good idea cause eating food that bothers your system can and will raise cortisol. which can lead to fat gains (especially around mid section/lower back love handles)

Anyways with that out of the way. My list of top foods for most people

good fats:avocados, fats in whole eggs, fish oil, raw nuts like walnuts/almonds (fuk all that roasted/salted/flavored ****)light tasting olive oil (take by tbsps or drizzle on foods for added good calories and to satisfy hunger. coconut oil also is great for high temp cooking (yea plz learn how to cook while you're at this lol)

VEGGIES play a huge role as made proteins have lots of acid (espc beef) So eating veggies/fruits helps balance out the acidic levels in your body. So yea have your 2-5 pieces of fruit a day...plus lots of servings of veggies throughout the day (whatever you can afford)

Some veggies I recommend: Spinach rocks bottom line, any leafy greens darker the better, zuchinni/squash, broccoli, asparagus, sweet potatoes are awesome to !, tomatoes, beans (great for fat loss or bulking as is loaded with lots of fiber/protein/slow digesting carbs)

Protein: fish/sea food (shrimp, salmon, tuna all awesome), Ground beef (chuck is cheap rinse with water after cooking to lean it out) Round steak/sirloin (if on a budget stick to ground as it's cheaper) Ground turkey, chicken breast, whole eggs, quark (think you have this stuff over there), cheeses (most are great just dont over indulge)

Complex carbs:wheat pasta, brown/wild rice, oatmeal, sweet potate, ezekiel bread, or other breads the darker, the heavier the better (e.g. russian dary rye)

Simple carbs:white rice, white pasta, white potates (great for around workouts especially after to refill muscle glycogen) Eat with something real lean say fish or chicken/turkey.

It's imperative with carbs that you watch them closely...keep your white starchy stuff to only after your workouts. The majority of carbs you eat during a day should be consumed around that time. Especially if you dont do much during the day you're better off eating more protein+good fat meals and keeping carbs low on off days and moderate on lifting/cardio days.

Only supplements I recommend: Green Tea, Fish oil, Whey protein for after workouts, casein for before bed or other times of day, creatine

Do supplements help? Yes. Do you absolutely need them for great results? Hell no.

I suggest you hit body weight workouts at a minimum of 3 times a week (where 4-5 is optimal) With sprints/cardio on off days (if you're not to over weight) or hiking/cycling/long walks whatever. just get off your ass and do something!

Joining a sport like say rugby/futbol could do you good to. Ever see most of those rugby guys all of them are built ****in' rock solid/

Drink lots of water, (say gallon or two a day)..drink lots of green tea. If weening off of simple sugars like soda and all that crap. Try cystal light or sugar free koolaid (GRAPE IS AWESOME).

Also do your best to stop temptation. It will be all around you, so to counterattack this allow yourself at least 1-2 cheat meals a week. That you could set up for the weekend or special even. Allow yourself to eat your fav foods (be it cake or whatever but only 1-2 meals a week max!) My friend only has one a month. Yet up to you this is to avoid "binging" or losing your mind LOL.

anyways good luck and just be consistent. It would be your best bet to at least buy a decent weight set. Bench, plus adjustable dumbbells/barbell. A power rack would be optimal also. As you get stronger you buy more weights. Find yourself a small part time job. If I was in your position I'd find a gym with powerlifters/strongmen/athletes of all sorts and train along side.

There's nothing better than being in a room with those kinds of people as most will be more then glad to mentor some one wanting to improve themselves to the fullest. Plus that kind environment will feed the inner beast in and help you TEAR **** UP. Hopefully things go well for you and I didn't type this for no f*ukin reason.:)

EDIT: watch your sodium intake also, it should only be coming from sea salt (i use redmonds real salt) nice coloring/darker/grayer the better trace minerals is has. Pickles are great to:)