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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Filmmaking/Acting advice and film reviews

    Yo Karma, I'm noticing a theme developing here. And the theme is POLITICS. But I'm not talking about GOVERNMENTAL politics, I'm talking about HOLLYWOOD politics---REVISIONIST Hollywood politics at that. Sometimes Hollywood, like some women, tend to backward rationalize and crown certain...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: Drafting ALL you Guests Readers!

    Yo Yorkshire Alpha, Welcome to the War, soldier! This is a battle that is fought on many fronts. The primary objective is agreed upon by MANY here as becoming a better, more complete, and self-actualized MAN. Self-improvement is the road we're on here. Improving your skills relating to...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    the old myth about women's sexual peak in their 30's

    That's funny... Whenever I meet a woman whose REALLY interested in me, I've found that all it takes for her to reach her SEXUAL PEAK is for me to enter the room.
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Scientists cure cancer

    Yo Troops, I really do hope that this cancer cure or ANY OTHER cancer cure goes into production soon. But I'm afraid what was mentioned earlier is true. The pharmaceutical industry IS more concerned with treating things FOREVER than they are with actually curing them. When I'm not on Sosuave...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Filmmaking/Acting advice and film reviews

    Yo bob2007, People rate Citizen Kane so highly because of the sheer scope of the story, the gall that Orson Welles showed in even making the movie (it was a thinly veiled expose on the life of William Randolph Hearst/Newspaper Magnate), and the use of symbolism used throughout the movie...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Text Message Carpet Bombing & the Ultimate C&F Valentine SMS

    Yo Troops! I like the idea. If it's successful, you can get RESULTS with minimum effort. And even if it the very least, you'll facilitate some closure. I've gone on missions like THIS before, soldiers: HOLIDAY TEXT BOMBS!
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: Drafting ALL you Guests Readers!

    Yo Francisco, In keeping with the CURRENT political climate: Consider yourself BACKDOOR drafted!:up: :crackup:
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Filmmaking/Acting advice and film reviews

    6. Halle Berry won a BEST ACTRESS oscar for Monster's Ball a couple of years ago...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    (article) Dating is competitive manipulation

    As Victory Unlimited sits in a briefing session with the Heads of State, he receives word of a surprise (naw…not attack on his right flank due to some random thread he posted on recently. His reflexes snap him to attention, and he is tempted to respond in kind (naw…not...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    The Far Right Of This Country

    Dude, I consider myself a freethinker. And I don't mean that in the noncommittal, God-less, indecisive way. lol I suppose I am more of an Independent. There are things I like and DISLIKE coming from BOTH aisles of the Senate and Congress. Case in point, let's throw ALL political correctness...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    The Far Right Of This Country

    Yo Martin, Your post reminds me of something funny I saw on TV over 10 years ago. It was a "puppet" comedy sitcom called DINOSAURS. Does anybody else remember that??? lol Well anyway, there was a segment on it where the Dinosaurs were declaring war on each other. Then one of the baby...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Ghost Rider

    Yo Karma, Dude! I was a HUGE Moon Knight fan back in the day when Doug Moench and Bill Synckewiez (sp?) were doing it. He was like schizophrenic Batman, but more literary and more philosophical. But as I said, CAGE is usually good for it, so seeing GHOST RIDER beat the literal "HELL"...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Ghost Rider

    Never was a big fan of Johnny Blaze, GHOST RIDER. But I AM a big fan of Nicholas Cage though. So, I plan on blazing a trail to the theaters and checking it out. Cage is USUALLY good for it, so I expect the movie to kick some serious ASS just because HE'S in it. But I find myself even MORE...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    push-ups vs weight training.

    I've found that pushups are a more full, upper body workout than machine weights. BUT...the free weights tend to be more exacting when I'm trying to target specific chest and arm muscles though. Never give up. NEVER SURRENDER!
  15. Victory Unlimited

    What Interested Women Do...

    Yo Troops! One thing I wanted to add was that Interested women are PERSISTENT and INSISTENT. A woman who REALLY wants to get with you will KEEP making her intentions known. She will NOT take a SUBTLE "no" for an answer. Instead, she will only be dissuade from her pursuit of you by a more...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    How easy can it be to get girls attracted to you??

    Yo Troops! I've found that one of the main components to generating attraction is by exuding CONFIDENCE. I've also found that confidence can be compartmentalized, and that it's situation specific. What is something you are really GOOD at? What are some activities that you participate in...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    messed up the first kiss :(

    Don't worry about it. LOL You're still IN THE FIGHT, soldier. Just carry on as if it NEVER happened and you'll probably be just fine. March on!
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Anyone else have a feeling that aproaching is like...

    Yo Ack, I see what you're saying. The only thing I would add is that if you had an UNLIMITED (pardon the pun) amount of money, you wouldn't place ANY significant value judgement on the time spent doing RECON to find more women. If you could take ALL emotional investment out of...