From a brazilian newspaper: "Women search for a man wanting to be a dad"


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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Well, I was out of SoSuave for a while. Pardon me for my poor English skills (as I used to practice here), but this one belongs here!

Well, this sh1t came here too! Seems like brazilian men started to realize that when they reach 30 and have money on their pockets and all, they don't have to marry and have children and stuff. Many are doing vasectomy. And women are B1TCHING like MAD to their ginecologists :crackup:

I am going to translate some pieces of it:

"Saleswoman Naima Campregher, 33, fits on this scenario. She says that five years ago, she noticed that men her age were more and more distant of the idea of having children. "It's hard to find someone wanting to have a serious relationship, wanting to be a real father to the child I want to have."

"Nadiella Monteiro, 33, adds: "We mature emotionally and career-wise, get more financially independent, we want to have a family and everything gets so hard. Either he is very childish, immature, just wanting one night stands and "adventure" -- or he is comitted."

"We feel like a "reproducer". The girl sees us two, three times and she's already thinking about having children. I am out!" -- says Saulo Caetano, 31. "
(a man, of course).

They go on to explain that it could be the case that men needs some therapy to work out issues regarding their childhood, or stuff like this. Like we're nuts in our heads for realizing that when we hit 30 and have money in our pockets, we're finally able to call the shots and get all the chicks that we want. -- quite the opposite of our 20s, when we're just trying to build a life and having girls laughing at us left and right (but hey, that doesn't mean we don't have fun, but it DOES get more interesting at 30, after all, there's nothing like financial stability, maturity and good looks - talk about a nice combo).

So this is it. Men are running away from marriage and are doing vasectomy. And if you thought that this was only in America, there we go, add Brazil to your list! And women here are crazy about it, calling us immature and yaddayadda. :crackup: -- and to top it off, we're the ones to blame, we're messed up, we have to change. Nice try, ladies. See you around.

Nevermind, when I hit 30 and hear all the girls that laughed at me when I was 20, young, poor, wanted serious relationship and everything they want at 30 -- but oh, they wanted adventure -- b1tching like mad because I am rich and does not want to marry them and have children with them, I will just shrug and tell them to piss off. After all, I have better things to do, like game the young chicks while she b1tches. Table turns!

Just wanted to share this with you all. Peace!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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That's good news. I will be one of these men too. I don't ever want to be married or have kids, I see all these men trapped in marriages with fat ugly wives and kids they hate, driving a minivan and struggling to make ends meet, and it terrifies me to end up like that.

I always think it's funny how women act like *****s up until their late 20s or so, and then "fall in love" with "the one" and desperately try to sink their hooks into him for marriage/kids just before their looks fade. The sad part is how many guys fall for it.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
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So that's why Brazilian chicks do stuff like 2 girls 1 cup.......


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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Thats what women get. Ill bet when they were in their early twenties, THEY were the ones that were playing with mens feelings and they were the ones that were the attention that they are older and losing their beauty...the game has changed for them.

Men can have a fvckin field day out there when they are 35, while women at that age, when they realize the parties over, cant hold a man down for sh!t. Ill bet they regret playing games when they were young now...fvckin wh0res. Too bad for women. Its a vicious cycle we live in.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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Ralfus1 said:
So that's why Brazilian chicks do stuff like 2 girls 1 cup.......
That implies American chicks do the same, right? :D

What I found rather funny is that, in the brazilian article that I've read, the brazilian chicks mentioned the "biological clock" a hundred times, like "I have to have children as soon as possible, cause the biological clock is ticking, you know". They're quite honest about WTF is going on -- except for the reasons behind it -- men are immature yadda yadda. Compare this to any American article about the subject and you'll see what I mean (as in "women getting on their sexual peak at their 40s").

Back when I was active on SS, there was some users that believed in the myth that the marriage strike and the feminization of society and everthing was only in America. Many said that this was not the case in Latin countries. My point in posting this here is to debunk this myth -- the feminization is everywhere, and the reaction to it is starting to taking place too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Remember, there is a difference between what women want and what they react to.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Well I'm ready for kids now, I've had plenty of time to enjoy life without them - bring on the 20-something latinas!

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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Kerpal said:
That's good news. I will be one of these men too. I don't ever want to be married or have kids, I see all these men trapped in marriages with fat ugly wives and kids they hate, driving a minivan and struggling to make ends meet, and it terrifies me to end up like that.

I always think it's funny how women act like *****s up until their late 20s or so, and then "fall in love" with "the one" and desperately try to sink their hooks into him for marriage/kids just before their looks fade. The sad part is how many guys fall for it.
Hate their kids? I dont think anyone hates their kids mate. Marriage is not for everyone. I want kids though. I like children. I think I would make a good father. I think children also change your perspective on life quite a bit. All in all, the fact that so many men are against the idea of family these days scares me quite a bit. Im not pro marriage, Im just not anti the idea either.

Ill agree that too men men marry out of sentimentality or because of pressure though.

There is a difference between refusing to put up with the crap and hating women though. Sometimes I cant help but think a lot of men here resent women because of their own lack of success. I know that I went through that phase and in many ways I am still in it.

Women are as much a product of their environments as we are.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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bigjohnson said:
Well I'm ready for kids now, I've had plenty of time to enjoy life without them - bring on the 20-something latinas!
Been seriously considering learning Spanish and spending more and more time in South America. Maybe start looking at property out that way or ways to work a few months of the year from there.

Land myself a nice little 22 year old princess who sucks like a hoover and is quite happy to stay at home and raise kids. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Kerpal said:
That's good news. I will be one of these men too. I don't ever want to be married or have kids, I see all these men trapped in marriages with fat ugly wives and kids they hate, driving a minivan and struggling to make ends meet, and it terrifies me to end up like that.

I always think it's funny how women act like *****s up until their late 20s or so, and then "fall in love" with "the one" and desperately try to sink their hooks into him for marriage/kids just before their looks fade. The sad part is how many guys fall for it.

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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fuzzx said:
But you gotta admit, they are almost ALL super hot, even the ugly ones are hot. I'm gonna stay with my mexican though... have to say that mexicans are my current favorite. My girl cooks, cleans, does everything for me, pays, works and is loyal to a tee + is very feminine. I lived in Brazil for awhile and thats one thing that sticks out in my mind is that chicks there have a hard time staying with just one dude. You have ot get the really religious ones. Anyway best of luck and btw the language in Brazil is Portuguese not Spanish.
What else can you tell me about how it is down in Brazil? And how the wome act?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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I like South East Asia better, they can be taken home if you want without an assured instant blimp syndrome.