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  1. L

    The girls is confusing: in person - flirty, texting - aloof and apathetic

    Dude, she acts shy and stuff because YOU make her act shy. I bet you're shy yourself. If you initiate, she will follow. Set the mood to be fun and sexual, she'll follow. It's her nature. Women are reactive.
  2. L

    Meeting girls with aspergers syndrome

    The easiest way to overcome this - be yourself. Say unusual uncanny **** that might piss people off. If they get pissed off, who cares? They probably weren't worth being friends with anyway. This way, you'll weed out the losers and find the gold.
  3. L

    Story Time - Interpretation needed!

    Dude who gives a crap? It's about some guy she thinks is gay. Wow. Does that stop you two from banging like animals? No? Then it's irrelevant. Continue your conquest with this woman. Simple as that.
  4. L

    A cautionary tale.

    Be a man about it. Give her **** for cheating on you because she deserves it. At the same time, grab your balls and 'fess up to playing around as well. Tell her that you know neither of you are perfect, but you're willing to try and fix things, because you think the relationship could go...
  5. L

    Fifteen Lessons

  6. L

    The Mn In The Glass

    That's amazing. Well done.
  7. L


    You don't need a job. You need to be a damn man. Chromeo is right. Job or not, you're a man now. Tell her to treat you like one of walk out. It's your choice to a better future. What's lamer is that you're actually ASKING us "What should I do?" This thread makes me sick.
  8. L

    26 Things Every Guy Should Know about Women!

    I am officially LMAOING Man I LOVE this post!
  9. L

    pre-kino=mirroring DJ bible worthy

    Moved to where? Dude if you're going to move something tell us where it's moved to.
  10. L

    Three items to being a man

    Best post ever! This makes the most sense compared to anything else I've ever read on here! Seriously, very pook-like material. Well done!
  11. L

    How I transformed my hopeless datelessness into everlasting abundance with two words!

    Dude. Seriously. The reason you don't get true blue HBs, is because you're, according to your pictures: 1) Out of shape. 2) I see a serious lack of confidence with that approval-seeking smile. 3) Desperate. Going abroad, spending all that money just to get laid? Now I'm not looking to piss...
  12. L

    What if you're not awesome?

    Dude. Get out of your comfort zone. Seriously, switch off your computer, get out, and do stuff. Do anything. The world is your oyster. Seriously, do the most effed up **** ever. Peekaboo random women's babies, dance like Elvis on the sidewalk, anything. The key is getting out of your comfort...
  13. L

    I feel like I'm going backwards

    You're in the famous comfort zone trap. Break out of it by doing outlandish, unbelievable, nasty ****, without the fear of what peers think, or of making mistakes, and you'll be back to being awesome in no time.
  14. L

    Long .. latest + inner game

    Stop caring. There's tons of girls out there. Definitely a few or more 10s. If things get out of hand, next her. It'll put you at ease. Remember, in the end, it's all about you.
  15. L

    question! need advice quick! hurry please!!

    Like this: "Cool. So let's get it awn. 8-)"
  16. L


    I agree with WAB as well. If you want to get her back, kino's definitely your weapon of choice though. Learn a bit about it and escalation and take it from there. It's worked wonders for me time & time again, in the worst of friendzone situations.
  17. L

    What's it like to be in a LTR? *** SURVEY

    1. Kinda 50-50. It's perfect so long as neither party gets clingy. 2. Definitely true. Other FFs start getting mad at you for absolutely the littlest reasons. Pretty funny to watch. 3. It was pretty shocking to have the girl be hornier than me. I've had to say no to sex at times. 4. Yes. She...
  18. L

    Situation Changes

    I remember how I got over this hurdle. Make mistakes. Try to get a rejection. A cold one even. You can only make progress once you make mistakes and know what not to do. So next time you're in a situation, just try to get a rejection. Seriously, I'd suggest trying to get like 10 rejections this...
  19. L

    trying to hard

    Like this. Make sure you have a girl who you just chatted up somewhere around, or just a hottie you're yet to approach, and tell the guy dissing you this: "Maybe I try too hard - but at the end of the day, I end up getting *tilt head to direction of HB* while you probably end up with *tilt...
  20. L

    How to respond when a girl calls you an a $ $ h 0 l e?

    This is a good thing. It means you're not boring. Keep it up champ.