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  1. N

    Deadlift grip problem

    I had problems with my grip until I started doing alot of forearm work with hammer curls and reverse curls etc..
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    Question: G/F and her not liking my friends. Need advice/input

    I would say don't give up your friends, but cut back a little on hanging out with them. I went through this same situation with my ex gf. My friend was super hot and I known her for 20 years. My ex would accuse me of sleeping around with my friend all the time because she was always around, but...
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    Dating after 35

    I am a PT personal trainer and 31 years young. You will have to put in some time at the gym and table to get those abs. The minute April hit, the gym got flooded with all ages trying to get the look you describe. More business for me because the members think I have some type of majic formula...
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    Does "No Contact" really work?

    I had girls get back to me a year later and say "Why havn't you called me". Look lover, the more options you have the less tolerence you'll have for these games. Keep spining plates, she will be all over you in a week or two. When she do contact you don't get all AFC on her.
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    Does "No Contact" really work?

    I rarely contact the girls I know and they always send a text or email saying something like "Hi, how have you been, we need to hook up". It works for me. I am always out meeting new women, so if a girl don't call I da$n near forget they exist until I get that email, call or text.
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    When you ask how she felt about you, you were dead in the water. Next time let her ask you.
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    What do you consider DRAMA?

    Tell me about it.
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    Some Questions

    Thank you for posting your concern here Purple-Haze. You just validated some of the points us DJ's have been making here on SS. You played a mine game with your BF. You might not of realize it without us pointing it out to you, but thats what you did. Hand shake goes out to your BF for not...
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    No more Lurking

    I found out long time ago being a AFC was the wrong way to go. I always found that being that way made me feel uneasy. I thought it was the way to go from the ladies point of view, but when I started hanging out with the guys that had DJ style I saw they had all the women. Not only that they...
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    Completely obliterated contact with ex.

    If she was in Love with you then why not be with you? Move on my friend and forget about her. She seems to be playing games and needs that attention from you.
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    Wife goes to Club/Bar

    Every guy that I’ve ever personally known that regularly got screwed over by women tended to be the type that seemed to deserve it for one reason or many reasons. Come on Hommie, I seen dudes bend over backwards for their women and get cheated on by the dudes who wouldn't do a fraction of...
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    Got gamed, need a review (long post)

    This reminds me of this girl my friend set me up with. I wasn't going to do it at first but my friend said she was looking for a muture man and was done with games. I called the girl to familarize myself and made the date and got off the phone. This girl text me every day up until the date. The...
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    The girl I'm dating has severe depression...

    Check this out, right now one of my female friends is so depress that she will be with any dude to not be alone. She is always crying and taking medication to heal the pain. She takes sleeping pills to go to sleep. Her job sends her home often because she is at work crying and sobing. She splits...
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    The girl I'm dating has severe depression...

    All I can say is you should want a healthy woman. The relationship you will have will be unhealthy and I have not seen a unhealthy relationship go well.
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    Text Messaging

    I hate it. I rarely respond to texts. I don't understand why you can't pick up the phone if you have something to say. I can understand if someone call you while in the Movies and you send them a text saying you are busy you will call later, but to hold a conversation. I get my text...
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    uuhhhh...Attention wh0re, or am I just compeltely stupid??

    Funny I have a friend like that right now. I watch her get dogged out in all the relationships she has been in. She is real pretty but her self esteem is in the sewers. She always tell me she loves me and wants to marry me when she turn 30 which is less than a year from now. For some reason she...
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    Constantly getting flaked on!

    Let me ask you fellas something while we are on the topic of flaking. I know this girl that always want to get together but she never calls or emails. She post the d%mn request on Myspace for all my friends to see. They are always asking me what's up with this girl. I mean if she want to do...
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    Constantly getting flaked on!

    Hommie you got it! If I am out with another woman I will simply say I am out with a friend and I will call you later and then get off the phone before they start telling me about there day. I don't understand why dudes do this. They drop everything for women they don't even know yet. I had a...
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    Constantly getting flaked on!

    Yup, that's what you do.