One day, my friend, you'll come to realize that not every man lives by that old Air Force creed when it comes to the types of women they accept into their lives.
For many, it's FAR easier to "AIM LOW!" than it is to "AIM HIGH!".
Any woman who views the PRIMARY value of the man in her life through the prism of OTHER female competition is one who is still very much IMMATURE.
To measure the worth of a man PRIMARILY by the CROWD that surrounds him as opposed to the CHARACTER of the man who stands at the CENTER of that crowd, is a formula that could only be used by the SHALLOWest of women.
And yes, I know that the number of immature and shallow women FAR outweigh those who are actually worth our serious consideration. But nevertheless, this the plight that a Mature Man of certain principles must face.
But facing a world hellbent on accepting mediocrity, bravely going to WAR with it, and being FULLY committed to the task of "beating the odds" in LIFE is what separates the Dreamers from the Goal-Setters----the Bitter from the Hopeful-----and the boys from the MEN.
A man/soldier whose looking for a more emotionally substantive relationship should not accept a woman like the woman who supposedly wrote that article into his life/foxhole----especially if he has become aware of her mindsets.
This is why everyone should save up and buy themselves one of those brand new hypersensitive, ONEitis-proof, Cold Calculating BIITCHometers-----like I just got from my friends over at The PentaGUNN Home Shopping Network. I haven't taken it out of the box yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll help me differentiate all the standard biitches from the Upgraded women. I'll keep y'all posted...lol
Now to continue back on subject...
A woman who feels as THIS woman does seems to be MORE in love with the challenge of getting the man than she would be with the challenge of KEEPING the man---surely the telltale sound of a Low Interest Time Bomb ticking in the background can be heard all the way back at Sosuave Headquarters...
If you're just looking for another woman to Fukk, I'm sure a chick like this will do just fine. But surely, to EMOTIONALLY engage a woman of THIS mentality is like volunteering to begin SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY.
How many of you here are "BETTING" men, soldiers? Well, before you put your money on a chick who thinks to the extremes that THIS one does, here's a
message I'm sending back to you from the frontlines:
She's NOT a safe bet for a SUCCESSFUL short term relationship.
She's NOT worth gambling on for a SUCCESSFUL long term relationship.
What she IS, is your BEST chance of successfully rolling a LUCKY NUMBER SEVEN when it comes to having a marriage full of ANXIETY, nonstop SHYT TESTS, and totally DEVOID of a true intimate connection between the two of you.
You see, sometimes "COMPETITIVE MANIPULATION" is just a fancy way of describing two people going through life trying to see which one of them can can JERK the OTHER one around FIRST!
You know, it just has a nice, politically correct "ring" to it. Kinda like "Contesting for Resources" does when it comes to describing the "mostly" female activity we affectionately know of as "Gold-Digging"...
March on, soldiers!