I want to look at a few dynamic in play here:
One, the attraction to competition or the women’s ideal of social worth.
Is the one motivator for attraction and the main trait of women that of competitive manipulation, or is it simply a small fraction of what is going on?
Now granted the above trait can be present and be a key motivator for dating to a % of women but to think this is the motivation force behind all interactions with women is simply shoe boxing women into one category and I know there is danger in doing that.
There as I see it many things women are motivated by, some fall into the competitive realm but some do not.
There is a girl sat near me at work, rather a chubby lady who is dating a very plain AFC none working Nice guy, is this to impress her mates? No not in the slightest.
As every women I dated simply been a means to ‘show me off’, come to think of it no, where they attracted by being competitive? From what I can tell I don’t think so, my last GF was attracted in a bar by us exchanging jokes! She had no idea on my background and was not even interested.
How do we explain the women that settle for poor guys, or plain guys that don’t have much to offer, to think this does not go on is paramount to putting our heads in the sand.
Granted having more options will cater to this very powerful attractor in women, but it is not the only thing going on.
I do agree with women look good for other women, BUT this is not 100% fact, women do get dressed up for there man and a lot of women get dressed in sexy outfits for the benefit of attracting a man, but in general yes women will dress up to look better then other women, there is a competitive edge going on.
No Attraction is not governed by internal forces for both parties, society plays a HUGE roll in attraction.
All one as to do is look back on older generations to see what men and women considered to be ‘attractive’, it was not too long ago men found FAT women attractive as it was a sign of wealth and health, now women need to be paper thin, see society and lifestyle plays a huge role.
There is also a huge attractor in the shape of women and that is how you make her ‘Feel’, granted a lot of women will get that emotional fix by how the outside views her and her choices and bolt-on’s, but there also women to the same degree and the same women who are still receptive to how you make her feel and the powerful emotions you can infuse inside of her.
This is what I think:
Lust and in-factuation are a product of the competitive Manipulation.
Love is a product of emotional feelings.
Granted Love can bread from Lust.
What am I saying.
To assume this is the definitive attractor choice in women is to ignore a lot of what’s going on, there is far more at play here.
Granted to get your aces in relation to the attracting women by competitive manipulation is a worth while venture, I think it is far better to work on the full package.
What’s the full package?
The full package to me is living your life by YOUR ideals and not what we perceive a women’s ideals to be! Develop and grow in relation to our needs wants and desires, build our-self our own empires, work on social connections and skills, develop understanding and learn (that includes about the opposite sex too). Then when all is said and done, have a mate to share your world.
I think to consistently analyze why women are attracted to men, then to emulate that desire and structure our life's around that belief is missing out on the full picture and that is: Women are very diverse, to attract the broadest range we need to become the man we have potential to be, not the men we hope women want to be with.
As for this women, granted she speaks a lot of truth, makes me think of princess mentality or Brat mentality, granted there is a large % of that in the modern female structure but still, it would be nice to think there are women out there that do not base her choices on a mate on if ‘the guy matches her hand-bang, or her mates shoes, or the guy would make a great accessory to my look’. Reading about this type of women, only further strengthens my choice on staying single as I would not like to think I ended up with a women simply due to what I could offer her in the shape of social marketing.
I don’t mind if the women is attracted to me in parts to what I have in the context of how it will make her feel in relation to an ego fix, but I would also like to feel the women was as much of a giver as well as a taker, the women in the OP seems to me someone who is rather self centred and self motivated without being concerned about the man or the 3rd party, one only as to look how she manipulated the man with the roses to see she was more concerned about her experiment then the man himself. I would like to think not all women are as callous as this one, I would prefer a women to be a giver and not a 100% taker, motivated on what she can get and not concerned with what she can offer.