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  1. Victory Unlimited

    (article) Dating is competitive manipulation

    Yo JOEKERR, One day, my friend, you'll come to realize that not every man lives by that old Air Force creed when it comes to the types of women they accept into their lives. For many, it's FAR easier to "AIM LOW!" than it is to "AIM HIGH!". Any woman who views the PRIMARY value of...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Being an attention *****

    It's a character issue. Most Attention Whhores, male or FEMALE, are self-obsessed, narcissistic, emotionally masturbatory, borderline sociopathic, navel-pickers who have absolutely NO regard for the feelings of others. When the only thing you care about is YOU, and you want to get your...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    My First Date Ever...

    Yo Kizza, Always remember that you are not out to impress HER. SHE should be out to impress YOU. Put her on the "points" system. Everytime she does or says something you like, tell her "Hey, that's cool. I gotta give you a lot of points for THAT." And if she says or does something you DON'T...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Tyra Banks Attacks WoW.

    Yeah... I saw that show. To me, it's just ONE MORE example of how ANYTHING that encourages women to totally ignore REASON and ACCOUNTABILITY when it pertains to their relationships. The men are villified or setup to be the scapegoats. The women are portrayed as victims or SUPER HEROES...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Attraction is NOT a choice

    Yo Troops! I'm kind of on the fence about the whole attraction NOT being a choice thing. But what I DO believe is that the choice is being made on a SUBCONCIOUS LEVEL. And having said that, I think there's a hell of a lot a guy can do to boost his chances by preparing himself as the package...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    easier to get then to keep?

    Yo Em, I think you've got the right idea. Only through self-reflection, self-evaluation, and a willingness to make some changes does a person usually GROW. It's good that you're trying to do THIS kind of hard work NOW, as opposed to 20 years from now. Otherwise, you could have ended up...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    GF with small child, long term material or not

    EVERY woman has "Baggage". The only REAL questions are whether or not you can accept the "form" of luggage she has-----and whether or not you feel she is WORTH giving her a helping hand to "carry" it... If you answer those two questions, you'll see that guaging your actions SOLELY on the...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    What Women Want (In Pictorial Form)

    Sometimes, looking too deeply into a female's mind is like staring into space----It's often better to just explore it than to try and "figure it out." LOL
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Good girls don't exist

    Most guys who believe they'll never find a GOOD girl NEVER will-----Because they will continue to SUBCONSCIOUSLY do the SAME things that keep attracting the BAD ones into their lives...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Attraction Explained

    True. Attraction IS very important. And it's also JUST as important to MAKE yourself more ATTRACTIVE: Ammunition for Attraction: In this Battle of the Sexes, there are MANY fronts. The more prepared we are once the battle is...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    What is your end game???

    Yo Troops! SOMETIMES...The kind of women that we attract into our lives and the kinds of relationships we have with them are the result of the kinds of BAIT we are using as well as the VIBE we are giving off. For SURE, we HAVE to project a sexual state in order to attract women on a...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    The Marriage Goal

    Yo Francisco, The list that you just provided us tells us EXACTLY the reasons why most people make ill-advised decisions when it comes to marriage, career, monetary investments, and WHATEVER. The lack of self-reflection, or WORSE, the lack of even a desire to "KNOW THYSELF" is the root...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    The Marriage Goal

    Yo Faca, We're on the same page, dude. And I agree with your specifications on the order of things. The reason why I listed those priorities in the order that I did was because I was operating from the presupposition that WE have ALREADY mapped out OUR life's purpose BEFORE we allow the...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    The UNREAL EXPECTATIONS of 'modern' men and women

    Yeah, Unreal expectations are born of a PERFECTIONIST mindset. But the irony of it all is that in most cases, perfection is only a matter of the perception. What seems unreal to some may seem commonplace to others.
  15. Victory Unlimited

    She said I'm too nice -- why?

    Yo Double A, Yeah, I find myself not even WATCHING women's tennis unless one of those thick, thoroughbred, Assed Williams girls is on the court. LOL! And CoolRunning, Yeah. What I mean is EXACTLY like what JOEKERR suggested in his post. Just imagine yourself saying those things to her...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    She said I'm too nice -- why?

    ADVANTAGE-----JOEKERR! Sorry guys, But I just got through watching highlights of Serena Williams' lusciously thick ASS beating the hell out of some chick in a tennis match...LOL But anyway, Yo CoolrRunning: Listen to JOE and everybody else, for that matter. The overall problem in your...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Recovering married AFC

    Great Post, 2Cool! It's always good for us unmarried guys to hear mission reports like yours that give us hope that things can ALWAYS still improve for us----even in an established LTR or marriage. And since I don't recall seeing you here on this "Battlefield" before, I also wanted to...