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  1. Victory Unlimited


    Yeah, I liked it a lot actually. But the guy is right about the motion sickness warning though. I got used to it pretty quickly though. A testimony to the filmmakers is that at the start of the movie the camera work is jumpy, but by the 15 minute or so mark, it is LESS jumpy. And that seems...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Get your free advice here - for a limited time only!

    Yo Commander LAST MAN STANDING! Glad to have you back, man. But I've got two questions for you, though: Number One: Where the fukk have you been??? The last time I saw you, you seemed to have had everything well in hand. We feared that you may have died in battle...but glad to see that the...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Life (and women) is sailing.

    Yo, I wouldn't worry too much about that dream, Interrogation Officer IQQI. You should only be concerned about a dream like that if you wake up in a cold sweat screaming: "Hey----you sank my BATTLE SHIP!!!!" ...oops, I think I may have just really dated myself...:whistle...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Life (and women) is sailing.

    Great Post MR. POSITIVE. ...and just as importantly, the spirit of your post lives up to your screen-name!:up: So PEACE to you, in a time of WAR, marine.
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Gene Simmons interview w/ Terry Gross

    I wished she would have asked him: "So what were you guys thinking when you made that groundbreaking, Oscar-worthy, 1970's, special effects, movie masterpeace KISS meets The Phantom of Central Park???" Now THAT'S the question that A LOT of us still want an answer to...:confused: :whistle:
  6. Victory Unlimited

    What SoSuave means to me:

    Yo General Karma, So he's shaved his head, huh? I'm sure YOU know that's only the beginning. You might REALLY not recognize him a month or so from Whenever you feel that Brother Able is at a point where he is ready to start delving a little deeper into the area of attracting and...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    The Art of Walking Away II

    Yo Troops! LOTS of good info in this thread. I remember it from back when I first discovered this board. A lot of indepth analysis and sage advice from many of our more decorated soldiers in the Sosuave Army. And I also remember this one too.... I remember WESTCOASTER as being one of the...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Rock Bottom--advice via Interceptor

    Good post Spirtual/Tactical Officer INTERCEPTOR.:rockon: And thanks to ALL you troops for thinking enough, caring enough, and being quick enough to SAVE it. Falling into DEPRESSION is like falling down a flight of stairs into a pit...and I KNOW that there is indeed VALUE in those of us who...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The New Recruit Briefing!

    Yo Kickureface, The primary objectives behind this thread was to first point out the potential trap that awaits men who mistake simply the acquisition of strategies and tactics with the actual accomplishment of INTERNALIZING the core things that ultimately make a man truly become a BETTER...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Feminine Males

    So...loving chocolate is the equivalent of being in love with a woman, huh. Well, congratulations men...I think Ducaro just reported to us the scientific evidence of the "cure" for Oneitis: If you can't get the woman of your dreams, just go out and replace her with a big bowl of chocolate ice...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    why mystery is a bad strategy

    Yes. I definitely agree. No soldier can win a WHOLE war while wearing camoflauge-----ONLY a certain amount of battles... Being the BEST "you" that you can be, as opposed to just hiding behind a mask of mystery is the most reliable protection a man can have against being devastatingly...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    What SoSuave means to me:

    True. Also, the proof of mastery in any discipline, whether it be driving a car OR DJing, is that you are willing AND able to pass what you've learned on to others. The fact that you have to be "able" to is self-explanatory, troops. But the reason I also say "willing" is because ONLY when a...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    What SoSuave means to me:

    Great Thread Karma! This is the kind of shyt we always talk about. Good to see yet another example of you putting it into ACTION. Each one TEACH ONE, goddamm it. EACH ONE-----TEACH ONE! March on.
  14. Victory Unlimited

    This makes me sick

    Joekerr wrote: :yes: Yeah guys... And I had two reasons for putting that question out there, too: 1. To see just how many "mature men" would ignore it and/or sidestep it------which seems to be the custom around here lately whenever issues of personal accountability tend to come...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Interesting article about sexual relationship behavior in Monkees

    LOL! Yo Kid Quick, I thought it was going to be about what REALLY happened on that Last Train to Clarksville, too!"
  16. Victory Unlimited

    This makes me sick

    This is indeed a recurring dilemma that this young woman keeps co-creating/finding herself in. Such predicaments, and the decisions that women choose to make because of these circumstances tend to leave some kind of significant impact on their psyches as the years go by... But men, if you HAD...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    Multiple personalities

    "Hey, I'm not insane-----it's just everybody else that's CRAZY!" - The Joker (From one of the better, old Batman comic books that I read a long time ago from the seventies...I forget which issue, though. :whistle: )
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Fat Women

    Yo Mr. ME, True. But I will say, that no amount of camera angles short of CGI would make her look as good as she does in general right now. lol So yeah, even if she is wearing certain kinds of tops, I've seen enough unfit women in person to know that the "fat rolls" on their waists are...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Fat Women

    Yo Friv, I have a friend who feels the same way you do about only being attracted to certain types of women (thin). He was voted one of the most eligible bachelors in America by a major magazine. After that, he got close to 300 letters, emails, etc. from women all over the country...