I dont understand it as well,
I see fat people as lazy people that dont want to do anything about hwo they look and KNOW the dangers of their eating habits but dont care and go thru the drive thru every damn day.
I like taking care of myself I use to have horrendous eating habits.....I...
I was just checking before I took off and saw this post....
I wanna know one thing,
So she can sing cool good for her, I cant sing so I'll give her props but it's funny to see LOTS of people going crazy for this chick.
When they talk about her they say the world...
Well the night clubs can play whatever they want and since I'm not into the night scene I could care less....but when your playing it over and over again (I mean I hear the same songs every damn time I go) at a gym then it gets annoying...
Plus when I go I see NOONE dancing so I dont know...
I agree the songs now are trash the worst example was when I was working out.
I get there and its a girls song ok once its done at least it'll be rock but the whole Damn time im there it is girl song after girl song after girl song
man I am so tired of hearing man slayer or whatever its...
I dont think two girls going at it is hot...I see it as ugly.
But I dont know the whole pushing gay "Rights," Is getting out of proportion..
I was watching cartoon network right now cause of King of the hill and they had a damn commercial for a show on CN and they actually showed two guys...
Yes I understand that but he never gave us lots of information just that he wanted to get in the single digit body fat range.
Yes you can start to look at insulin sen and it will help but what good would that do if the guy is eating pizza and fast food every single day as well as like you...
....I've noticed that LOTS of people have problems with milk nowadays...
I started noticing when I got into weight training and see the forums at TP, and then just now YOU said it as well..
Lots of people are becoming intolerant to milk or at least not able to withstand it....that's weird...
HEYYY if your talking about me then FVCK YOU!!!
HAHAHA j/k, I could care less if your talking about me, all I care about is my big 3 and to keep progressing...iv'e gone from a 75lb squat to a 150 so that's pretty good for a "Pimply Dweeb," lol.
Oh and insulin sensitivity really? The guy...
Wow are you serious, starving an old women that cant take care of herself ISNT abuse but if you do that to an animal...you go to jail.....another example of this fvked up world we live in with some sh1tty ass laws that are suppose to "Protect," Us.
Plus shakes are bad? How come.....I've never...
The homosexual sh1t is going a little overboard, I mean EVERYONE is becoming gay or lesbian and it's ****ing annoying.
This is how bad it's gotten and I'm NOT lying...
I was working out when some guy came up to me to ask for my email to get tips on what he should do to workout better and...
hahahahah, some people take it a little to personal...
desert it's NOT your kid so why should you care?
I agree that it's pretty ****ed up but so what so's the whole damn world, hell I've been yelled at by teachers for 5 minutes straight in front of the whole class...did I complain? Ohh...
if your trying to get ripped wouldnt it be better to go on a hypertrophy routine instead of the one you put up which looks like a strength training program?
You say that you wont have the energy to lift heavy weight anymore cause your lowering your calories which means your losing weight so...
it SHOULD be possible, your weightlifting so your gaining muscle while eating healthy and doing cardio so you should be burning off fat....not that doesnt mean your going to see massive leaps and bounds but it should be possible.
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