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  1. P

    What are these 3 wheel vehicles people are driving now?

    Whatever man. Not everyone has the skill to ride a motorcycle (or a high performance sports car for that matter). I've driven a can-am and they're decently quick open top for under 17k. It's a steal for thrill seekers who don't want to go beyond their means and abilities.
  2. P

    What are these 3 wheel vehicles people are driving now?

    Why not get a can am roadster? They're much cheaper and tons of fun.
  3. P

    Getting Arrested Guide

    That was all 100% garbage. I've been arrested several times for multiple and it's never gone down in any shape or fashion the way it's described here. If you're ever arrested and you're innocent. Don't sweat it, just ride it out and if they're any questionable acts you can attempt to sue. If...
  4. P

    Kim Kardashian...Porn Star ? ? ?

    What rock have you been living under to not know that Kim Kardashian had a sex tape? I saw that piece at least a year ago, that's how she got famous.
  5. P

    What if your wife turned into this?

    Come on. If you're big and you like big girls then ending up with someone like that is no big surprise. The god warrior is even worse. It's like marrying a hooker. You knew what she was like before you married her and you clearly have no one to blame but yourself when you have over dramatic...
  6. P

    sports billion dollar business

    I like playing sports as much as anyone, but the practice, dedication and durability involved in professional athletics is truly something to behold. I watch sports because I'll never be any of those people. Anyone can be an athlete but when it comes to being a superior athlete or human in...
  7. P

    ugliest hookers

    I've seen crack wh*res much less attractive then those girls. Missing teeth, spotted skin, no hair. Those girls are lucky to be arrested, most low level street walkers have no souls at all. They look worse than zombies and I've born witness in two states. Still I'm hardly one to judge. Life...
  8. P

    Talking down a car salesman

    If you want a newish car go on autotrader and buy your vehicle there. Your car may not be new but you can buy one that's close to new. Or you can get good deals (unlike many people here I was a new/used car/motorcycle salesman) and find something used and good condition an customized. My...
  9. P

    Guy tries to pick a fight while he's trying to pick up my GF in a bar

    This is why it's good to have two things on your side. The police officers so you can knock people out without fear of prosecution and a nice set of brass knuckles. That's the formula for success! Now it this guy was drunk I probably wouldn't put lead to lips. That's just wrong because...
  10. P

    how hot am i really?

    Don't ask people from a mens site if you you look hot or not. None of our opinions matter and more importantly none of us care. Believe in yourself and make sure you think you're hot and the rest of this bs will work itself out.
  11. P

    Does anyone try totally direct approaches?

    I was uping a girl while her friends were buying stuff in the convinience store i was posted up on. While i was pitching one of our clubs, this guy rolle up on her with the direct "you're hot what's up?" line.She was about 23 slim and hot while he was fat, bald, drunk, and on the wrong side of...
  12. P

    Worst Song ever made...

    True f*cking story.
  13. P

    Romantic Comedies Destroy Relationships

    I was reading an article sometime ago detailing how bad romantic comedies are for women in general. They create this one in a million scenario where two people have a series of mishaps but some how love conquers all and they find their way to one another. So after girls watch enough of these...
  14. P

    Sunglasses at night? Cool or too duchbaggish?

    I wear sunglasses at night all the time. I prefer doing it while I'm driving and I make sure to keep my head lights off so it's even more fun:rolleyes: Seriously don't do that unless you're a coke dealer and it's your signal.
  15. P

    I'm a total fool

    It's natural to be nervous around women. People are nervous in situations that they care about doing well in. Composure will only come to you once you've done this sort of thing until you've got a routine and can see how to manage the situation because you've been there a sufficient number of...
  16. P

    Being a "Kept Man"

    I had the opportunity to do this but passed on it. I was hanging out with a very wealthy early 30 year old woman who wanted me to move with her to the beach in her house, was going to by me my dream car basically take care of me as long as I stuck around with her. Me being the suspicious...
  17. P

    Work Situation Advice: Manager's Shady-ness Caught in Action!!

    Why not just avoid the guy and buddy up with another ambitions sales guy in your office. I mean if you like your job and selling your product, then your manager should be an after thought. I've worked sales and marketing for years. There's always going to be something shady or someone you...
  18. P

    jesus christ, i am ****ing tired of this

    get a part time that involves social interaction. Preferably something in marketing or sales. Then apply some of these techniques there. You'd be surprised how much they have in common. This way you get away from thinking of gaming girls and social interaction as something you do and more of...
  19. P

    I'm a total fool

    I'm curious why you didn't just tell her what was on the paper as you were leaving? "Here you are, this is my number, love to chat with you over the phone, take care." It takes two seconds and is an easy close. On a side note if you really cannot remember your number, Do yourself a...
  20. P

    Pickup the waitress

    Cute waitresses are a low percentage pick up while you're at their place of work. It's like hitting on a hot bartender, they're usually getting hit on all day by guys and typically have a pretty long shift. It's defiantly hard to read their attraction level as well because they are typically...