Music Industry shows how puss$ the moder Man is


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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I used to ignore this... but this is getting borderline ridiculous.

Music made by a man: (Bruno Mars, Just the way you are, how his girl is perfect)

There are a thousand of other examples, you all know....

But know look at music made by women: - Genie in a bottle, Christina Aguilera "if you want to be with, baby there´s a price to pay, I´m genie in a bottle.....YOU GOTTA MAKE A BIG IMPRESSION;GOTTA LIKE WHAT YOU DO.

Shania Twain "That doesn´t impress me much", here Shania is just an attention *****, rejecting very good looking and successful guys.

*****cat dolls, "I don´t need a man"

So basically the music industry shows the reality of dating. Men continue to behave like women´s slaves,begging for their attention

I really would like women to understand that above 22, most of them have become fat pigs with big asses, so they are not in a position to make big claims regards to their partner, even more because the average man can be athletic and successfull all his life.... yeah, men are superior to women, so we should be calling the shots...


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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You can always tell an AFC by his bitterness towards women...


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
lol, I like newbies... with few posts, trying to talk, and act alpha, telling others are afc´s, bitters, or virgins, it seems this forum is their training center.... Keep that to real life, here we are a team.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Nimm said:
What has changed, expect the fashion and the beats?
What has changed is the level if intensity and pervasiveness of the problem in the minds of this newest generation.

It was starting to get bad in the late 80s, and now it is fully assimilated into society.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
What has changed is the level if intensity and pervasiveness of the problem in the minds of this newest generation.

It was starting to get bad in the late 80s, and now it is fully assimilated into society.
I`ve only had a few years in the 80s, so no real life experience :p, but the post was about how the lyrics supposedly have "changed", but i`dont see any diffrence.

But yeah, music video`s are much more graphic and sleazy today...
I remeber seeing a Pu$$ycat dolls video that was on, i honestly belived it was a softcore p0rn video, the first 20secs...

But in the 70s,80s... weren`t some of the social scene the same? watching movies,tv-shows and stand-up from those decades it seems somewhat the same, but more subtle.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Jariel said:
Back in my youth we had real women who were in touch with their emotions and knew the value of real men...
Perhaps the worst song and video I have ever seen haha.

As far the the OP's point, understand, that this has been going on since day one in the music industry. Listen to songs in the 50's-stuff the Beatles did, listen to songs in the 60's, same words and intent, just the styles change.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
^agreed, this is nothing new.

And to the OP, don't let your AFC bitterness lash out on these songs, try reading and studying the DJ Bible. But before you do that, release the rest of your frustrations out and thn get to work on the DJ Bible! :rockon:

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

My focus is on what I perceive to be the OP's original point, as I understand it. To quote him:

"Basically the music industry shows the reality of dating. Men continue to behave like women´s slaves,begging for their attention"

So he seems to be saying that the current music scene reflects women's attitudes (disdain) toward men, and men's propensity to just lie down and take it (what I call "Toxic Shame" for being a man).

Looking back at your post I see that you are acknowledging this.

Back in the 70s and 80s, music and videos were starting to get sexually graphic, and we all know this has steadily ramped up over the decades. But make no mistake about it, women were indeed more reasonable and capable of accountability and a degree of rational thought.

If you younger guys only knew! But you can't because you haven't lived it as I have. Sure, women were a pain in the ass, but radically less so than today. There was litereally, absolutely no such thing as flaking. It simply didn't exist. A women felt herself fortunate to be asked to go somewhere by a man.

Even though feminism was being born at that time, society still demanded a certain level of accountability and rationality from women. The expectation was of course less than from men, but it was still there. Although the media was preaching utter disrespect for men, the average, every-day woman didn't overtly buy into that crap and they generally displayed respect toward men to one degree or another.

The problem is that even though they weren't overtly buying in, they were being affected subconsciously. Then when the critical mass of peer pressure was achieved (I estimate late 80s), all hell broke loose and a rapid declination of female character occured. Most of you guys were born into that time of declination, and in your perception things have been getting worse slowly. But taken in the perspective of history, the decline was rather sudden and rapid. A few decades is just a blip of time, and for 40 years feminism has entered the female psyche drip by tiny drip, until an ociean was produced.

