Well. I got NOwhere. Went to a party of about 150ish, never took off my dragon mask. I talked with a skater chick upon room entry. Then her, eh, boyfriend? (I don't think so, because she acted like she didn't want him there, go inbetween us with his back to me, so I just went and talked to some other people). So chicks are stopping in their tracks and touching my mask (I stand motionless) and one says, "that really looks mean." I think I was Really scaring people. Too many didn't put much thought into their costume at this particular party.
I'm on my 8th Gin n' Tonic and I basically start to get heated with the Owner (so he said) of the place. It started by him saying that the place I was sitting in was reserved, but Our people were sitting there, so I told him, his place "sucks balls" and boy did that piss him off. If I hadn't kept my cool that'd be one dead muther fvcker. So I just walked out to catch up with some of my group that had already left for another place.
At the other place, it's way more crowed in number and in density, and everybody knows about this place, so they have the best everything: dj, layout - 3 floors, a rooftop, a LOT of fat chicks, but a lot of decent ones. I have my mask off at this point so some thought I was crocodile dundee with the teeth above my head. I had a knife but didn't brandish it. I talk to some fat chicks, tell them I'll be back but never did. A girl (lonely) whom I've known before for almost a year (playing volleyball, dancing etc.) was following me as I wadded through the crowd, and she's Always wanted me pretty bad I can tell, But I think she's a drunk, an atheist, and I really don't want her, she's too short too but decent body and face, so I do an about face and walk right past her (by herself) and make my way out of the totally packed venue.
I give money to beggars, which people inside and outside my group Don't seem to like. They think I'm wrong. I'm just getting rid of the loose change in my pocket. Another semi-beggar mouths off about a guy in drag, how wrong that is, and I stop and talk with him about a minute on how I concur, that I became attracted to that dude out of the corner of my eye, and how sick that was for people to dress in drag, etc etc. People didn't like for me talking to him either - I think this has to do with making Them look less value when I give these people the time of day, but JESUS gave these people the time of day. I'm taught all throughout life to befriend the poor and leave something memorable.
So I go Alone now through 3 more different bars/clubs, and see guys get thrown out, pick up and carry girls out while onlooking frustrated guys fear or disgust for the woman's safety.
I'm really not getting much looks people are too drunk and women are not getting a good look at me, plus there are other guys there all over the women, some almost as hot as me, most not. So I go uncaught ZERO, nadda. No chick was strong enough or smart enough to reach out and catch me or they were too distracted getting plenty of attention from guys and girlfriends.
I should have stayed home.