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  1. M

    Guys, a little help here. what went wrong?

    This: You told her you're hooking up with your ex soon. Why do you think she purposefully asked you if you still are in contact with your ex?
  2. M

    This is moving fast!

    Ditto Str8up: slow it way down. By putting in "a lot of time together" and having her over at your house you're giving her overexposure of yourself. When she's satiated, she's likely to have her fill and not want as much. Hey, I like tapioca pudding but if I ate it several times a week, I'd...
  3. M

    Girl gave me her number... and I failed

    Kinda? No, more like absolutely. If you're exhibiting jerk behavior, there isn't any "maybe, kinda, sorta" about it. It either is or isn't. Probably somewhat. But then you stomped her interest out. You're thinking this may turn around? Highly doubtful it will, because the damage has been...
  4. M

    Saying chick she's not that beautiful .... a no no?

    You can do it, but not the way you went about it. You discussed it as a somewhat straight, serious discussion. In that way, you were insulting her. It's not the best topic to speak with a woman with, but if you're going to do so, make a joke out of it, it goes down better with humor. But...
  5. M

    How to keep your girl on an emotional rollercoaster while in LTR?

    That's not good. How often are these spats? What are they about? She keeps an account, unknown to you, of every argument. Every spat drops her interest level a bit. It depletes her "love bank", as it were. This is why women eventually divorce or end relationships more often then men, and when...
  6. M

    How to NEXT after she disrespects you

    I'd say that women know that most guys will put up with a lot of sh!t for a piece of ass and that's a big part of the reason why women feel free to dole out a lot of sh1t to most guys. The women that disrespect you either have poor character traits or they don't love/respect you sufficiently...
  7. M

    How to NEXT after she disrespects you

    Because it's what little kids do? "He took my leggos! So I took his crayons!" Restitution in the judicial system isn't exactly "revenge". It's about seeking an equitable award for injury/damages suffered, of which the route to remedy has been tried and true in the court system by a set of...
  8. M

    How to respond to a flake?

    Right! Then they say to themselves, "WOW! What an angry a$$hole THAT dude is! Boy, am I so glad that I cancelled the date with that LOSER!" and then she goes off and tells her girlfriends all about the upset psycho-boy and they all giggle. Let me tell ya, in life, you're gonna get...
  9. M

    women that game men -a post I found by a girl

    It sounds like she's saying be clear and honest. Good for her. But women game men in more ways than just covertly seeing multiple men at a time while duping each one into thinking it's exclusive, so this article is but a drop in the bucket, one gal's opinion, and I wouldn't look at it as how...
  10. M

    Need some advice from vets!

    Actually, the first mistake you made was made way back from what I read when you thought she was into you, when she really wasn't, but you were convenient to give her attention. Lord only knows what mistakes you made in your first few emails with her. But in any event, the day she met you for...
  11. M

    Being the prize. AKA "The Dmitri Trap"

    No, I thought we were having a discussion. You know, as in, "Discussion Forum", like it says on the home page. And in discussions, everything's either a viewpoint or a fact.
  12. M

    when you call and she says 'im a little bit busy right now can we speak later?'

    No, what's reasonable about it? It accomplishes nothing. It doesn't make her fall in love with you, does it? IOW, it doesn't get you closer to your goals. With that thinking, why not tell your boss how pissed off you are at him, that way, you'll get a nice big fat raise, right? These are two...
  13. M

    Being the prize. AKA "The Dmitri Trap"

    If you were the prize, you'd know the answer to that. ;) That's kind of a negative way to look at it. The positive way is to acknowledge where you can do better, just like you would in your career or weight training or education or whatever. Do we sit around thinking how we're so stupid and...
  14. M

    I Might Have Been Proved Wrong

    Maybe she saw him as not a threat and that's why she was so open to him. "Oh him? Oh... he's just a big teddy bear! He's harmless!" There are some big guys that do have that charm thing going, though, that engages women. It usually follows however, from what I've seen, that there also has to...
  15. M

    How do I put into words what I'm trying to convey here?

    You're not writing an elegant suicide note, are you? howzabout: "I will not submit myself to the mundane".
  16. M

    Being the prize. AKA "The Dmitri Trap"

    I think the OP has it right: he's saying that the mental perspective of it is not the end all, be all, catch all; and to beware that carrying that mind set doesn't turn you into an arrogant, egotistical pr1ck. He's saying to make manifestation of that prize mind set in every thing you say and...
  17. M

    when she gives the 'let's just be friends line'..

    Rollo, a very fine post.
  18. M

    Meeting girl at a Coffee Shop ... a few Q

    Grab a coffee "tall coffee of the day", and plop into a prominent spot and read the paper, she'll probably be a little late anyway. When she gets there, being how you've never met her before, greet her with a smile and offer to buy her a beverage, it's the "gentlemanly" thing to do and it'll...
  19. M

    I broke my own rules

    It's human nature. It's your ego. Though you may not want her any longer, it's still a blow to your ego for her to show signs of not having you be Number One in her life any longer. It's more likely that the person who does the dumping (that would be him) has already gone down the road of...
  20. M

    approaching 40

    The reason that comes into your mind is because you are "getting too old" for that, not a bad thing, in the sense that you've been there, done that, in fact, done it one too many times, and now you're beyond it, whereas all the "young'uns" are experiencing it as something new (because to them...