Quick Question guys


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
First: Over the last year, I have progressed socially and I have this site to thank.

The question: For those of you who have progressed, do you ever get mad at yourself for being naive, foolish, and an AFC for all those years. I have met great girls over the last year and I kick myself for staying around with the ones who I LET bring me down.

Is it normal to have some self-loathing?


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
oscarxp25 said:
The question: For those of you who have progressed, do you ever get mad at yourself for being naive, foolish, and an AFC for all those years. I have met great girls over the last year and I kick myself for staying around with the ones who I LET bring me down.
Hell no man. Being angry, frustrated or regretful is a waste of your time. Instead of sobbing or regretting things you've done in the past, you should embrace them and learn from your mistakes! I was a big time AFC years ago, but that period is over, and looking back on it, it taught me some skills I never would have learned without that period in my life.

Life is too short to regret things. Instead of focusing on the past, focus on the future! Ask yourself: "How can I do better", instead of "Why was I such a loser?". Keep asking, and you'll become even better than you are now!

oscarxp25 said:
Is it normal to have some self-loathing?
No, it's a waste of your time, and an AFC trait. It's a sign you lack the tools to fix yourself and ultimately become a man. Because a real man, he accepts himself and loves himself over anyone else!


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Naa I don't. I wish I knew what I knew now back then but there's no way you can ever know everything. All you can do is do the best you can with the knowledge you have at that time.

Don't look at the past man. Cut your losses and make from now until the end of your life the best it can be.