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  1. R

    Hey Ease, check out your boy 50 Cent

    Jay-Z's flow isn't his strength, he's more of a lyricist than Eminem. Eminem got crazy rhyme schemes but his lyrics aren't very complex (especially now) Jay's lyrics are so complex he needed to release a book (Decoded) to explain them... Plus he's respected amongst real music heads even...
  2. R

    Music Industry shows how puss$ the moder Man is

    Right... because lots of posts and spending lots of time on this forum means you're doing awesome at life? FYI I was on this forum in '05, I got what I needed out of the site and didn't become a keyboard jockey. It's a love song on the radio, it doesn't mean ****. 20% of men bang 80% of the...
  3. R

    Music Industry shows how puss$ the moder Man is

    You can always tell an AFC by his bitterness towards women...
  4. R

    Birds crashing into the ground, explained

    They already made a documentary explaining the reasoning behind this...
  5. R

    7 rules for texting girls

    Using smilies is a must. Most of human communication is done through body language, facial expression and vocal tonality. In a text, you've got none of that to convey playfulness except maybe 'lol' and 'jk'. With a simple smiley you can convey playfulness :p, flirtiness ;), sarcasm :) etc I...
  6. R

    Quick Question guys

    Naa I don't. I wish I knew what I knew now back then but there's no way you can ever know everything. All you can do is do the best you can with the knowledge you have at that time. Don't look at the past man. Cut your losses and make from now until the end of your life the best it can be.
  7. R

    Laid guy look vs Not Laid guy look?

    "The look" is called confidence.
  8. R

    Major Lesson Learned, Mistake Made, Should have Dumped B*tch

    Yeah look you ****ed up, it doesn't matter. Cut your losses and just look at making things good from now on. Don't blame the world, don't blame her. Girls will do this ****. Success is the best revenge. Don't be bitter toward her. Go to the gym, get a ripped body. Make more friends. Date...
  9. R

    Recommend me a hairstyle? (with pics)

    yeah dude, get rid of that flat hair and buy some hair wax you'll look way better with your hair either swept back or if you want something more edgy go for a faux-hawk look
  10. R

    3 step ladder to the glory--that you can implement immediately, NOW

    Awesome post dude, you hit the nail on the head. I will second what you said about not jacking off. Ever since I broke my addiction I just feel way more confident with strangers. I did some research on this recently and basically everytime you orgasm you are filling your brain with dopamine...
  11. R

    Enough with the lesbian ****

    I agree in that its lame and overhyped with stupid songs like Katy Perry's (who is straight by the way. She just married Russell Brand right?) But I don't agree that it's a problem. Girls do it for show but most hot girls are still very straight. You'll find most HB10's are and they go for...
  12. R

    you guys get awkward silences on first few dates with a girl?

    You should try to never leave a silence before solid attraction is built, saying something/anything is better than nothing, no matter how lame it is. If there is a silence, you look dead in her eye and smile. I've been trying this and 9 out of 10 times the girl will feel the need to make...
  13. R

    Frustrated beyond belief.

    You've actually touched on an important point, that alot of the guys on this forum want HB10's but you aren't on their level. We can point and laugh at guys like Mystery who wear platform boots with goggles, but the reason these guys get the 10's is because they stand out, like how a HB10...
  14. R

    Do You Say Stuff To a Girl When You're Dancing?Serious

    naa u dont, just be in the moment and let your bodies do the talking keep it fun at first, really try to stop thinking and just enjoy yourself and let it get sexual
  15. R

    sexy stereotype: Indie Rock

    this look is becoming pretty mainstream here in australia, and the reality is that girls do like it I personally think its borderline gay. I think I dress okay, I'd describe my style as more GQ and grown, whereas this indie rock stuff is more for the teens the super tight skinny jeans and...
  16. R

    Living in the moment

    I've got one of his audiobooks but never listened to it When you say you're in a state of thoughtlessness 40% of the day, is that the awakened part? I think alot of guys on this forum always thought we were better at life because we're smarter than, say, the jocks but in reality we...
  17. R

    transition nice guys need to pass through

    Very nice post dude! You described my life exactly. I'm at stage 9 and what I've been saying on various forums for the past year is the biggest lesson I've learnt is that 'be yourself' is really the best advice but useless at the beginning. I now no longer fear being single, I am still in...
  18. R

    Just Got Fired

    I don't understand how being a mid-level corporate guy can be any worse than working at McDonalds... Mortgage, luxury car payments, loving kids etc? Sounds alot better than living in government housing, driving a **** box that barely starts and having kids from different women that you didn't...
  19. R

    Just a thought about guys who say ugly guys can get hot chicks.

    That's a really good point and something I tend to forget. I guess we sometimes put hot women on a pedestal and forget they have their own problems and insecurities.
  20. R

    Just a thought about guys who say ugly guys can get hot chicks.

    There are lots of very hot women with ugly dudes. You'll find that alot of models are dating ugly dudes. But take note of this, usually the ugly dudes are alpha males: strong personality, loud, bad ass, ****y and arrogant, rich or funny. You never (or rarely, for those who take my words...