The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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  1. T

    should i bother replying to this singer (i.e. professional attentin wh0re)?

    i see 2 big mistakes you made #1, you were too indirect with your interaction. she said you should be in comedy. its great that you made her laugh, but at no point did you reveal your intentions. you were just being the friendly funny guy. she friend zoned you because you were friendly and funny...
  2. T

    Girls and their options

    I wanted to share something that I noticed over the weekend. I was at my favorite bar enjoying watching some college football when I noticed a table of 4 girls that I wanted to cold approach. All 4 girls were attractive but slightly higher than average at best. The hottest of the 4 was dress...
  3. T

    GF not putting much effort

    the same thing used to happen to me a lot before i found the community. the reason she lost attraction for you is that you became too available, needy, and expected sex from her. she knew that she could go out with you at anytime or place that she wanted. my guess is that you thought she was...
  4. T

    setting up a date not more than 2 days in advance to reduce flaking but..?

    first things first, the only true way to lower your flake rate is to build solid attraction from the start. if you've done it properly you dont have to worry about scheduling dates in advance. you can just say "i'm doing x right now, you should join me." another thing to keep in mind is that...
  5. T

    Couldn't f-close. What did I do wrong?

    the only flaw in your game right now is that you are only looking for sex. she is reading this from you. you said it yourself she's afraid that she will just be another notch in your belt. to sleep with this girl you are gonna have to show her you dont just want her for sex. if thats all you...
  6. T

    Girls Love Me, But Still No Same Night Sex

    at this point if you are getting approached by women constantly then you are building a lot of attraction upfront. its really up to you to pull the trigger. when a woman is attracted to you, you can get away with a lot more then you can possibly imagine. i would suggest this, try your hardest to...
  7. T

    If ur not in the ljbf zone yet but...

    who cares if she ends up dating him, game her anyway. since you are young i'll tell you this. get used to trying to game girls that have other options. its not going anywhere, its a part of the game to become the best option.
  8. T

    Need help making a move....

    dont make a move on her, she will see it as weird, cause you have been friends for so long. it will blow up in your face. game another chick in front of her see if she gets jealous, if not you have no chance. tip for the future: when you meet a girl, kino escalation should start at hello...
  9. T

    What do I do with my LJBF

    i use all my LJBF's as bait to game other chicks. LJBF's are just girls i havent banged yet. if i get LJBF'ed i try and get a couple of them together and head out to the clubs. i'll open them with a good opinion opener, get them talking to each other, and just bail so i can game other chicks...
  10. T

    Is she losing interest? Doesn't care about me?

    i had a situation similar to this in the past. its why i dont really like dating chicks with kids or dogs even. if she starts using her kid as a constant excuse not to hang out with you then you need to next her. you cannot be mad at her or dispute her excuse. if you do she will dump you on the...
  11. T

    Give some night game tips

    personally i stay away from the dance floor. i look at when a girl is grinding on me the same way i look at a stripper giving me a lapdance. it doesnt mean that she's attracted to me. i prefer canned routines on hb9's & 10's cause i know what works for me. spitting verbal game and using good...
  12. T

    Pick-up Help - Cashier HB7

    invite your hot friend to join you for coffee there. let the barista see. flirt you ass off with your friend and get her laughing really hard so she can hear. invite her for a drink at a nearby bar after her shift.
  13. T

    Can somebody explain

    you are showing too much interest with your approach. you look like the creepy guy hitting on girls as they walk by. go more indirect, maybe use an opionion opener. make it seem spontaneous, and really root your opener, and give a false time constraint. those 2 things alone should buy you 2-5...
  14. T

    When to ask for the number

    phone #'s are not a big deal, and try to live by that philosophy. if you make it a big deal by asking for her #, she will make it a big deal and get creeped out. she'll probably still give you the #, but it will only turn into a flake. the best method is to have a reason you are asking for her #...
  15. T

    Date cancels few days before, need some advice

    i've always liked the angle of her making it up to me. rephrase your text. dont ask when, ask how....she is going to make it up to you, but do it playfully. always reject her first counter offer, say i'm busy on that day, and come up with something really cool to tell her. you dont want to look...
  16. T

    Counter Intuitive Question

    i would agree with one previous statement, most of this is about guys she's already attracted to. i'd take this email as her qualifiying herself to you, so i would assume that attraction for you is there. dont take her advice as the bible. women are notorious for giving men terrible dating...
  17. T

    Ok this **** is getting old

    if i could give you one peice of advice it would be more aggressive and close sooner. a lot of men think that just because a woman gives you her phone # that means she's into you. not necessarily the case. women are constantly testing you every step of the way. i would suggest a new...
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    How to deal with one word response-low IL

    ask more open ended random questions
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    if a girl says your good looking?

    its always better to make a move and fail, then to not make a move at all. even if you make your move and she objects, at least she knows you're not a p.ussy which actually increases your value. if you never make a move she will eventually lose any attraction she had for you.
  20. T

    Women have too much control over my thoughts.

    let me just tell you that game can be learned. just like any other sport, the more practice you get, the better you will become. its much easier in todays information age then it was 10 years ago. at least now we have the ability to share info and the "rules". before it was all just trial and...