I went and bought a couple of items and as I was leaving I noticed the guy after me talking to the cashier.
"So I just saw a friend and she didn't say "Hi" and I'm almost positive she saw me and I'm trying to figure out what to do."
She seems pretty unresponsive so the guy turns on the ****y/funny with "So this is where you tell me what you would do in my situation" or something like that.
Cashier starts saying something about how that doesn't happen with her since she's the cashier and she doesn't know what to tell him or something along those lines, she seemed to avoid giving him an answer and maneuvered around it. It would've been really awkward for me to stick around any longer so I missed the rest of it.
ANYWAY, I just realized how much of a pain in the ass it would be to deal with guys like this as a cashier and how $hitty a technique this is. It was totally lame to witness and the first thought that would've come to mind if I was her would've been "Gimme' a f'n break buddy, grab your items and leave me alone."
a. The approach seemed week/creepy and cheesy as hell because he hid his intentions by asking an innocent question. I'm sure she would rather have a compliment and be asked for her number or "What time do you get off work?" So much more genuine and ballsy. As soon as you open your mouth to say anything other than the usual trivialties, she knows what you're after, so beating around the bush only makes you look weak.
b. The question itself shows a weak mindset. "Oh gosh, should I say hi to her or should I not, should I hide behind the tampon isle, should I...?" Be a man and figure it out yourself wimp!
Witnessing this in person made me realize that this indirect method is very poor. Just my opinion but I thought it might be a worthwhile contribution.
"So I just saw a friend and she didn't say "Hi" and I'm almost positive she saw me and I'm trying to figure out what to do."
She seems pretty unresponsive so the guy turns on the ****y/funny with "So this is where you tell me what you would do in my situation" or something like that.
Cashier starts saying something about how that doesn't happen with her since she's the cashier and she doesn't know what to tell him or something along those lines, she seemed to avoid giving him an answer and maneuvered around it. It would've been really awkward for me to stick around any longer so I missed the rest of it.
ANYWAY, I just realized how much of a pain in the ass it would be to deal with guys like this as a cashier and how $hitty a technique this is. It was totally lame to witness and the first thought that would've come to mind if I was her would've been "Gimme' a f'n break buddy, grab your items and leave me alone."
a. The approach seemed week/creepy and cheesy as hell because he hid his intentions by asking an innocent question. I'm sure she would rather have a compliment and be asked for her number or "What time do you get off work?" So much more genuine and ballsy. As soon as you open your mouth to say anything other than the usual trivialties, she knows what you're after, so beating around the bush only makes you look weak.
b. The question itself shows a weak mindset. "Oh gosh, should I say hi to her or should I not, should I hide behind the tampon isle, should I...?" Be a man and figure it out yourself wimp!
Witnessing this in person made me realize that this indirect method is very poor. Just my opinion but I thought it might be a worthwhile contribution.