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    f/r: Brought home two chicks

    How can something like that be determined?
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    Is she Interested?????

    Tell her she has to take you OUT for lunch ;)
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    f/r: Brought home two chicks

    yeah....what happened to him??
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    An interesting opportunity in class

    Flirt lightly with the other girls when they come back...I think it may have worked out to your advantage that only one showed up were able to develop some rapport with her. I know you don't wanna limit yourself, but it will be VERY hard to "game" all of them. And if you wait...
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    I just Fvcking SNAPPED!

    Sorry about the advice I gave in the last thread....I assumed you two were close friends. I think what you did was fine, but it would have looked better without all of the profanity in it. But as for what you do now, just continue about your life. Don't be rude towards her, just indifferent...
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    Need some help with this one

    Yeah, you "should" be busy on weekends, but be've already blown her off a couple of need to be hard to get but not IMPOSSIBLE to get. Call her up and have a specific plan in mind, invite her, and have a blast.
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    I feel guilty...

    Interesting....I never even thought of it that way. Obviously, I'm not as over her as I thought. I have another date set up this weekend, yet I still feel a need to get this girl...I'm worried that if I walk away, she won't come back. Damn, this sucks. Although it's the "wrong" thing to...
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    I feel guilty...

    So instead of being a bit cold and blatantly flirting with other girls in front of her, I should have just acted as I normally had? Makes sense, I don't know why I didn't. For some reason I feel this need to know why she suddenly began acting like's almost as if her sister is...
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    I feel guilty...

    ok, I know it's long, but I NEED some help on this... I'll get things started. I am debating whether I should invite her somewhere, or "put the ball in her court." Something like "so, when are you taking me out to make things up to me?"
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    I just got ****ing LJBF'd.

    Don't let her, especially if you paid for her tickets. Either way, that is quite rude of her, and make sure she knows you won't stand for that.
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    When a girl ****-blocks u

    I'd go with something C&F.... I recently had a similar problem....although I wasn't interested in the girls. Basically, just show them that you're not affected by her comments. You don't need the world's most brilliant comeback...
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    Breaking the Ice

    Plus, I think he's referring to girls in CLASS....a high school to be precise. Isolation just isn't gonna happen.... Make sure you make your presence known in class....answer questions, joke around with the kids around you....if you have a friend that sits somewhere near her, spend some time...
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    I was ignored today. Weird.

    Perhaps.... Maybe everyone here will disagree with me, but treat your friends differently than "girls you want to game." She's your friend, and if you're SURE you have no interest in her, try to work things out.
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    I just got ****ing LJBF'd.

    Yeah, you should have emailed...oh well, hindsight is 20/20
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    I feel guilty...

    I think I'll get better responses here rather than in the high school forum. I took a girl to prom a few weeks ago. We had a blast...she had to be home early, and at the end of the night I only kissed her on the cheek. oh well....we were all over each other at prom though, so it's not that...
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    I just got ****ing LJBF'd.

    One more post and you'll match the year :) I have GOT to try that line if I ever get LJBF in the future...I'm sure it's bound to happen someday. lol
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    I just got ****ing LJBF'd.

    Sorry... Take her to prom....just don't spend the whole night with her. Dance with other girls, etc. Continue acting the same way towards her....and if she doesn't like it, stay away. But in truth, the way you play this out all depends on whether or not you want to be FRIENDS with her...
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    Oh fvck my prom date can't make it

    Try try try to get a date, but if you can't, just go by yourself.
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    Don't you guys ever just get sick of it

    The whole point of this site is to IMPROVE yourself....and you will get to a point where you can get girls just by being yourself. It all starts with your inner game, and how you feel about yourself.
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    Holy **** guys I'm back!!!

    Welcome back (although I probably wasn't here the last time you were....). Looking forward to your posts. There can never be too much insight on here :)