BIGMIL, you get points for the takeaway and puling it off successfully, but bear in mind that you did so OVERTLY rather than COVERTLY.
bigmil said:
I told her that I can't have a girlfriend without sex. She said ok and said it would be next week.
You've just negotiated her desire here and your intent is made plain to her. You'd have done better to keep her in a more prolonged state of anxiety. This is going to sound like I'm sh!tting on your parade here, but read me out - you cashed your chips in too early. Yes, you're seeing success here and it seems like this amazing transformation and change of heart on her part, but don't let the novelty of this cloud your overall view. You can't just be a Man for a week and expect the frame to remain in your favor. She KNOWS what you're doing now, will expect this behavior in the future and will plan accordingly to reset the frame.
Why do I say this? Because she's fillibustered you by giving you a timetable for her intimacy. Genuine desire isn't something that can be negotiated (at least OVERTLY), desire is spontaneous and has to be prompted, never requested. She's responded this way because you've broken 2 rules of the takeaway: You've made your intentions plain and you've said more than was necessary.
Essentially she knows what your game is. Granted, she responded to it, but this is in the short term and she'll re-adjust her game to match yours now (in fact her first response was to readjust with the timetable). Remember this in the future, never explicate, always demonstrate. When you want a to prompt genuine desire you must do so COVERTLY. You did this admirably by cutting her off and being short with her. She intirnsically picked up on this attitude shift and was put into a state of anxiety (where she should be) from which she sought you to resolve it for her. This was a genuine prompt of desire. If she hadn't had a genuine desire for you (for whatever reason) your attitude wouldn't have been her concern. Later, you confirm her (perceived) internal suspicions that you're losing interest with her because of her lack of 100% intimacy and now you're operating from an ultimatum rather than prompted desire. This may seem like it's solved your problem and she may very well fukk your brains out in an effort to sustain the relationship, but thiis will be in the short term and she'll eventually resent having to succumb to blackmail in order to get her intimacy. This is exactly why I say in the
Iron Rule of Tomassi #3, if you are being made to wait for sex, it's never worth the wait - negotiated sex is never 100% desire.
So how do you recover from this? Go back to cutting her off. Never mention a word of wanting to own her pvssy completely - she was well aware of this before you began the takeaway and now this is an ultimatum that's in the back of her head. You need to act rather than talk, never explicate always demonstrate. Make her come to you, at this stage that's pretty much a given, but you need to keep her in a perpetual state of subtle anxiety. You had this earlier in the week, but I'm afraid your loose tounge killed this in the end. You have to get this back. When you become the antidote for her anxiety you'll prompt real desire. Again, make yourself scarce and she'll come to you, you'll increase your value as a commodity in this way. Don't blow her off (assuming you even want to engage in all of this with her), but do not seek her out - this was your first mistake.