The best way to change a person's thought process without them even knowing it is by planting tiny, imperceptable seeds over a long period of time.

And while all this was happening, men started becoming weaker and weaker, all because of the desperate perceived need for pvssy and the desperate fear of rejection. Other factors in this weakness are lack of a ritual of establishing the passing of boyhood into manhood in our culture and the fact that most boys are educated from birth mostly by women. Since there was no counter force against feminism due to men's woeful lack of backbone, it took root and grew into the character-consuming monster that it is today.

Naturally, art is now reflecting this new, contrived reality. So on TV and in the movies we see women routinely slapping and punching men and kicking them in the groin. This has become totally accepted but was unheard of in the 70s. We see men being protrayed in videos as slaves with the woman dominating him. We see commercials where the man is the buffoon with no idea how to solve a problem, until the wife shows up and demonstrates what an "idiot" her husband is.

That's why I consider what we are doing here to be so important. Future generations will look back at us and recognize us as the very first pioneers in the process of restoring the proper natural balance. We need to stick to our guns and educate other men, and women for that matter.

Not trying to take you to school, bro, just laying out my thoughts for what they're worth.

Edit: Notice that it is always the 18, 19 year old "sages" who are the first to scream out "misogyny" and "bitterness"! These wet-behind-the-ears kids believe that their surface analysis based on very little experience must be true. Remember, the present young generation has been more thoroughly indoctrinated into the current climate than any other, and it is little wonder that they are proclaiming the mantra of a feminized educational system.

I do realize that some of you teenagers and early-twenties "get it", and my hat is off to you. And of course there are one or two 30-somethings here who love to scream out "misogony!" Remember when you read the posts of us older guys who have been around, that we have lived through the changes and experienced them first-hand. It is very easy for impetuous youth to write off the wisdom of their elders. But I have seen that some of you younger guys are truly wise and have a broader perspective of reality, which I admire greatly.

Now get off my lawn!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
While there is some merit to this observation one thing to consider is this type of music sells.

The artist(s) may not even mean or feel the lyrics and just wants a hit that will sell.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
I pretty much agree with you on the Bruno Mars song...But when it comes down to's only a song. In the end it's a person CHOICE to act afc not some lyrics to a song.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
There is a big difference of wisdom, between 50+ years old guys like Zekko and Atom, and the 18 year old kids that like to act alpha on the forum calling others AFC´s etc.. That´s not alpha btw, it´s just plain immature.

Listen kids, I´m not a superstar, but generally I don´t have problems getting women, not HB9, but some cuties. I´m in a all round self improvement, mind, body and women... that´s why I´m here.

Now a lesson of logic, the way women behave these days, their spoiled atittude is an objective matter. It doesn´t matter if I have success or not, a virgin who is informed, knows the same that a super master don juan that has fvcked 200 women in his life. So independently of their success their opinion about women is the same.
Women are getting out of control, is not because I can get a bang that all of a sudden they are wonderful creatures.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:

My focus is on what I perceive to be the OP's original point, as I understand it. To quote him:

"Basically the music industry shows the reality of dating. Men continue to behave like women´s slaves,begging for their attention"

So he seems to be saying that the current music scene reflects women's attitudes (disdain) toward men, and men's propensity to just lie down and take it (what I call "Toxic Shame" for being a man).

Looking back at your post I see that you are acknowledging this.

Back in the 70s and 80s, music and videos were starting to get sexually graphic, and we all know this has steadily ramped up over the decades. But make no mistake about it, women were indeed more reasonable and capable of accountability and a degree of rational thought.

If you younger guys only knew! But you can't because you haven't lived it as I have. Sure, women were a pain in the ass, but radically less so than today. There was litereally, absolutely no such thing as flaking. It simply didn't exist. A women felt herself fortunate to be asked to go somewhere by a man.

Even though feminism was being born at that time, society still demanded a certain level of accountability and rationality from women. The expectation was of course less than from men, but it was still there. Although the media was preaching utter disrespect for men, the average, every-day woman didn't overtly buy into that crap and they generally displayed respect toward men to one degree or another.

