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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Do you plan on ever getting married?

    "Do you plan on ever getting married?" My first answer to this question is NO. Because I do not have "marriage" as a goal in my life. Neither do I have an "exclusive relationship" as a goal in my life either. However, I remain OPEN to the concept of marriage if and/or whenever the right...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    common thread

    True. Because even if you blame your present environment, and you've chosen to NOT even try to branch out into other areas, then, in a sense-------it's STILL "you"....:yes:
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Mentoring the younger man.

    Cool update, Karma. It's a strange phenomena isn't it? The dilemma you spoke of concerning Brother J. I too have friends who KNOW better mentally than to fall back into the same old bullshyt they just escaped from, but somehow, they STILL lack the strength of heart to follow through on what...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    Yo Str8up, I may be wrong, because there's no way I can prove it, BUT I suspect that as of late, you have settled quite comfortably into the habit of ignoring threads that offer a different viewpoint than your own. AND...I also suspect that you may even be ignoring posts within YOUR OWN...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    what is the difference between attraction and love

    I believe love is INDEED real. I believe that LOVE is not JUST a “magical moment” that causes a chemical reaction------but more an arresting recognition of a unique opportunity you have been given to connect with someone who MAY prove special to your life. For only the blind, the impetuous...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The New Recruit Briefing!

    Yo Troops! From time to time, some of us guys from the Mature Man Forum will pop in here and throw out a lifeline of sorts to anyone who may happen to need one. We do it because we feel that it's a good thing to do...AND because some of the things we offer here now as advice are some of...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The New Recruit Briefing!

    The Victory Unlimited New Recruit Briefing: Consider the information you get here as WEAPONS for you to sample. Pick out a few, try them out, use them on a few FIELD MISSIONS, THEN decide whether or not THAT weapon is worthy to be added to YOUR arsenal. If not, then throw it away and yank...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....

    JOEKERR wrote: Some good posts in here and from ALL the usual suspects, of course. Nihilism, thing to keep in mind is that as unbelieveable as it may seem to SOME of us, many men seem to enjoy nihilism-----or at least, they'll tell you that they do, in order to justify...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    How does one distinguish between gut instinct and rationalizations

    Yo Troops, My experience has been that following my gut instinct (my spirit within) gets easier the more open I allow myself to be to the process of growing----to discovering who I am, accepting who I am-----then, FULLY embracing what I know SO FAR of my life's mission. I am in the process...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Does "No Contact" really work?

    Yo My Name is Nobody, No need to continue to beat yourself up over this, man----because I see you NOW realize what the real deal IS with this girl. But the thing is, now that you KNOW, commit to NEVER again making the same mistakes with THIS girl------or any other girl in the future...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Mentoring the younger man.

    Yo MikeYikes, I feel ya' dude... I have had, and STILL have those same kinds of interactions with some of the guys that I know. And age, is by no means an indicator of just HOW "AFC" some of these guys are. But the thing that keeps me reaching out is that I know that "I" used to be JUST...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Mentoring the younger man.

    Recently, I have been reminded that a greater sense of fulfillment can actually come not JUST from living "for yourself", but rather, by also living BEYOND yourself... So I was wondering if anybody has anything NEW they'd like to report on this particular Battle Front???
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

    Yo Troops… Much of what I see here on the board lately truly SADDENS me… What I seem to be witnessing here on many fronts is men giving up, settling for less, and waving the White Flag of Surrender. What I see in a lot of threads here these days is a bell tolling…announcing: The...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

    Merry Christmas, Soldiers! Peace on earth and goodwill to all men...AND WOMEN too.:yes:
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Stupid ring question

    Yo Deep Dish, I'm not aware of any secret code of jewelry placement. Nor am I one of the lords of the "rings", so I can't really help you BUT, I would say, rather than wasting another second of your precious life wondering about it, just find a way to pull this chick to the...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Sweet guy = bad?

    Yo Oldguy, I would tend to think that "yes", being frequently called a "sweet guy" is mostly bad news for any man romantically and/or SEXUALLY interested in that woman. The only exception I would think of would be those times IN BETWEEN SEX when she calls you that while she's still lying...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    people are good

    Yo Luther Rex and AliasGuy, No disrespect meant. Also, my apologies for any offense taken due to any misinterpretation of the spirit of my post. In my previous post, my definitive stance on this issue was actually left "unstated". Simply because my views on the subject are so far, shall we...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    people are good

    So...I see yet ANOTHER war of ideas rages on here... Well, I will enter the fray long enough to only say this: Whatever a man focuses on----becomes MAGNIFIED. And whatever a man DOES NOT focus on---------tends to SHRINK from view----from even his PERIPHERAL vision. For deep down, HOW...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    dirty talk during sex, any tips?

    Good catch, soldier!!!!:rockon: Seinfeld STILL rules...:crackup:
  20. Victory Unlimited

    dirty talk during sex, any tips?

    How about using THIS one after you've got her all hot and wet-----and you're pulling her thongs off: "Mmmmm...are these the panties that your mother laid out for you this morning???" LOL. Oh, and Big "PROPS" to anybody on here who actually recognizes where I "stole" THAT dirty-talk line...