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  1. N

    Text game with a 19 year old HB9 citique request and field report submission

    In general I like the wit in your texts but I gotta agree with maramel. Stuff like "it's your call..." and then later "like I said it's your call" seem very transparent to me. You're trying to tell her you're indifferent but if you truly were you just wouldn't have responded at all. Instead you...
  2. N

    Texting, do or dont?

    This. But here's the thing, I text very sporadically and don't get into long chains of messages each time. Even Maramel's message chain (depending on the time period it took place over) is kinda long, IMO. Plenty of statements, non sequiturs at times, things that won't "hurt" me if I don't get...
  3. N

    If A Girl Doesn't Want To Do Something, She Won't (And Vice-Versa)

    It's funny how when we're interested in a girl, we start to make excuses when she doesn't do something we expect her to do. For example, initiating texts. If a girl doesn't initiate at least some of the time, her interest isn't high. Sometimes we try to explain the situation away, "she's...
  4. N

    If you invite a girl over and she declines...

    Kiss her first and escalate from there man. Has there been ANY touch at all? Any sexual tension?
  5. N

    Feeling the oneitis .. I think

    I successfully avoided oneits for the past two years before finally succumbing to it over the summer. It's not just that she was my only option. It's that I was going through a kind of uncertain time -- recently graduated again, looking for a job. I feel like this is a prime case of when oneitis...
  6. N

    Going out by yourself (Solo)

    I'm definitely comfortable going to a few local bars in my area alone. I'm already good friends with the doorman at one place (got him laid lol) and know a few of the bartenders, too. I wouldn't go to a big club or a new venue by myself, though. Usually if someone asks I just "say my boy ditched...
  7. N

    1 year later

    Indeed. I used to make the mistake of telling girls all about my problems looking for advice. Here's why I stopped: Let's say I told a girl friend that a girl I started dating said she'd call and didn't and this was a consistent pattern I was getting annoyed with. I would usually hear an...
  8. N

    was she making fun of my shirt

    That's a clown question bro. But seriously, she was obviously hitting on you.
  9. N

    Last night was the single biggest disappointment/discouragement to date

    How can it be the "biggest disappointment to date" when you said you rarely go out and dance??? Not trying to get all After School Special on you but if you're doing something new, you're making progress, even if you don't immediately get the results you were hoping for. Pulling (not just kiss...
  10. N

    Friend zoned at work, worst part, she sits next to me.

    How funny. I've said the same thing about a girl, probably several actually, in the past. At the time, I thought it reflected well on the girl. Wow, what a woman! She makes me want to get up in the morning, be a better person etc... Nope, THIS STATEMENT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. And to put it...
  11. N

    10 Myths About Introverts

    Very very good point. However, I think as harsh and judgmental I am of others, I'm doubly so toward myself. Back in the day, I often found myself disappointed in people... most of all myself. I've done a lot to improve upon this. I think one key has been sharing and investing with others. Not...
  12. N

    S**t Tests as IOIs

    These days I've been seeing sh** tests in a new light. Rather than being annoyed or discouraged by them, I see them an IOI. I see a green light rather than a yellow or red one. It means your foot is in the door. Think about it, women only test those who they already have some level of...