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  1. N

    "Desperate Housewives" Syndrome

    The problem with NOT getting married and just living with a woman/having kids with her is..... After x # of years you now bcome common law husband/wife - and she is eligible for half your stuff anyways. The only way forward is Pre-nup. Your Pre-nup should not only dictate what she gets and...
  2. N

    Is It Possible To Always Be Faithful To Wife.

    These statistics can be manipulated however you'd like. So, depending on who's making the survey, they will sway the stats one way or another. Let's not get into a d#ck waving competition over it...
  3. N

    Moving in together? The Lampley saga

    she's hot.... but a b#tch be a b#tch.
  4. N

    Living with the woman of my dreams?

    I think in this situation being tactful and subtle is a must. You are after all living under her fathers roof - so I think you should go a long way to respect that in the first place. I don't know what your relationship is like with her father - whether he sees you as just your buddies friend...
  5. N

    I'm about to cheat on my woman

    1) All relationships get boring. Sex with the same women will get old and stale. That is the nature of relationships. The quality of a relationship is defined on more than just the quality of the sex. 2) Lesson for the young men here. Don't move in with a chick unless you have an exit plan...
  6. N

    Can women sense you are on the hunt?

    it's all genetics. Men want to spread their seed as much as possible, to ensure their gene's survive. Women however, have to be more choosey - since they have a smaller window of oportunity for pro creation (they also can't pro create whilst pregenant) - a limited number of eggs - and bear...
  7. N

    How do you keep interest for a long time??!

    So is this 'canned' stuff you are talking about? It sounds like what is happening is that your not being yourself - because if this was the natural you, then surely you'd not run out of things to say. Also, sometimes it just doesn't work. The dynamic between you and the chick is such, that...
  8. N

    Okay so she's pregnant, but I'm still dating her.

    All other factors aside Captn' - there's one other thing that you've not elaborated on - and that's the woman and how she became pregenant - when and by whom and where is that guy now? I'll tell you one thing, this 'Ho is preggy with someone else's kid - and before she's poped the little...
  9. N

    Okay so she's pregnant, but I'm still dating her.

    FVCK. Take what I'm about to say personally. You've been here long enough my friend to know better than this. This chick is not in your league - believe me. She just got knocked up - does she even know who the father is? - and now she's dating you - when she's Pregenant. What kind...
  10. N

    She's gonna go hang out with another guy?

    these comments were made in a public forum. Whilst it's pretty obvious that this guy is interested in your girl, to women, she can see this as him just being friendly. So you can either make a big stink about this - and show your insecurity - or you can allow her to learn the lesson the...
  11. N

    Dating girl for 4 months - no sex yet

    yeah you need to up the ante on this one big time - especially if you haven't grabbed your b#lls and dumped her. I think the STD question would be a good one - because it'll either hit home to her - or shock her - and tell her why you think she has one. Personally - I think this is a...
  12. N

    Dating girl for 4 months - no sex yet

    I can't buy the slvtty way beyond normal theory. That just doesn't vibe with sucking bigmil's c0ck every time they meet. Just the fact of spending time trying to figure it out, is a waste of time. Bigmil's better off saving a real 'Ho - at least he'd be getting regular poon.
  13. N

    Dating girl for 4 months - no sex yet

    That's a mistake in my opinion. No need to flip out and loose your cool and show her that she's got to you. Be cool and claculating. Except it - and let her feel the reprocusions (putting her on ice).
  14. N

    Putting my foot down, serious question

    I like Francisco's line of thought. Which is it? You also have to remember Ultimatums seldom, if ever work. Period. You are telling her that she needs to get your permission to do something - just doesn't make sense. It will drive her further away for a start. You need to treat women like...
  15. N

    Alcohol and my life/game

    Then your not drinking enough.
  16. N

    Dating girl for 4 months - no sex yet

    I think your counting your chickens before htey've hatched. You still have not banged her - she pretty much put you off, like she always has (next week) - and we will see what happens when next week comes. I think you made a mistake by going over her house - you should havew put her on ice...
  17. N

    Advice on this relationship

    Yeah - the more I think of it, my inclination is to say she's got kids. Whatever - if she has, better be wearing a rubber. Now, onto your question. If I were you, I'd continue doing what your doing. Your not twisting her arm to fvck - in fact, it seems like she's using you just as much...
  18. N

    Kissing class Sh!t does not work, let's just go for the kill....

    no damage control needs to be done. Just do what you do. Don't appologize for the way you are. Just act normally around her - and play it form there.
  19. N

    Alcohol and my life/game

    LOL Thats a lot of money wasted there my friend..... I have a KLX 300R - I'm more of a trail guy myself - I enjoy tearing up the mountains and forest. Sounds like you need to buy another bike!!!!!!
  20. N

    Do I try again or do I next her?

    my guess is that she was with either her husband or another guy. probably with her husband and trying to work things out when you happened to call. I'd leave it at that, until you maybe get a chance to see her again in person - then play it from there. no sense in calling her again.