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  1. N

    How does the mature man work out?

    If yo don't lift weights, how will you maintain the lean muscle mass you develop over the years? All that cardio will most likely eat up your hard earn muscles. My suggestion would be to do bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, sit-ups, dips, and push-ups. Also, no woman wants a man with...
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    Paradox's online adventures #1

    Funny you mention the profile thing. I tried the whole online dating thing once due to high number of people doing it and I tell you all the profiles was the same just worded diffrent and showed a diffrent picture. Do they honesty think we care about all that? You know how many women I met...
  3. N

    Cheating: No Longer Just a Man's Sport

    This has always been a coed sport through my eyes. I use to hang around a bunch of women and boy all they did was complain about their current relationship and wisper about the guy that was taking them out next week. Funny thing was they use to tell me to never trust a woman. I wonder why that...
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    if beyonce was a boy she's be a DJ

    Jigga may have help her out with that one
  5. N

    ultimate **** test sent over txt? no idea how to respond..."what do you want with me?

    Is that the new trend or something. I was dating this girl and everytime she had something to say to me she would send it via text. She wouldn't ask me while we were on the phone but as soon as we hang up she would send a text asking me some crazy questions. I always ignore them because we was...
  6. N

    todays society

    Yeah have you guys notice that all the XXL shirts in the mens section of department stores are really mediums shirts. I can't fit any of the jeans now days because the thigh area of the relaxed jeans are like skinny jeans. Why do they want guys wearing tight shirts and jeans. I can understand...
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    Cutting-calorie intake question.

    Add some High Intensity cardio in there to speed up the process. Eat more protein, cut carbs and up your essential fat intake.
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    women who go on long trips

    I was dealing with this girl one time and her interest level was in space. She went to vegas for a week and when she return I didn't hear from the girl. It threw me off because she was always calling, texting and inviting me over. Out of the blue she stop all this cold turkey like I did or said...
  9. N

    need help, girldfriend depressed, treats me poorly

    I hate to say it my man but she is trying to create distance from you to break up with you. I would just tell her good bye and start seeing other women. Women start doing all type of things when they are about to break up with you. You start seeing so many red flags you'll thing you was on...
  10. N

    I Really Need Some Input on How to Handle This

    If a woman talks about one guy more than a few times about hitting on her is because she is interested in that guy. Why is she telling you about him if she wasn't or less she is trying to make you jeolous.
  11. N

    New Woman I'm Dating

    Well AD I had to next her. Come to find out the girl pops pill for everything under the sun. She is seriously insecure and suffer from severe depression, started accusing me of being with other girls and playing games because I didn't hear my phone ring when she calls. I told the girl from the...
  12. N

    New Woman I'm Dating

    Not a troll post. This is serious that's why I brought it here. I just never experience something like this so I ask you guy your thoughts on it. Also, why would i be carrying around pictures of the dog balls. I stated in my previous post the pictures are in her digital camera and on the back...
  13. N

    New Woman I'm Dating

    Never dated a chick that show pictures of their ex. This is the first time I dated a chick with this type of situation. I talk to her and she deleted the pictures and took the poster down. I didn't ask her too, she just did it to continue dating me. I had one foot out the door if she had a...
  14. N

    New Woman I'm Dating

    At first It was just a picture on her myspace page but I wasn't dating her at the time so I paid it no mind and wrote it off as something for people to laugh at. We started dating and I started to see more pictures in her digital camera of her dogs erection. My first thought was what is going...
  15. N

    New Woman I'm Dating

    Hey DJs, I am dating this girl I knew for a long time and she has got this crazy thing for taking pictures of her dogs D$#K and Balls. At first it was like OK now it's like WTF? It's getting to the point where it's so not cool. I mean I was in her room last night and on the other side of her...
  16. N

    everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...

    It seems like every women I meet fits most of what everyone is listing.
  17. N

    You Will Always Pay for Sex

    I wonder how many women accept dates with guys they have very little interest in just to be entertained and feel validated? D$mn near every women I met. I see this all day at work and boy do the dudes at work fall into their little traps.
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    Snowball effect

    Just tell us what happen Bro
  19. N

    Sarging rebound girl.

    Funny you mention this because I was dealing with this girl that just got out of a relationship and she was calling and texting me non-stop. Then she started in with the pillow talk. What really got me laughing was that she would some how sneak in that she want to take things slow. I never...
  20. N

    Women knowing about other women

    If a women ask me if I am dating I tell them the truth. I tell them I have a few female friends that I am kicking it with. Don't lie to a women cuz when they find out the truth you are done. To answer your question, they always come on stronger for some reason trying to cut out the others.