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  1. Victory Unlimited

    dont make her angry¬!

    Yo JONWON, Thanks for the original post, man. And thanks for giving a fukk and being HONEST about some of the shyt you have encountered on your life's mission. And I hear you loud and clear too. I recognize that what you're saying is that men should always PROCEED into any type of...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Is watching porn cheating?

    Hmmm...I just read the poll results so far, and they're interesting. It seems that the majority of men here think that watching porn is NOT cheating, and maybe it's not. But let's talk about the potential "intimacy" issues that watching porn could raise in an exclusive relationship. Yes...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    How stupid is this?

    Blond or brunette or whatever...until you see her "sweet potato pie"... ...only her HAIR DRESSER knows for sure.
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Feeling after 3-some

    ...and from high atop a darkened mountain range, the soldier known only as Victory Unlimited peers across the great divide at a particular batallion of men through his Nightvision Goggles. And although he cannot see the men in the distance as clearly as he would like, what he IS able to...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    How much do you share with your parents about your love life?

    Usually NOTHING unless they ask...and THEN, only generalities.
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Move on?

    DjVelvet, As hard as this might be for you to hear: People in our lives are usually either ASSETS or LIABILITIES...very few are "breakeven". You have to do some "relationship accounting", THEN honestly and UNEMOTIONALLY decide WHICH category any girl you meet falls in. day.
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Women and the desire to mate with a high quality man vs. the need to settle down

    Good post, Bigjohnson. I agree with your assessment. And I was getting around to mentioning this myself, as well. But I just didn't wanna be the first one to have to do it this time...AGAIN. lol
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Update on the "Advice??" Thread from below...

    Wow... Yo KONTROLLER X, Re-read that post you just wrote. And do it SLOWLY... Do you have ANY idea how much your description of those disorders could also be a PERFECT definition of the "average" PICK UP ARTIST????? :eek:
  9. Victory Unlimited

    A womens Man List.

    Great post, LOVELYLADY!:up:
  10. Victory Unlimited

    A womens Man List.

    Interceptor, I AGREE wholeheartedly with you. There is ALWAYS a benefit to knowing what any woman you are interacting with thinks. And one GREAT benefit is that it helps you better calibrate what you are looking for in a woman. By exposing ourselves to the blatant truths within the female...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Have We Figured Out Why Women Need to...

    Women's emotions are like a "tempest in a tea pot": SOMETIMES, they are Much ado about NOTHING... You see, when some women get TOO full of emotion, it makes them emotionally nauseous, so that's when they start to vomit them all up on everybody in the room. And THE REASON why many women...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    A womens Man List.

    But remember JOPHIL, "SUPERFICIALITY" is the name of the game for MOST people these days. And sadly, it's probably the ONLY game that many folks will ever want to play.
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Women and the desire to mate with a high quality man vs. the need to settle down

    Well, something else to consider is this: The only understandable/JUSTIFIABLE reason a man may have for even "thinking" he has a biological clock would probably only exist in the realm of his own physical health when it comes to raising children----especially MALE children. Let's be...
  14. Victory Unlimited


    Yo AJTD, I think THIS is the thread Mr. Positive was referring to: It's all about walking away, taking away your attention from an unruly woman, taking responsibility for providing yourself with your OWN closure, etc. I'm thinking...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Owen Wilson attempted suicide [Merged Threads]

    Yo Troops, On the subject of Owen Wilson, let us not forget that comedy has it's origin in tragedy. And no one KNOWS the absurdities, the inconsistencies, the FRUSTRATIONS of life quite like comedians (OR comedic actors). It is probably this gift of spinning the paradoxes of life into...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Goddamn, smells like sewer rats doing tae-bo in your mouth!

    Yo Commander Karma.... ...I salute you and your service to us troops, sir! :up: Carry on.
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Sometimes I just think that God wants me to be alone

    Yo FlyingPanda, What you need to do is stop seeing yourself through the eyes of OTHER people (see----"girls" etc.). I would suggest to you to start a journal. In it, list ALL the things in your life that you COULD be thankful for "if you WANTED to". Then list ALL the things about...