Sounds like have the right attitude OP. It might be the kind of thing, though, that warrents no response or perhaps a "cool." The other responses are good and witty but maybe a bit too well-thought out.
In fact my personal favorite for these kinds of situations iis "cool beans." Yep "cool...
What she gave you here was a verbose and convoluted "It's not you, it's me." She could've just said that, of course, but then she wouldn't be a woman.
It's never a good thing when a girl is giving herself an out. I see at least 5 in her message above.
Move on.
I usually get the most overt IOIs -- women approaching me, ass grab etc -- when I peacock.
I agree don't overdo it. Only one item of clothing is necessary. For example a unique jacket works, but a unique jacket and a fedora is try hard.
How old are you man? You still have time.
Trust me when it comes to shyness, I am one of the hardest cases of all time. But I've gotten better.
You gotta get your inner game handled is all. Subconsciously, you don't think you deserve the attention. I used to have a thing where I hated to be...
Hey man,
You sound like me back in the day. In one of many stories of failure and futility-- When I worked as a counselor at a summer camp, this fellow female counselor came at me hard. Telling everyone I was hot, dropping hints that we should go out. She would talk all the time and I was so...
You become the kind of man who a girl knows she couldn't get away with that kind of nonsense in the first place. Those questions of "what we're going to do on this date" would not have been posed at all and if so would have been shut down with swiftness.
Between the let's say 10 minute cold...
Telling a girl you like her doesn't require balls at all.
And this is coming from a guy who, in the past:
1. Emailed girls and confessed my feelings.
2. Called girls and confessed my feelings.
3. Met up with girls and confessed my feelings.
Don't get me wrong, it takes some balls. Maybe it's...
Fun thread. Some good wit in there OP.
But I gotta agree with Floyd. It wasn't too long ago I acted like this. It draws in girls like this and they respond to the "****y funny" quite well. She's attracted but it's going to be tough to keep her.
This girl is going to try to cut you down...
First, I disagree with Wolfman. There are counteroffers here, they're just vague. For example: "Her: When I'm done (with finals) though I'm down." (She said Dec 12th... I would have gone ghost and hit her up the 15th or later) She also appears to be trying to continue the conversation by asking...
Interesting topic.
Wondering what your thoughts were on touch and frame control.
When I first got into game, because I was so terrible at kino (just afraid of physically escalating in any way shape or form), I went the other extreme and kinoed the hell out of girls.
What I'm noticing now is...
This is the same girl that you've started a few threads about right?
The girl who stood you up in epic fashion when you drove all the way over to her house only for her to text you that she hadn't gotten over her ex???
My question here is: WHY ARE YOU SURPRISED???
Think of it like a used car...
I also wouldn't have immediately gone for trying for another meetup. Instead I would have sent some high value statement about Vegas.
If I piqued her interest, she'd respond. If not, no ground lost.
Probably doesn't matter in this case, though!
"Calling her out" never works.
Keeping quiet -- moving on for your own sake in this case, to see if she'll reach out in other cases -- always works.
As guys we need to stop always trying to "make things happen." A girl will rarely directly say no but take a hint at this point. As others have...
Agreed send them individually.
I sent out a mass "happy thanksgiving" text with a bit of humor added. Was able to restart a few long fuses.
Feel free to correct me but I think the great thing about texts like this is that it's obvious that you're sending it to more than one person (abundance)...
I think you let her back in too quickly.
I wouldn't have responded to that 11am text until AT LEAST the evening.
By that point I'm guessing the girl would have double texted or at the very least got her wheels spinning.
And when I did respond I'd keep it at "it's cool" "cool" "OK" etc...
Recently at a big club out with my boys...
A girl on stage (AW type) starts talking to my boy and then points to me about 10 feet away. I come over, she says I'm cute and would probably look cuter without my hat. She takes it and starts dancing with it but I grab it back and say something like...
Hate to be another guy to rain on your "Texting Kills Relationships" parade but I have to disagree with this a bit.
Obviously you can pick up on IOIs best in person and those in person are also the most significant.
However, that doesn't mean texting can't give cues of interest, too. Good...
You're exhibiting some new behaviors -- thanks a lot to the good advice you've received from many on this girl -- but it seems most of your old thoughts are still there.
I've been there, too.
But seriously it's been 3 hours man. You never should've sent that follow up text. If she didn't...
Since we're now telling harsh rejection stories:
Went to this pretentious lounge in Hollywood (redundant I know) and my boy wanted to approach these Eastern European-looking chicks. Not my cup of tea but I winged for him. I go up to my target and say something (forget what) and she goes, with...
It's all right man. Sorry for coming across harsh. I forgot for a moment how I used to be.
Reminds me of a time when I liked this girl at camp. We went to the movies as a group but she made sure to sit next to me. It wasn't a particularly scary movie but she spent most of the time squeezing my...
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