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  1. N


    You have to evaluate the person and the criticism. If the person is close to you - and has concern about you, then you need to evaluate what they are saying. You make the ultimate decision. Are you sure it is criticism - it maybe just unasked for advice.
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    " a date?" she asks

    Unless she figures that she doesn't want to pay for herself? Maybe she's cheap and if it's a date knows you are going to pay the bill. If she was interested in you she would have gone date or no date. Sounds like she's a professional. proceed with caution.
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    Guys I need advice here on whether to pursue this girl or just give up.

    it was the first date. It's not a great sign - but if you dig her go out again. Don't think about it though, just have fun
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    Should i do this or not?

    It's taken you 2 yrs to pick up the phone? man you need help.
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    Not quite sure what to do...

    To the most important thing first. The Bible does not cost a thing. Click on the link and read it for free. They say the best information is free - and in this case it's true. Now: Are you sure you want to be with her again? Or is it an ego thing? the I want what I can't have...
  6. N

    Alright there, just joined, please read, especially if from UK

    It is a fine line - and I've been on that line many times - and over it many times. In my case, when I'm boozing up on Jack and coke's or Scotch or any hard liqour - it's very difficult to know your limit on any particular day. Stick to beer - and it takes a little longer to get a nice...
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    The beautiful ones are hard to get over, progress report, plus other thoughts ...

    Also, don't forget this. The whole point of "nexting" a chick, is to prevent AFCness. The fact of the matter is, many guys get stuck in bad relaitionship - they are treated badly and put up with it, because the chick is a hottie - or because she's got big t#ts - or whatever. For me...
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    When u feel she is cheating on you, a real high feeling (help please)

    There is nothing that this chick is going to do to make you happy at this point. Fogetting everything else, you really need to stop being so fvcking needy. Sorry, but it's like you want a mother that is always checking in with you, calling you. Why all the pressure? It's no wonder...
  9. N

    Desperately need help may have screwed up with gf

    Answer the question: Do you want to always be her b#tch? Is this the kind of relationship you want? By being a symph, you've brought this on yourself. Read you posts again - and the reponses. I don't think your listening to yourself or anyone else.
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    The beautiful ones are hard to get over, progress report, plus other thoughts ...

    ** It's been a few weeks since I got brushed off by her, and I'm still kicking myself over certain things (missed opportunities, etc.). Of course I should just forget about her, but with the really hot girls it takes time to forget them. I don't think you can replace a 9 with a 6 ... doesn't...
  11. N

    Desperately need help may have screwed up with gf

    ** I just called my girl to talk to her ** You didn't take the advice. ** Then she tells me to quit pouting. This girl has got control over me, and I hate it. I want nothing more then to issue that ultimatum (sp?) and tell her i don't deserve to be treated like this ect.. The problem...
  12. N

    Alright there, just joined, please read, especially if from UK

    I'm originally from the UK - living in Los Angeles for 10 yrs. Firstly let me destroy the mith. It's not that UK girls are to uptight to approach - it's that you've been programmed that way as a guy to respect and be polite. It can shatter that shield by practice. In the situation at...
  13. N

    Desperately need help may have screwed up with gf

    You are acting like a puss. * If a woman refuses to put out - put her out. Let me tell you, as soon as she uses sex against you - you are in trouble. She will continue to use that power over you now and in the future. Is that something you want? * Do you want to be in a half assed...
  14. N

    When u feel she is cheating on you, a real high feeling (help please)

    You are f'ing crazy. If you dump her on the fact that her Poon was loose - that is just rediculous. The fact that she lies to you and you let her get away with that sh#t is far more important. You should then ask yourself how, or why it got this far. You should have dumped her when...
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    Hottie on the train

    Negative ghost rider the pattern is full.... I don't cold approach. I suggest you find an "In". Does she read a book? is she wearing anything unusual? etc. etc. Either pick something up about her so you can open with a question - or ask her for some advice regarding something...
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    New Years Party (Calling ALL MDJs)

    I find it works best, if you get really loaded before you go there. Now if you want to get the hottest chick, what you do is scope the place out - find the area where to hotties are, then walk by as if you've just come from the restroom - but make sure your d#ck is hanging out of your pants...
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    Programmed for failure

    I'll just say this... What old back and white movies.... Some of those classic movies are gems for DJing. That's when men were men and women were in the kitchen. :D
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    Dumped on christmas eve (Long)

    Yeah, I con only reiterate that you are much better off without this ho. As someone said - prepare yourself, because she will give you a call and come back. You just need to know beforehand what you are going to do...
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    Ain't this one of the ****est feelings

    Everyone carries around that one feeling.... No matter who you are. With time and experience it lessons - but this is life my friend.
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    Offer your girlfriend a date with someone else.

    I've done something similar - but never gone that far. I "Gentle" approach I've used is to tell my girl that she should go out with the guy. She tell's me about xyz hitting on her - and she may mention that he's hot.... Last time she did that I said "High 5".... gave her a high five and...