The problem is that even though they weren't overtly buying in, they were being affected subconsciously. Then when the critical mass of peer pressure was achieved (I estimate late 80s), all hell broke loose and a rapid declination of female character occured. Most of you guys were born into that time of declination, and in your perception things have been getting worse slowly. But taken in the perspective of history, the decline was rather sudden and rapid. A few decades is just a blip of time, and for 40 years feminism has entered the female psyche drip by tiny drip, until an ociean was produced.

The best way to change a person's thought process without them even knowing it is by planting tiny, imperceptable seeds over a long period of time.

And while all this was happening, men started becoming weaker and weaker, all because of the desperate perceived need for pvssy and the desperate fear of rejection. Other factors in this weakness are lack of a ritual of establishing the passing of boyhood into manhood in our culture and the fact that most boys are educated from birth mostly by women. Since there was no counter force against feminism due to men's woeful lack of backbone, it took root and grew into the character-consuming monster that it is today.

Naturally, art is now reflecting this new, contrived reality. So on TV and in the movies we see women routinely slapping and punching men and kicking them in the groin. This has become totally accepted but was unheard of in the 70s. We see men being protrayed in videos as slaves with the woman dominating him. We see commercials where the man is the buffoon with no idea how to solve a problem, until the wife shows up and demonstrates what an "idiot" her husband is.

That's why I consider what we are doing here to be so important. Future generations will look back at us and recognize us as the very first pioneers in the process of restoring the proper natural balance. We need to stick to our guns and educate other men, and women for that matter.

Not trying to take you to school, bro, just laying out my thoughts for what they're worth.

Edit: Notice that it is always the 18, 19 year old "sages" who are the first to scream out "misogyny" and "bitterness"! These wet-behind-the-ears kids believe that their surface analysis based on very little experience must be true. Remember, the present young generation has been more thoroughly indoctrinated into the current climate than any other, and it is little wonder that they are proclaiming the mantra of a feminized educational system.

I do realize that some of you teenagers and early-twenties "get it", and my hat is off to you. And of course there are one or two 30-somethings here who love to scream out "misogony!" Remember when you read the posts of us older guys who have been around, that we have lived through the changes and experienced them first-hand. It is very easy for impetuous youth to write off the wisdom of their elders. But I have seen that some of you younger guys are truly wise and have a broader perspective of reality, which I admire greatly.

Now get off my lawn!!!


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
lol, I like newbies... with few posts, trying to talk, and act alpha, telling others are afc´s, bitters, or virgins, it seems this forum is their training center.... Keep that to real life, here we are a team.
Right... because lots of posts and spending lots of time on this forum means you're doing awesome at life?

FYI I was on this forum in '05, I got what I needed out of the site and didn't become a keyboard jockey.

It's a love song on the radio, it doesn't mean ****.
20% of men bang 80% of the hottest women. The other 80% of men are bitter because the world isn't in their favour...

You ever notice the alpha guys who get women are never the ones who are a bitter towards them or the way the world is? Could be a pattern...

Real talk.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
realtalk said:
Right... because lots of posts and spending lots of time on this forum means you're doing awesome at life?

FYI I was on this forum in '05, I got what I needed out of the site and didn't become a keyboard jockey.

It's a love song on the radio, it doesn't mean ****.
20% of men bang 80% of the hottest women. The other 80% of men are bitter because the world isn't in their favour...

You ever notice the alpha guys who get women are never the ones who are a bitter towards them or the way the world is? Could be a pattern...

Real talk.
0.7 posts a day doesn´t take that time..
Even if the artist, does the music for mere selling, the lyrics still reflect these days dating. And people are really influenced by the media, women will look at *****cat dolls and will say they should despise men like they do, men will think they have to be even more romantic.

And no I don´t notice that, I really know some real life don juans that hate women, but they need them to release their sexual energies. As I said, I don´t hate women, but the fact they are spoiled and flaky is still a fact, whether you are a virgin or a don juan. It´s also a fact that you have a lot of fat girls today that think they are princesses.
Take care