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  1. J

    Reducing body fat (aka "losing weight")

    Can you give me a list of what type of foods what. Like slow carbs? Never understood what actual food is a slow carb.
  2. J

    lol so this guys texting me talkin sh!t about breaking up with my ex

    Whats wrong with her caring about you? I know she might have stepped over the line a little but I'd rather be with someone that went crazy like that for something stupid then have a girl not give a sh1t...but that's just me.
  3. J

    Rushing Dudes Dj Bootcamp Journal

    That would be cool to play some tennis with you, I use to be extremely into that in high school. Funny though...I would play with my dad in the street just hitting the ball back and forth then got into tennis in high school. Then I got kicked out of but before that I really just...
  4. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Update. Friday I went and worked out like usual oh man ...other then that I didnt do anything kinda lame. Saturday I woke up extremely sore on the lower part of my body (thighs,butt,calves) due to my workout friday. I go about my day and call the girl from the DMV, she responds...
  5. J

    Bulking up, Christian Bale style

    Plus the fact that he's rich doesnt really need to do anything in between movies and can put his whole focus on either gaining or losing weight really is in his favor as well. Plus he wasnt in "Batman returns," That was Michael keaton....and I love that batman especially the part where he...
  6. J

    Bootcamp registration

    I'll sign up since I got kicked out of the other bc I was in lol. Jon-21 ....just want to keep learning basically.
  7. J

    Chest Fat...

    You might have "Fake," Gyno..... google it.
  8. J

    Workout Review

    I like 5x5 routine more then ripptoes, I dont know about you but I cant do squats and deadlifts in the same day, plus when you are suppose to add weight each time that means you are giving or should be giving 110% each lift. I dont know about you but squats 5x5 takes so much energy out of me...
  9. J

    Why the homotrend is rising

    This sh1t is getting ridiclious... I was just flipping through channels waiting for everybody loves raymond lol...when I flip through to that tyra show. They have the show called "Is gay the new black," An they have 3 people for pro gay and three pro hetero I guess and it is just...
  10. J

    If men and women are equal, then there should be a NEW LAW

    I think the law system is super biased. It's not "Blind," Anymore it's women first men second. Hitting women is bad and wrong but so is women hitting men it's wrong but the authorities will let it slide. The thing that has been in the news lately was that women that cut off that guys...
  11. J

    Chest Fat...

    Which means that after a while your metabolism goes so slow that you begin to NOT lose weight by not eating. But whatever do what you want it's your body if you think not eating is the key to lower body weight then fine by me later.
  12. J

    Looking for a good appetite suppressant

    Yes I know, but like I stated earlier people and this is the keyword you didnt read...."STARVE," Themselves. They DONT lower their calories they just stop eating by getting "Appetite Suppressant's," Then their metabolism goes so low that after a while they DONT lose weight and start to...
  13. J

    Looking for a good appetite suppressant

    haha true oh well, it still makes me laugh though that people want to lose weight by starving's pretty laughable.
  14. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Sunday outside the weather was 99degrees so we didnt have the party till after 8:00....had fun like usual with the family nothing to much to report. Then a couple of cousins took me to a strip club and bought me a couple of lap dances. The first one was allright but after the first one it...
  15. J

    Looking for a good appetite suppressant

    I agree with quick... best appetite suppressant would have to be food....GOOD, HEALTHY food.
  16. J

    Witnessed a guy trying an indirect pickup at drugstore

    Found this in another thread.... Guess your I dont know why you didnt wait outside and ask if he wanted to learn or wanted some advice for the next time....that' what I would have done anyways.
  17. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    Update... Tomorrow I turn 21 and I am going to have a party (Byob) mostly family and then afterwords I have some stuff planned for myself might go to a club just to see if I can hook otherwise it will be a wing day ...update tomorrow night. Oh almost forgot I hooked a girl when I was...
  18. J

    pLaYtHiNg's Improvement/Discovery Journal

    Take what I say with a grain of salt or whatever you wanna call it due to the fact that I am younger then you. Instead of putting stock into what some test says about you why dont you look in the mirror take a pen and paper with you and look at YOURSELF and tell yourself what you want to...
  19. J

    Want to stay young? Wear sunscreen!

    Wait that would mean that SINCE more people are wearing MORE sunscreen they would be more prone to be in the SUN which has already been shown to cause skin cancer. It seems they are trying to blame sunscreen by saying "Well since people are using sun screen a lot down here there seems to be...
  20. J

    Chest Fat...

    after 6 .....that means you go close to 14hrs without food .. That is a seriously long time without eating no matter HOW MUCH you eat during breakfast. I say do the 5-6 meal plan eat healthy food and at night before you go to bed drink protein or some milk and cottage cheese.