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  1. P

    THE POLICE TASER CULTURE: Taser vids & Stories

    This guy has the right Idea. Being a law enforcement officer is a very tough job. You literally have to put your life on the line on a daily basis. I doubt any of you can say the same about your "stressful" job. I'll admit right out, I know a ton of police officers. They are my friends...
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    to this date, the only guy i've ever seen rock an earring and still look fierce is one Mr. T. unless you are him you shouldn't do it.
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    it's hard being an arkansas fan...

    the NCAA really needs to look at its replay rules. refs are getting more and more sloppy for crucial calls. when refs blow a call and it determines the game results, it's very disheatning for every one involve. i think we're all owed the opportunity for the right calls to be made.
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    Have you ever felt suicidal because of girls?

    Suicidal yes briefly. Over a girl? Never. I've never even come close to the notion of ending it all over a person in our around my life. There are certainly issues that have seemed very overwhelming to me but i can't put an individuals name on them.
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    is Tipping Mandatory

    I've worked in the service industry several times. Mostly bartending which I will admit is worlds away from serving because I don't have to do all that much other then talk to people and make drinks (and here in nevada you have to keep track of peoples gambling play but that's rare for everyone...
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    hot girls teacher

    my vote is none of the above. i'm fairly certian that attractiveness will do nothing to aid me in pursuit of education of any kind. at best it's a non issue because i'm that interested in the subject where i'm not paying attention to what the person educating me looks like. in the worse case...
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    Women are equal to men in every way

    Priceless but exact. Well done sir.
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    Case at school

    The whole idea around school searches is to protect the students. They can search your lockers and gym bags in the event you are under the suspicion of something. Maybe you're planning to harm some one else in the school or you're a drug dealer or working for one. Unless you're under...
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    Case at school

    If you're 17 then you should just get your parents involved. Tell them you were wrong for having your phone out but that's not grounds for invasion of privacy. I'd be interested in knowing exactly why a faculty member needs to know what's on a student's cell phone. Unless you were phoning in...
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    Do you swallow disrespect in certain situations?

    I feel sorry for people who disrespect others. Typically it's a display their inadequacies and lack of confidence. I respect everyone I meet until I'm given a reason to do otherwise...or am really drunk and actin the fool.
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    Why did I sell it?!

    My girlfriend is the sh*t at Tekken. She just bought Tekken 6 and I can't even touch her when she plays with 6 of the characters on the roster.
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    Why are singers/actors/athletes so "important" in society?

    we talk about them because they are a point of commnality in our lives. I'm not sure about the rest of you but just about everyone i know likes or has a favorite movie, sports team, song, painting, or whatever arts and entetainment the follow or take as a hobby in their free time. it also...
  13. P

    So that was halloween!

    Halloween never disapoints in vegas. There were hot scantily clad women every where I looked. I started out at LAX in the Luxor, lots of drinking and dancing then ventured to moon bar and rain in the palms. It wasn't all that memorable this year but again there were lots of girls wearing very...
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    The new Blood Sucking Vampire Fad

    I'm not sure that the vampire genre is a new fad as it were. The romanticised taboo of vampires has been in the public eye since the early 1900's. Half of the intrest concerning the undead is their abilty to seduce their victims without question. Recently there has been an influx of popular...
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    H1N1 has been declared national emergency over night (Oct 24th)

    Talk is cheap. Make like a tree and go!:D
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    Asking gf's dad to marry her

    I've heard of this before, it's really not all that uncommon. You shouldn't be nervous about this at all, in fact being nervous should be as far from your mind as possible. Obviously the father wants whoever is going to take his daughters hand to be a strong confident individual. The respect...
  17. P

    I have to vent (Florida v. Arkansas)

    yeah those were two really rotten calls. the suspension was well deserved since they pretty much decided the conclutions of the games. as much money as the SEC has you'd think they'd do a better job training their officiating staff.
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    I have to vent (Florida v. Arkansas)

    ...I was just commenting on the current ranking, not about how the season was going to end up. Though I will concede everything you stated there is true. If everything stays the same and the top three teams win out, the only sure fire team to go to the national championship will be Texas...
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    I have to vent (Florida v. Arkansas)

    I think Alabama should b ranked number one in the nation right now. They have the most physical complete football team in NCAA at the moment. They don't excell in any one area but they don't turn over the ball and play overall inconsistantly like the rest of the teams in the top five.
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    What are these 3 wheel vehicles people are driving now?

    SAFETY is the key issue. Anyone CAN ride a motorcycle but as some one who use to sell them I can tell you almost everyone crashes a bike at some point and the primary reason is loss of control. With this the probability of wrecking due to loss of control at high speeds is almost completely...