ahhhh, gotta love these situations. a proverbial 'lose lose' scenario.
read through my past posts to understand this more. but basically the lose lose scenario is just as it sounds - no matter what you do you are f*cked.
if you dont reacte to her behavior she now knows that she can religate you to a tertiary position in her life and you will wait around like a good puppy dog.
if you confront her odds are she will (as 99% of women will) try to flip the situation back on you. accuse you of being unreasonable, controlling, etc. she may even go so far as to pull out the 'lets take a break' tactic - which is designed to scare the sh*t out of you that you might lose her.
even if you confront her and she caves and becomes highly apologetic, you've shown her that her behavior has a BIG impact on you. which feeds her ego and lets her know that YOU need to be with her more than she needs to be with you.
as i say, its lose lose all the way around.
so what do you do? personally, i'd simply stop answering her calls / emails. dead silence for a week. if she tries to force you talk by leaving a message at some point saying "are you alright? Im really worried! please call me and let me know you are alright."
simply email her "I'm fine. super busy. will talk later."
you basically need to do the silent treatment for a week or so.
now you might be scared to do this. you might think 'but but but... what if she gets upset with me and my behavior or not answering her calls? what if she calls me a jerk and says she never wants to see me again?"
that would be GREAT - becuase then you would know you are dealing with a self centered b*tch. remember, SHE is the one screwing with YOUR time right now. you have ever right to cut loose of this kidn of behavior for a week.
at any point, ALL she has to do to fix all this is start behaving respectfully. thats it. simple. she KNOWS this. you DO NOT have to verbally tell her this.
SHOW HER by removing your attention.
it may take a week but she will realize she has crossed the line and will apologize profusely if she really wants to keep you in her life. moreover, she will NEVER pull your strings again (well, until you get married at least