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  1. L

    Been going for and using emails instead

    What's EC? And personally I'd write this in an e-mail. I bet this would draw a smile on her face & she'd call the second she receives it. Short and sweet. You don't want to say "I enjoyed meeting you <where we met>" because you don't want to come off as the kind of guy who would remember...
  2. L

    LinkinParkROX's Boot Camp Journal.

    Today ends day 2, and I've just come to the realization that I've said hi to like 5 people. Which leaves 45 more in 5 days. I'll be ambitious and say hi to 50 people in these 5 days; meaning 10 people a day. Easy enough. Oh, and I saw an incredible HB 9.5 on her cell phone today, didn't bother...
  3. L

    LinkinParkROX's Boot Camp Journal.

    So yesterday was pretty cool. I came home a tad wasted last night, so I thought I'd save it for tomorrow, which is now. The whole eye contact and greeting people with a short hello thing comes naturally, and is very easy. However, holding eye contact for a second longer than the other people...
  4. L

    LinkinParkROX's Boot Camp Journal.

    So I just discovered the DJ Boot Camp, and I thought I'd give it a try. My main flaw is failing to be the prize, the dominant male, and flying too far in the friendzone on most occasions. Let's see how far this gets me. So I start today. The exercises don't seem all that hard; make eye contact...
  5. L

    What if you can't change? What if you can't be a DJ?

    Also, pay attention to kino. Maybe read a few articles here and there about the subject. It's very powerful in getting women to the point where they want to date you. Good luck, brother!
  6. L

    What now?

    Oh so she's a pretty *****? In that case, she's probably used to being treated the way you treat her by tons of other guys. You need to man up and show her who's boss.
  7. L

    Being the Prize.

    ^ That post takes the cake. At times, I am afraid to make a move and have the whole identity crisis thing. Help?
  8. L

    What now?

    Sounds a tad like you've got one-itis for this HB. And look, she keeps flaking almost all the time. Stop and ask yourself if one woman is worth all the time & effort you invest in her & her stupid flakyness. I'd say next her, she ain't worth it. Just my two cents. :)
  9. L

    Blew it... with a model

    You could try (very) subtly starting kino and escalating and see if that works.
  10. L

    "Oh you earned some points there"

    Yeah I tried this... the ***** said "I don't really care. :)"
  11. L

    Being the Prize.

    Halfway through a date yesterday, I noticed I was pretty much treating the HB as the prize, instead of the other way around. Thinking about it more, I realized this isn't the first time I've done this. Can anyone help? How do I be the prize, get her to try to impress me & stuff.
  12. L

    How could you improve your looks? What would you rate yourself as?

    Yeah, I'm a 9.5 - to myself. A big part of the whole DJ mindset is self-love. And from this self-love, the perfect attitude, behavior, and mindset blooms. I might be a 1, a 3, or a 7 to any random passer by. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone's got different opinions of how you look...
  13. L

    Shîtty Shîtty worst, most pathetic evening. Advice PLEASE.

    I usually have plenty good plates to spin, and am satisfied with my game & myself on most occasions. Tonight was different. I just got back from it. I got her to kino me back a tiny bit with very little hand touching & stuff. My kino was still top game. Now the problem is, I don't get any IOIs...
  14. L

    Flaking on a girl?

    I've got a date with a girl this thursday. She's leaving for the summer in like 3 weeks. I told her I needed to see her before she goes, so that gives me plenty of time before she leaves. Bearing this in mind, I thought I'd play with it a bit since I've got time. That being said, is it cool to...
  15. L

    "Not that you care.."

    Follow your **** and don't over-analyze.
  16. L

    telling her the truth

    Right on, actions speak louder than words.
  17. L

    Do you bring it up if a girl starts cooling down on you?

    This is why spinning plates is important. Like I say in most of my posts, one should never put their happiness in the hands of other people. A true DJ is independent, and can be content with nothing but his own existence. Looks to me like yours depends on this girl. Dude - she's not everything...
  18. L

    A few things that are bugging me

    Bro, get rid of these feelings & inner demons first. You've done an awesome job improving yourself, but you still fail to love yourself as much as you need to. Step back and think about how awesome you are, how much you love yourself, how much you don't really need people to make you happy - you...
  19. L

    how would you approach women at the beach?

    Just forget about them. Dude... You're busy having fun with your mates, their loss. ;)
  20. L

    "You don't care about me anymore. :("

    What would one do in an LTR, where the HB cries, ignores, and then says this. I always thought caring and "being there" was AFC. What do I do?