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    things to do when hanging out with girls

    LOL Not everyone is the great wolf116 ;)
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    So She Digs Me - What Next?

    lol I hope you didn't take that seriously. It all depends on whether or not YOU like HER.
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    how do you handle take away girls/cblockers?

    How would you handle it when it is a girl that has relationship potential? As in a friend of hers that doesn't seem to approve...
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    Exciting and interesting things to do on dates/hangouts

    Action dates. Take her ice skating, play tennis, take her to the zoo.
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    How should I ask this girl out after we've had a few dates/kissed?

    This makes sense, but you have to understand that high school is like a completely different world. The girls are usually much less experienced, and often-times sex doesn't come into the equation at all for awhile...and what's worse, these girls are surrounded buy guys for 8+ hours a day. There...
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    FR: Quick approach, no number close

    Too bad they had to leave that quickly. I think you should have thrown in a C&F comment, and gotten the number...senior year is ending, you have nothing to lose. Dude, aren't you supposed to be in school? I know I
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    How should I ask this girl out after we've had a few dates/kissed?

    Obviously, this a problem that a lot of us face....damn now I'm super interested in this thread lol. And I don't think you can just tell your friends to stop hanging around her...what about guys that aren't you friends? Obviously, other guys will flirt with her, and may even ask her out.
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    What exactly happened with that girl after that? I'm assuming that didn't end did you just change the subject after that and all was well?
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    Care to expand?
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    How should I ask this girl out after we've had a few dates/kissed?

    I've heard this as well...but will it actually play out that way? I distinctly remember a post about some guy who kept losing girls because he didn't announce his intentions for a committed relationship. As for the OP, I would suggest not asking her to be your gf, but to ask her out on more...
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    How should I ask this girl out after we've had a few dates/kissed?

    I'd agree with that....make sure you REALLY like her. But, I'm kinda in the same do you go about stepping up the relationship?? There aren't really any good threads on the subject...and it's SO much different in the high school world.
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    Balancing assertiveness with building anticipation?

    Yeah, that sounds about right. I also think that a key here is ESCALATION. If you start out with light kino, you can gauge her reaction before working your way up the ladder. That way, you can pull back until later if necessary.
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    she calls back

    Call her and INVITE HER TO GO DO SOMETHING!!!! "Hey, let's go ice skating on Saturday" etc etc. And, in the mean time, keep fishing.
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    Just Friends..?

    I'm assuming this is nothing more than a face-saving gesture...
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    things to do when hanging out with girls

    Hopefully, this is sarcasm. Unfortunately, I really can't tell :nervous:
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    Kino: Good or bad?

    I already know HOW to kino. But as I.A.F.Y.B. pointed out, the key is escalation. I realize that now. Ok, pointless thread :D
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    Kino: Good or bad?

    Ok, today I was feeling like crap, so I decided to read the bible (DJ bible of course). Now, since joining this site, I've been bombarded with thoughts of kino. It seems to make perfect sense to me. But according to this post (, it...
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    Time for a new HB ranking system
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    things to do when hanging out with girls

    One place that I like to take girls is the zoo. You get off of your rear-end, and there are tons of opportunities for C&F.
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    Where to go

    Yeah, I'd go with Argentina. You're gonna have to learn to use the "vos" form though.